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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Death of General John H. Morgan. (search)
and making no motion that looked like a surrender. The soldiers carried the body of Morgan to the street, threw it across a horse and rapidly returned to the main column, who were engaged with Morgan's command, which they routed. They captured two cannon, many wagons, and prisoners, and, in fact, virtually broke up Morgan's command. The forces engaged on the Union side were the Thirteenth Tennessee Cavalry, Colonel Miller; Ninth Tennessee Cavalry, Colonel Brownlow, and Tenth Michigan, Major Newell. So complete was the surprise and rout of Morgan's command that the Federal loss was but two killed and four wounded. Morgan's body was carried on a horse about one mile, where it was laid by the roadside, and afterward turned over to some of Morgan's friends, who came for it with a flag of truce. The body was carried to Abington, Virginia, and buried, and soon after removed to Richmond. Whatever became of Campbell I do not know. He is marked on the muster rolls as having moved to
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of General H. L. Benning. (search)
s the one most conveniently situated to execute the suggested movement. I thought it right, therefore, to accede to General Hill's request. Signifying this to Lieutenant Stannard, he went forward as guide, and I followed him with the brigade and the 4th Alabama regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Scruggs. The route was so well chosen that we passed through the enemy's picket line and got near enough to the road in their rear to command it before they discovered us. Before fire was opened, Captain Newell, Second Georgia, commanding the skirmishers, reported to me a battery considerably on my right, just across the road in a field. I moved to the right in the woods to get near it and seize it before it could run back. The wood was thick. I got the right of the brigade opposite the battery, and then ordered an advance in line of battle. When the line emerged from the wood the battery was gone. It had run back the way it came, having found out our presence by the fire which had opened
Surgeon L. C. Hartwell, Medical Director of the Third division. Before General Paine was wounded, he had succeeded in getting five regiments within three or four rods of the enemy's works — some of the skirmishers actually getting inside. Our loss on this occasion was very great — the killed, wounded and missing of Paine's command reaching to nearly seven hundred. A number of officers and privates (among them Captain Stamyard, of the Eighth New-Hampshire, Lieutenant Harsley and Lieutenant Newell, of the same) being wounded, were ordered in as prisoners, under threat of being shot from the enemy's works. General Paine was shot below the knee of the left leg, shattering both bones, but hopes are still entertained of saving his leg. He was not brought off the field till night-time, when his wound was dressed and he immediately conveyed to New-Orleans. While this was going on in one portion of General Grover's command, the remainder, if not so hotly pressed, were scarcely less
-six of his men lay dead on the field, and two hundred and seventy were taken prisoners. Of the number of his wounded I cannot speak, not being advised. My loss in killed and wounded was near one hundred. The part taken by my command in the two days further pursuit of the enemy was unimportant. I can only say that I joined in the general pursuit, and occasionally picked up prisoners here and there on our passage over the country. To the members of my staff--Captain Rice, A. A. G., Captain Newell, Topographical Engineer, Captain Hunt, A. D. C., Lieutenant C. I. Ward, Acting Inspector, Lieutenant Harding, Provost-Marshal, and Lieutenant Mayer, Acting Orderly, and the gallant officers and men of my command, who, marching over four hundred miles, through a country where subsistence was not furnished by the wayside, as was the case in the pursuit of the notorious Morgan —— subsisting twenty-two days on five days rations, and such supplies as could be gathered on our rapid march, figh
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott), April 29-June 10, 1862.-advance upon and siege of Corinth, and pursuit of the Confederate forces to Guntown, Miss. (search)
. R. O. Selfridge, assistant-adjutant general, and Lieut. T. G. Beaham, aidedecamp, of my own staff, have been untiring and zealous to a degree entitling them to the gratitude of their country and the favorable consideration of the general-in-chief. Colonel Elliott. Lieutenant-Colonel Hatch, Majors Hepburn, Coon, and Love, and Captain Kendrick, of the Second Iowa; Colonel Mizner, Lieutenant-Colonel Minty, Captains Botham, Saylor, Quackenbush, and Latimer, Lieutenants Reese, Dykeman, Adamson, Newell, and Sergeant Rodgers, Company C, Third Michigan; Colonel Sheridan, Captains Alger, Campbell, and Godley, Lieutenants Nicholson, Weber, and Carter, Second Michigan; Major Rawalt, Seventh Illinois; Lieutenant-Colonel Smith and Captain Patten, First Ohio, have well and faithfully performed their whole duty, and merit the highest consideration from their general and their country. The following are the casualties sustained by this division from Apri 24 to June 6, 1862: Regiment. Kil
