Your search returned 18 results in 8 document sections:

r, Apperson & Dupuy, John Howard, Mitchell & Tyler, O F. Breses, Wm. A. Wyatt, Geo. W. Royster, M. T. Starke, Darracott, & Co., W. H. Haxall, John Dooley, Jas. S. Kent, J. R. Anderson & Co., Fisher & Shepherd. P. T. Moore & Co., Jas. Woodhouse & Co, B. F. Harris, Johnson & Pugh, Geo. S, Palmer, Bacon & Baskerville, Edward Novell, Wm. L. Maule, H. K. Ellyson, Chiles & Chenery, Christian & Lathrop, P. K. White, Jno. C. Page, Jr., Stebbins, Pullen & Co., S. McGruder's Sons, Marcus Harris & Bro., Watkins & Ficklen, George L. Bidgood, W. L. Waring, Goddin & Apperson, Kent, Paine & Co., Solomon A. Myers, Ginter, Alvey & Arents, Bridgford & Co., Johnson, Truheart & Vaughan, I. N. Cocke, Read & Jefer, A. Morris, Tardy & Williams, Waggoner, Hill & Aris cher. C. D. Yale & Co., John A. Glazebrook, J. H. Montague, R. M. Nimmo, D. Von Groning, Samuel J. Harrison, Edmond, Davenport & Co.,
der at 12 o'clock M., by Mr. Hopkins, of Washington county. Prayer by Rev. M. D. Hoge, of the Second Presbyterian Church. A communication was received from the Senate, announcing the passage of sundry House and Senate bills by that body; also the adoption of a resolution for the appointment of a joint committee to provide a hall for the accommodation of the State Convention. The House agreed to the latter, and the Speaker appointed the following committee. viz: Messrs. Saunders, Montague and Hunter. Bills Reported.--The following bills were reported from committees, viz: Absolving the State Treasurer from all liability in case of loss of coupon bonds deposited as security for bank circulation, unless the said coupon bonds be converted into registered stock, and prohibiting coupon bonds from being renewed in the future as such security; for the relief of the securities of Robt. S. Coleman, late Sheriff of Carroll county; refunding to Rufus Pulner, late Sheriff of the co
General Assembly of Virginia.[Extra session.] Senate. Tuesday, Feb. 5th, 1861. Called to order at 12 o'clock, President Montague in the chair, and opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Seeley, of the Second Baptist Church. A communication from the House was read, announcing the passage of a bill to incorporate the Berkeley Border Guards' Armory Company. Referred. Bills Reported.--The following bills were reported: A bill providing for the location of the Court-House, Jail, and other public buildings in the county of McDowell: a bill authorizing the sale of a portion of the Armory Grounds, and out of the proceeds thereof to purchase a site for an arsenal and quarters for the Public Guard, and to erect buildings for that purpose; a bill to distribute Mayo's Guide to coroners; a bill for the protection of the fisheries in the waters of the Potomac and Chesapeake Bays; a bill incorporating the Chesterfield Car, Locomotive, and Agricultural Implement Manufacturing Company; a
Bath, in the county of Morgan: amending an act passed March 31st, 1860, entitled an act to restrict the catching of oysters in certain months; authorizing the Clerks of Supreme Courts and the District Courts of Appeals to take orders of publication in vacation; amending an act incorporating the Lewisburg Female Institute. Committee on Free Negroes.--The Speaker announced the following committee on the above subject, viz: Messrs. Woolfolk, Oregon, McCamant, Rives, Eddington, Kincheloe, Montague, McGehee, and Martin of Nelson. Telegraphic Operators.--An adverse report was returned to the resolution inquiring into the expediency of exempting employees in telegraphic offices from military duty. Petitions, &c.--Mr. Chapman presented the petition of James K. Scott and 170 others, citizens of the counties of Greenbrier and Monroe, remonstrating against the formation of a new county out of parts of Monroe and Greenbrier; Mr. McDowell presented the petition of citizens of Boteto
