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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The First iron-clad Monitor. (search)
t ocean communication, so essential to Washington. Giving the interview a pleasant turn, he said that it was evident that Mars not only wanted exclusive control of military operations, (Stanton had manifested much dissatisfaction with McClellan as General-in-Chief,) but that he wanted a navy, and had begun to improvise one. Having already got his fleet, the President thought he might as well be permitted to finish his work, but he must not destroy communication on the Potomac, or cripple Neptune. The boats purchased might be loaded and sent down the river, but not sunk in the channel until it was known that the Merrimac had entered the river, or was on its way hither. Whatever expense was incurred must be defrayed by the War Department. With this understanding, Dahlgren was authorized to supervise and assist Stanton's squadron. In addition to his fleet of canalboats, scowboats and other craft, Cornelius Vanderbilt, who owned several large steamers, a man of well-known energy
e Daily Journal. Wilmington, N. C. you and your readers are doubtless well aware that this steamer ran out of the harbor of Mobile on the sixteenth day of January, 1863, so I will say nothing on that head, but endeavor to give you a full account of what we have done since. Our first work was the hermaphrodite brig Estelle, of Boston, on her first voyage and homeward bound from Santa Cruz, with a full cargo of sugar and honey for the good people of Boston. But we consigned her to Old Father Neptune. She was valued at one hundred and thirty-eight thousand dollars. In Havana we received our coal, stores, etc. At daylight on the morning of the twenty-second of January we catted our anchor and ran along the, coast eastward, and at eleven A. M. captured and burned the hermaphrodite brig Windward, from Matanzas, bound to Portland, and just at sunset we sent the hermaphrodite brig Corris Annie, of Philadelphia, on the same (fiery) road. She was within two hours sail of her destinatio
have a charm for me. We may go down, or strike a reef, But the last anguish will be brief; The resurrection trump from sleep Can wake the dead ones of the Deep. Oh! what is Greenwood to the sea, A grander, nobler cemetery; On its vast bottom lie the brave Entombed in many a coral cave. Let the storm whistle through the shrouds, While over us are angry clouds; Staunch is the bark that bears us o'er Rough waters to a brighter shore. Capped is the mountain surge with foam, And grand is Father Neptune's home; I wish his shell by dolphins drawn Could bear the fiery poet on. But canvas-winged, and cable-reined Our ship her glory has maintained, While shouts aloud the sailor boy, She walks the waters in her joy. At last her toughened bones may bleach On ocean's gray and wreck-strewn beach; But what a nobler fate could be For the proud Eagle of the sea. Let the wind howl, and roar the surge, Aquila will her pathway urge, And time, with swift, but easy motion, Keep to the pulse-beat of
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., chapter 12.91 (search)
o protect his ship and crew. In justice to Captain Semmes I will state that the battle would never have been fought had he known that the Kearsarge wore an armor of chain beneath her outer covering. Surgeon Browne points out [p. 624], that the advantage derived from the chain armor was immaterial. It was a device that Captain Semmes also might have employed.--editors. Thus was the Alabama lost by an error, if you please, but, it must be admitted, a most pardonable one, and not until Father Neptune claimed her as his own did she lower her colors. The 11-inch shells of the Kearsarge did fearful work, and her guns were served beautifully, being aimed with precision, and deliberate in fire. She came into action magnificently. Having the speed of us, she took her own position and fought gallantly. But she tarnished her glory when she fired upon a fallen foe. It was high noon of a bright, beautiful day, with a moderate breeze blowing to waft the smoke of battle clear, and nothing
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 23: the War in Missouri.-doings of the Confederate Congress. --Affairs in Baltimore.--Piracies. (search)
er my hand at Washington, this---day of----, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-one, and in the Eighty-fifth year of the Independence of the United States. Abraham Lincoln. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy. Navy Department seal. These commissions :are printed on parchment. At the top is seen a spread eagle on a rock in the ocean. on which is a mariner's compass, the fasces and olive-branch, with sailing vessels-of-war in the distance. At the bottom, Neptune and the Goddess of Liberty, in a shell drawn by horses and surrounded by Tritons; and below this the seal, surrounded by a wreath, and military and naval trophies. while many masters and masters' mates were appointed from the commercial marine. Report of the Secretary of the Navy, July 4, 1861. The Naval School and public property at Annapolis, in Maryland, had been removed to Newport, Rhode Island, because it was unsafe, in the state of public affairs in Maryland, to continue the school
