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Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 9: agitation and repression. (search)
means destitute of men of wealth and business prominence. Such were the Winslows, Isaac and Nathan, of Maine, Arnold Buffum, of Massachusetts, and John Rankin and Lewis Tappan, of New York. Scholarship, talents, and eloquence abounded among the delegates. Here there was no lack, no poverty, but extraordinary sufficiency, almost to redundancy. The presence of the gentler sex was not wanting to lend grace and picturesqueness to the occasion. The beautiful and benignant countenance of Lucretia Mott shed over the proceedings the soft radiance of a pure and regnant womanhood; while the handful of colored delegates with the elegant figure of Robert Purvis at their head, added pathos and picturesqueness to the personnel of the convention. Neither was the element of danger wanting to complete the historic scene. Its presence was grimly manifest in the official intimation that evening meetings of the convention could not be protected, by the demonstrations of popular ill — will which t
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 13: the barometer continues to fall. (search)
-and she acquitted herself nobly. She spoke about ten minutes, and was succeeded by A. E. G. Weld, who occupied nearly an hour. As the tumult from without increased, and the brick-bats fell thick and fast (no one, however, being injured) her eloquence kindled, her eye flashed, and her cheeks glowed, as she devoutly thanked the Lord that the stupid repose of that city had at length been disturbed by the force of truth. When she sat down, Esther Moore (a Friend) made a few remarks, then Lucretia Mott, and finally Abby Kelley, a noble young woman from Lynn. The meeting broke up about 10 o'clock, and we all got safely home. The next day the street was thronged with profane ruffians and curious spectators — the women, however, holding their meetings in the hall all day, till towards evening. It was given out by the mob that the hall would be burnt to the ground that night. We were to have a meeting in the evening, but it was impossible to execute our purpose. The mayor induced t
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 15: Random Shots. (search)
islavery congress both of the rival anti-slavery organizations in America elected delegates. These delegates, chosen by the older society and by its auxiliaries of the States of Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, were composed of women and men. Lucretia Mott was not only chosen by the National Society, but by the Pennsylvania Society as well. The Massachusetts Society selected Lydia Maria Child, Maria Weston Chapman, and Ann Green Phillips together with their husbands among its list of delegatesng in England, finding, on reaching London the women excluded from the convention and sitting as spectators in the galleries, determined to take his place among them, deeming that the act of the convention which discredited the credentials of Lucretia Mott and her sister delegates, had discredited his own also. Remond, Rogers, and Adams followed his example and took their places with the rejected women delegates likewise. The convention was scandalized at such proceedings, and did its best to
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Index. (search)
52. Martineau, Harriet, 94, 240. Mason, James M., 338. Mason, Jeremiah, I I. Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, 265, 280, 297, 310. Mathew, Father, 304, 305. May, Samuel, Jr., 325, 389. May, Samuel J., 90, 93, 94, 134, 166, 167, 179, 180, 186, 199, 245, 272, 289, 393. McDowell, James, 124, 125. McKim, James Miller, 149. McDuffie, Governor, 243, 246. Mercury, Charleston, 126, Mill, John Stuart, 390. Missouri Compromise, Repeal of, 352-354. Moore, Esther, 259. Morley, Samuel, 390, Mott, Lucretia, 178,259, 292, 293. National Intelligencer, 28. New England Anti-Slavery Society, 137-141, 200, 280, 311. New England Spectator, 282. Newman, Prof. Francis W., 378. O'Connell, Daniel, 154, 170, 171, 304. Otis, Harrison Gray, 35,129, 30, 131, 213, 214, 215. Palmer, Daniel, 1. Palmer, Mary, 11, 12. Parker, Mary S., 222, 234, Parker, Theodore, 121,349,350, 362. Pastoral Letter, 277. Paxton, Rev. J. D., 186. Pease, Elizabeth, 303, 331, 346. Pennsylvania Hall, 257-260. Phelps, A