or the people of Richmond by repeating the Lecture before them, at such time as may suit your convenience, and oblige. Your obedient servants. Saml'l J Harrison, John Enders, W. M. Sutton, W P Mayo, Thos B Bigger, R M Smith, David J Burr, J H Montague, O P Baldwin, J Adair Pleasants, Jas. R Chamberlayne, Wm P Munford, Thos. Johnston, J B Ferguson, J C Smyth, Wm S Triplett. Richmond, 9th September, 1861. Richmond, Sept. 9th, 1861. Gentlemen: I did deliver a Lecture to the citiznext. Respectfully, your obedient servant. L. W Spratt. To Messrs. Samuel J. Harrison, W. M. Sutton, W. P. Mayo, David J. Burr, C. P. Baldwin, James R. Chamberlayne. Thomas Johnston, J. C. Smyth, John Enders, Thomas B. Bigger, R. M. Smith, J. H. Montague, J. Adair Pleasants, W. P. Munford, J. B. Ferguson, W. S. Triplett. The Lecture alluded to in the foregoing correspondence will be delivered in the Lecture-room of Dr. Duncan's Church, corner of Broad and 10th streets, on Friday evening next,
Office Merchants'ins. Co., Richmond, Nov, 7th, 1861. the Board of Directors of this Company have declared a dividend or five per Cent., payable to the Stockholders on the 15th inst. no 8--t 15th J. H. Montague,Sec'y.
The Daily Dispatch: January 14, 1862., [Electronic resource], Contributions for the Alexandria Volunteers. (search)
nce, $5.00; West & Johnston, 5.00; Starke & Cardozo, 5.00; J. E. Burluss, 1.00; E. B. Cook, 5.00; Van-Lew, Taylor & Co., 5.00; T. R. Price, 5.00; Mr. Richardson, 2.00; Tardy & Williams, 3.00; David Currie, 1.00; S. S. Cottrell, 5.00; Wm. Ira Smith, 10.00; Mr. Darracott, 2.00; Miles, Jennings & Co.,10.00; N. C. Barton, 5.00; Wm. A. Walters, 5.00; A. Schall, 3.00; M. Latouche, of Alexandria, 10,00; Andrew Antoni,2.00; Marcus Harris & Bro., 5.00; W. G. Payne, 20.00; W. Peterson & Co., 5.00; J. H. Montague, 2.00; C. Gennet, 5.00; Juan Pizzini, 1.00. Total, $127. Baldwin & Williams, one dozen pairs socks; Army Committee Y. M. C. A., two dozen pairs socks and one case domestic wines. Norfolk $182.00. G. W. Binford, $5.00, George Williamson, 1.00; J. G. Womble, 1.00; S. R. Borum, 5.00; Warren & Billups, 5.00; Dr. Granier, 5.00; Rev James Murray, 5.00; Foster & Moore, 5.00; Cincinnatus Morris, 2.00; Wm. T. Harrison, 1.00; Jno. A. James, 1.00; C. W. Grandy, 5.00; F. W. Seabury & Sons,
Legislature of Virginia.Senate. Monday, Jan. 13, 1862. The Senate was called to order by the President, Lieut. Gov. Montague. Played by the Rev. Dr. Burrows, of the First Baptist Church. The President laid before the Senate a communication from the Executive, transmitting statements of Edward T. D. Myers acting Chief Engineer of Virginia, accompanied by an abstract of the certified accounts; also, an inventory of property on the various defensive works, &c. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed. The President laid before the Senate a note from the President of the Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad, tendering to the officers and members of the Senate the courtesies of that road. Bills reported. Mr. Coghill, from the Committee on Courts of Justice, reported a bill to enforce payment of balances due from Commissioners of forfeited and delinquent lands. Mr. Logan, from the Committee on Genera Laws, reported a bill changing the names of the counties of