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 22: the siege of Vicksburg. (search)
ed, and all appeared to be going well for the Nationals, when the Confederate steamers came up, amply manned by a portion of Sibley's brigade, who, we have seen, were driven out of New Mexico. See page 188. Two of the steamers (Bayou City and Neptune) fell at once upon the Harriet Lane, Captain Wainwright, sweeping her decks with a murderous fire of small arms. She gave the Neptunea blow in return, which sent her to the bottom of the harbor. The only cannon on the Bayou City (a 68-pounder)Neptunea blow in return, which sent her to the bottom of the harbor. The only cannon on the Bayou City (a 68-pounder) had bursted, and it seemed as if she, too, must speedily succumb, when, by a quick maneuver, she ran her bow into the wheel of the Harriet Lane, held her fast, careened her so that she could not bring her guns to bear, and allowed Sibley's soldiers to swarm over on her deck. A brief resistance by an inferior force followed, and when Captain Wainwright was killed, and Lieutenant-commanding Lee was mortally wounded, she was captured. The Owasco, coming up to her assistance, was kept at bay by
justice must needs adjourn if a battle be going on under its windows. All our energies, all our faculties, are absorbed in action, and all questions that require deliberation must be postponed to a more quiet season. We cannot afford to listen. The only pause we can brook is such brief interval of repose as exhausted nature demands. Before justice can be done him, General McClellan must wait for more peaceful times and minds less agitated and absorbed. To-day we adjourn the hearing, as Neptune, in the Aeneid, adjourned the punishment of his rebellious winds, because of the instant need of stilling the tempest they had raised:-- Quos ego — sed motos praestat componere fluctus. Besides, at this moment a considerable portion of his countrymen have their minds barred against all arguments and considerations in defence of General McClellan, by political prejudice. To deny him all military capacity is part of the creed of a great political party. Most supporters of the present
bel batteries, driving off their gunners and completely silencing their fire. Daybreak was imminent; and it seemed for a moment that victory was alighting on the banners of the Union. But now two Rebel steamboats appeared, and speedily put a different face on the matter. Ably handled by Commodore (or Major) Leon Smith, heavily barricaded with cotton-bales, and amply manned by volunteers from Sibley's brigade, under Cols. Green and Bagby, they dashed down the harbor — the Bayou City and Neptune rushing from either side on the Harriet Lane, Capt. Wainwright; running into her with all their force, and sweeping her decks with a deadly fire of small arms. They met no traitors nor cowards among her chief officers. The Neptune was disabled by the Harriet Lane's return blow, sinking soon afterward, in eight feet water; and the Bayou City narrowly escaped a similar fate, barely evading the direct force of the Lane's crashing assault, which swept off her larboard wheelhouse. Meanwhile
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 15: Confederate losses — strength of the Confederate Armies--casualties in Confederate regiments — list of Confederate Generals killed — losses in the Confederate Navy. (search)
e Merrimac. Buchanan Hampton Roads 2 19   21 April 24 Gov. Moore Kennon New Orleans 57 17   Out of 93 on board, as stated by Commander Beverly Kennon, in the Century Magazine.74 May 10 General Price Hawthorne Plum Point, Miss. 2 1   3 May 15 Marine Corps Farrand Drewry's Bluff 7 9   16 July 15 Arkansas Brown Yazoo 10 15   25 July 22 Arkansas Brown Vicksburg 7 6   Out of a crew of 41.13 1863               Jan. 1 Bayou City Lubbock Galveston 12 70   82 Jan. 1 Neptune Bayley Galveston Jan. 11 Alabama Semmes Hatteras   1   1 Feb. 24 Queen of the West McCloskey Indianola 2 4   6 Feb. 24 C. S. Webb Pierce Indianola   1   1 June 17 Atlanta Webb Warsaw Sound   16   16 1864               Feb. 1 Boat Crews, C. S. N. Wood Underwriter 6 22 1 29 May 31 Boat Crews, C. S. N. Pelot Water Witch 6 12   18 June 19 Alabama Semmes Kearsarge 9 21 Drowned.10 40 Aug. 6 Tennessee Buchanan Mobile Bay 2 10   12 Aug. 6 Sel
it for its great elements of good — preserve it in the sacred name of liberty — preserve it for the faithful and devoted lovers of the Constitution in the rebellious States--those who are persecuted for its support, and are dying in its defence. Rebellion can lay down its arms to Government — Government cannot surrender to rebellion. Give up the Union! this fair and fertile plain to batten on that moor. Divide the Atlantic, so that its tides shall beat in sections, that some spurious Neptune may rule an ocean of his own! Draw a line upon the sun's disc, that it may cast its beams upon earth in divisions! Let the moon, like Bottom in the play, show but half its face! Separate the constellation of the Pleiades, and sunder the bands of Orion I but retain the Union! Give up the Union, with its glorious flag, its Stars and Stripes, full of proud and pleasing and honorable recollections, for the spurious invention with no antecedents, but the history of a violated Constitution <
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