Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 11, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Minister or search for Minister in all documents.

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ison, while the elder, 70 years old, was turned loose. Messrs. Kidwell, of Georgetown; Peale, of Alexandria; and Milburn, of Washington city, druggists, were on Thursday arrested and sent to the old Capitol prison for selling these parties the contraband medicines, knowing, as is alleged where they were to be carried. They were formidably armed with protections and passes from Major- Generals and Provost Marshals and with a certificate of loyalty as strong as words could make it from a Cabinet Minister. As a specimen of the correspondence which these F. F. V.'s carried on their persons, we extract the following memorandum of a visit to "Southern friends" in New York, from a letter to Mrs. Peyton, of Gordonsville: "--Sister, who returned from New York last week found that our cause has more friends there than she had imagined. The feeling against this Government is very strong, so much so that they expect to have bloodshed in their streets before Christmas." Suicide of an