heeler. After some sharp skirmishing, in which we suffered some loss, and did the enemy considerable damage, I moved under cover of a slight eminence on which Lieut. Newell, of battery D, First Ohio, had his section planted, leaving two companies of the Fourth Michigan dismounted, and in ambush behind a fence to support the artillery. I must here mention that Lieut. Newell did splendid service with his two three-inch Rodmans. Every shot was well planted, and he nobly fought the four guns of the enemy for over half an hour, when a battery from Gen. Palmer's division came up to his assistance. One of the gunners was killed by a shell from the enemy while s we moved rapidly across the country toward the right flank of Gen. McCook's position, leaving Lieut.-Col. Dickinson with one hundred and twenty men to protect Lieut. Newell's section of artillery at the cross-roads, northwest from Stewart's Creek. The enemy's cavalry fell back rapidly before us for some miles, When close to Overa
ugh he does not belong to my division, but being posted on the left wing of our skirmishers on the march on the Manchester road, I feel it my duty as well as take great pleasure in stating he is an able and .efficient officer. Brigadier-General D. S. Stanley being in command of the forces pursuing the retiring rebels on the march, it fell to my lot to convey and see his orders executed. Before closing this report it is my duty to make honorable mention of the meritorious conduct of Lieutenant Newell, commanding a section of artillery attached to my division. During the first day's engagement near Lavergne, he placed his two pieces on well-selected ground, and did great execution, killing three horses, dismounting seven, and scattering the rebel cavalry by his well and timely aimed shots. He has on several occasions displayed talents of the first order as an artillerist. It would not be amiss at this time to state that my entire command were short of rations, performing duty,
tlemen attracted to his standard by the daring nature of his operations. His almost uniform success, with the spirit of romance which surrounded his exploits, drew thousands of recruits to his leadership. Usually his detachments were small--twenty to eighty men. The names and locations in the group are as follows: Top row, left to right: Lee Herverson, Ben Palmer, John Puryear, Tom Booker, Norman Randolph, Frank Raham; second row: Parrott, John Troop, John W. Munson, Colonel John S. Mosby, Newell, Necly, Quarles; third row: Walter Gosden, Harry T. Sinnott, Butler, Gentry. Fairfax Court House, after Mosby's capture of Stoughton If you had said Mosby to the Federal cavalrymen that this picture shows loitering before Fairfax Court House in June, 1863, they might have gnashed their teeth in mortification; for only a couple of months before, the daring Confederate partisan had entered the nearby headquarters of General Edwin H. Stoughton, and had captured him from the very midst of
upation of Nashville February 25. Moved to Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., March 18-April 6. Battle of Shiloh, Tenn., April 7. Advance on and siege of Corinth, Miss., April 29-May 30. Occupation of Corinth May 30. Pursuit to Booneville October 31-June 12. Buell's Campaign in Northern Alabama and Middle Tennessee till August. March to Lebanon, thence to Munfordsville, Ky., August 23-September 6. Siege of Munfordsville September 14-17. Battery captured September 17, except Newell's Section, which participated in the pursuit of Bragg into Kentucky October 1-15. Battle of Perryville, Ky., October 8. Assigned to duty with Minty's Cavalry Brigade November, 1862. Gallatin, Tenn., November 8. Lebanon November 9. Rural Hill November 15. Hollow Tree Gap December 4. Wilson's Creek Road December 11. Franklin December 12. Advance on Murfreesboro December 26-30. Lavergne December 26. Battle of Stone's River December 30-31, 1862, and January 1-3,
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 6: Law School.—September, 1831, to December, 1833.—Age, 20-22. (search)
credit may be my lot, prevent. . .. I wrote a Bowdoin dissertation on the subject which I mentioned in my last to you as uppermost in my mind. I commenced one evening, and a fortnight after I wrote the last sentence,—some fifty pages. During all the while I attended closely to the exercises of the school. . . . Your affectionate friend, C. S. To Charlemagne Tower. Cambridge, Wednesday, Oct. 24, 1832 my dear friend,—... Yesterday, Dane Law College (situated just north of Rev. Mr. Newell's church), a beautiful Grecian temple, with four Ionic pillars in front,—the most architectural and the best-built edifice belonging to the college,—was dedicated to the law. Quincy delivered a most proper address of an hour, full of his strong sense and strong language. Webster, J. Q. Adams, Dr. Bowditch, Edward Everett, Jeremiah Mason, Judge Story, Ticknor, leaders in the eloquence, statesmanship, mathematics, scholarship, and law of our good land, were all present,—a glorious com
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