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Among the latter class were the wife and family of ex-Governor Morton, of Florida, who at this time were sojourning in Washington. Mrs. Morton was known to be in sympathy with the South, and the unceasing vigilance of my men soon developed the fas in Richmond, ana he hab done sent fur de family. Is Mrs. Morton in communication with her husband? Speca she is, sah, I had learned enough to bring me to the decision, that Mrs. Morton's house must be searched, and under orders of the Secretarch were W. H. Scott, John Scully, and Pryce Lewis. Mrs, Morton received them very civilly, and told them they were at libsiderate conduct won for them the good will, not only of Mrs. Morton herself, but also of her daughter and two sons, who exprg the letters that were found, two of them were from ex-Governor Morton, to his son and daughter, requesting them to come tod sent him with a message to Webster, he chanced to meet Mrs. Morton and family in the car which he entered. They were depar
n. Where-had he met this darky before? Suddenly his recollection was quickened. The person in question was none other than Uncle Gallus, the servant of ex-Governor Morton, whom he had seen in my office at Washington, on the day that I had questioned him about his mistress. This fact was clear enough to Webster, but somewhat ow him; where have you ever seen me? In Washington, sah, replied Uncle Gallus; don't you remember you saw me at Majah Allen's, when I was dah libin wid Missus Morton? Webster looked at the negro a moment, and then, feeling assured of the friendliness of his interlocutor, he said: Your face does seem familiar to me; wg to fear from Uncle Gallus, he talked with him goodnaturedly on various topics, and in the course of the conversation he learned that he was no longer with Mrs. Morton, having been disposed of by her, some time before, and that he was now being used by the Confederate government to work upon the fortifications. Not deeming it a
esponse, and at last the old man blurted out again: Now I dun speca it am nun ob Uncle Gallus's bizness were dese folks am a goina, but Jemima! I didn't tink it any harm to ax. Folks dat knows Uncle Gallus aint afeared tu tell him nuffin, coz dey knows he dun got a mitey close head when it am needcessary. The old man was none other than the veritable old Uncle Gallus, whose experience in the South seemed to be very different from the easy life he had led as the house servant of Mrs. Morton. How he came into this position I am unable to say, but here he was, and the same smile of good-nature irradiated his face, as when his way of life was pleasant, and his duties lighter. Perhaps, it would be as well to state here, that the two persons already mentioned were Mrs. Carrie Lawton, a female operative on my force, and John Scobell, who has figured before in these pages. These two persons had been for a time employed in Richmond, and were now endeavoring to effect their journe
d of sympathizing with, or furthering the cause of the Confederacy, and whose papers had been seized, and themselves transported beyond the lines. Among the most noted of these were the families of Mrs. Phillips, of South Carolina, and of Mrs. Ex-Gov. Morton, of Florida, who had been residing in Richmond for a short time. To satisfy myself upon this point, I made extensive inquiries from deserters, refugees and contrabands, and learned, from a variety of sources, that Mrs. Phillips had gone to Charleston, and that Mrs. Morton and her family had departed for their home in Florida. Believing my information to be reliable, I felt reassured, and then the men were selected. While these men were making their way to Richmond, Webster was suffering excruciating pain, confined to his bed, and unable to move. During all this time, he was carefully attended and nursed by my resident operative, Mrs. Hattie Lawton, and through the long, weary days and sleepless nights, no patient ever had
s office, and the other no less a personage than Chase Morton, a son of ex-Governor Morton, of Florida, whose ex-Governor Morton, of Florida, whose house in Washington my operatives had at one time assisted in searching. The consternation of Lewis and Scu increasing apprehension, that the gaze of young Chase Morton was riveted fixedly upon them, and he had no douconversing together, the door was opened, and young Morton entered the room, accompanied by an officer. Stepp his bosom. Don't you remember, continued young Morton, it coming to my mother's house, in Washington, as as bold as possible, under the circumstances. Chase Morton gazed at him a few moments and then answered, de where they were, and directing his officers and Chase Morton to accompany him. A few minutes elapsed afterng day, an officer accompanied by an elder son of Mr. Morton made their appearance at the jail, and he, too, is to admit that they had searched the premises of Mrs. Morton, but each man was firm in stating that he had bec
Chapter 36: Webster arrested as a spy. a woman's devotion and a patriot's Heroism. Webster is convicted. the execution. a martyr's grave. After the departure of Lewis and Scully from Webster's room, where they were so closely followed by the Confederate detective and Chase Morton, my trusty operative heard nothing of them for some time. Fearing to make inquiries concerning them, lest he should compromise them still further, as well as bring himself under the suspicion of the rebel authorities, he maintained a strict silence with regard to the movements of his companions. Several days of anxious suspense followed, which, to one in Webster's critical condition, were fraught with agonizing doubts and heartfelt fears for the ultimate safety of himself and his friends. Resolving, however, to utter no word which would compromise them, he bore the solicitude with unmurmuring firmness. Only to the heroic woman, who so faithfully nursed him, did he unburden his mind of t