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Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 44
two-thirds of the able-bodied white men of East Tennessee enlisted in the Federal army and fought thuse had more aid and encouragement than in East Tennessee; while Virginia, on the eastern boundary, and Alabama upon the southern border and Middle Tennessee upon the west. How is this to be accountrmer in the division of the State known as East Tennessee and the latter in Middle Tennessee, MarionMiddle Tennessee, Marion bordering upon the Georgia and Alabama line and Franklin upon that of Alabama. The people of thesete's action! The first regiment raised upon Tennessee soil was raised there — that of Colonel Pete of the best cavalry in the service was from Tennessee. The Tennessee troops in the Union army arehe border slave States taken the course of East Tennessee, the war would not have lasted a year. Buthat he should meet his fate at the hands of Tennessee Unionists — the Thirteenth and Ninth Tennessd to Virginia, and from thence operated in East Tennessee. He formed a plan to attack a brigade of [6 more...]<
Arnett (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 44
ride from Greenville to the gap; but upon a recent visit to Greenville, those having personal knowledge of the matter denied that there was a woman in it. But, however this may be, when the news came, Colonel Miller and General Gilliam held a short consultation, and the command was ordered to be in readiness to move. At eleven o'clock that night, in the midst of a terrible thunder-storm, which fairly drenched the soldiers, the Thirteenth Tennessee moved out toward Greenville, by way of the Arnett road. At midnight they were followed by the rest of the command, making a total of about two thousand men, fifteen hundred of whom were Tennesseeans. The storm increased, the rain fell in torrents, the heavens fairly shook with rolling thunder, while there was no light other than the flashes of lightning. But the dark column of horsemen moved steadily on, and John Morgan slept his last sleep on earth. In so stormy and tempestuous a night he may have felt secure from intrusion, be the ene
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 44
through on the side of the Union. Singular, I say, because northward, in Kentucky, the Southern cause had more aid and encouragement than in East Tennessee; while Virginia, on the eastern boundary, was nearly unanimously Confederate, as well as Georgia and Alabama upon the southern border and Middle Tennessee upon the west. How is this to be accounted for? What strange freak made East Tennessee so loyal to the government, while upon all sides, North, East, South, and West, she was surroundedake Erie instead of the Cotton States. For illustration, take the two counties of Marion and Franklin, lying together, the former in the division of the State known as East Tennessee and the latter in Middle Tennessee, Marion bordering upon the Georgia and Alabama line and Franklin upon that of Alabama. The people of these two counties were identical in interest, and no argument could reach one that did not apply to the other. Yet, when the issue came these two counties stood as far apart as
Tunstall (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 44
thence operated in East Tennessee. He formed a plan to attack a brigade of Tennessee and Michigan troops at Bull's gap, above Knoxville. On the 3d of September he arrived in Greenville, his command camping near by, and a portion of his staff taking up their quarters at the residence of Mrs. Williams. This is the finest residence in Greenville — a large double brick house, not far from that of the late Andrew Johnson, but much larger and finer than any Johnson ever lived in, except the White House. It was built by Dr. Alexander Williams, who died a few years before the war, and, at the time of the tragedy, was occupied by his widow and a few members of the family. Mrs. Williams is now dead, but the house stands just as it did, and the surroundings are almost precisely the same as on that moist and gloomy September morning, in the year 1864, when the roof sheltered John H. Morgan the last night he spent on earth. I have passed the house dozens of times, but never without casting
Marion (S. C.) (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 44
though she bordered upon Lake Erie instead of the Cotton States. For illustration, take the two counties of Marion and Franklin, lying together, the former in the division of the State known as East Tennessee and the latter in Middle Tennessee, Marion bordering upon the Georgia and Alabama line and Franklin upon that of Alabama. The people of these two counties were identical in interest, and no argument could reach one that did not apply to the other. Yet, when the issue came these two counties stood as far apart as the poles. Marion voted for the Union until the last, when ballots were superceded by bullets, while Franklin unanimously voted to take the State out of the Union. Indeed, at the June election, 1861, there was but one vote cast for the Union in that county! And so furious were the people in the cause that they held a sort of convention, passed a so-called ordinance of secession, and declared Franklin county out of the Union in advance of the State's action! The fi
Michigan (Michigan, United States) (search for this): chapter 44
y the Tenth Michigan. This brigade killed the great raider, and effectually broke up and scattered his command. In the garden of Mrs. Williams, in Greenville, Tennessee, a plain stone is set on the spot where Morgan fell. After his marvelous escape from the Ohio Penitentiary, he reorganized his command and entered Kentucky again. The expedition was unfortunate, and he returned to Virginia, and from thence operated in East Tennessee. He formed a plan to attack a brigade of Tennessee and Michigan troops at Bull's gap, above Knoxville. On the 3d of September he arrived in Greenville, his command camping near by, and a portion of his staff taking up their quarters at the residence of Mrs. Williams. This is the finest residence in Greenville — a large double brick house, not far from that of the late Andrew Johnson, but much larger and finer than any Johnson ever lived in, except the White House. It was built by Dr. Alexander Williams, who died a few years before the war, and, at th
Franklin County, Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 44
ering upon the Cotton States, and allied to them by every interest, yet taking up arms for the Union with as much alacrity as though she bordered upon Lake Erie instead of the Cotton States. For illustration, take the two counties of Marion and Franklin, lying together, the former in the division of the State known as East Tennessee and the latter in Middle Tennessee, Marion bordering upon the Georgia and Alabama line and Franklin upon that of Alabama. The people of these two counties were idee Union. Indeed, at the June election, 1861, there was but one vote cast for the Union in that county! And so furious were the people in the cause that they held a sort of convention, passed a so-called ordinance of secession, and declared Franklin county out of the Union in advance of the State's action! The first regiment raised upon Tennessee soil was raised there — that of Colonel Peter Turney--which hurried off to Virginia, twelve hundred strong, before the State had formally seceded.
Greenville, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 44
hands of Tennessee Unionists — the Thirteenth and Ninth Tennessee Cavalry regiments, aided by the Tenth Michigan. This brigade killed the great raider, and effectually broke up and scattered his command. In the garden of Mrs. Williams, in Greenville, Tennessee, a plain stone is set on the spot where Morgan fell. After his marvelous escape from the Ohio Penitentiary, he reorganized his command and entered Kentucky again. The expedition was unfortunate, and he returned to Virginia, and from th Whatever became of Campbell I do not know. He is marked on the muster rolls as having moved to Ohio. Immediately after the victory, he was promoted to second lieutenant in Company E, same regiment, by General Order No. 95, which states that the promotion is made as a reward for his gallantry in the engagement at Greenville, Tennessee, on the 4th instant, and for his success in arresting, by an accurate shot, the flight of General John H. Morgan, one of our country's most prominent enemies.
Ohio (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 44
alry regiments into the Union army and eight infantry regiments. Of this number twelve were organized as cavalry and the rest as mounted infantry, which is the same. In this there is no account taken of the Tennesseeans who enlisted in Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois regiments, of whom there were thousands. The policy of the government in mounting so large a proportion of the Tennessee troops was to get the benefit of their gallant horsemanship. Accustomed from early youth to horsebackf Morgan's friends, who came for it with a flag of truce. The body was carried to Abington, Virginia, and buried, and soon after removed to Richmond. Whatever became of Campbell I do not know. He is marked on the muster rolls as having moved to Ohio. Immediately after the victory, he was promoted to second lieutenant in Company E, same regiment, by General Order No. 95, which states that the promotion is made as a reward for his gallantry in the engagement at Greenville, Tennessee, on the 4t
Greenville (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 44
ssee and Michigan troops at Bull's gap, above Knoxville. On the 3d of September he arrived in Greenville, his command camping near by, and a portion of his staff taking up their quarters at the residence of Mrs. Williams. This is the finest residence in Greenville — a large double brick house, not far from that of the late Andrew Johnson, but much larger and finer than any Johnson ever lived in,man brought him the news, and many pictures have been painted of her rapid horseback ride from Greenville to the gap; but upon a recent visit to Greenville, those having personal knowledge of the mattGreenville, those having personal knowledge of the matter denied that there was a woman in it. But, however this may be, when the news came, Colonel Miller and General Gilliam held a short consultation, and the command was ordered to be in readiness to me thunder-storm, which fairly drenched the soldiers, the Thirteenth Tennessee moved out toward Greenville, by way of the Arnett road. At midnight they were followed by the rest of the command, making
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