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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial Paragraphs. (search)
ave original Mss. which they are unwilling to part with, we would be very glad to take charge of them until copies could be made, both for our Society and the War Department, when they could be returned to the owners. The yellow fever scourge has excited wide sympathy, and the response to appeals for help has been general and liberal. We have been especially touched by an appeal from the Louisiana Division of the Army of Northern Virginia Association. This organization (of which Governor Nichols is President) is striving to help its members or their families, who are in need because of this fearful malady, and surely their comrades everywhere will esteem it a privilege to aid them in their noble work. The Virginia Division, Army of Northern Virginia, are moving in the matter, and we appeal to all who may read this to send a contribution. Remittances may be made direct to John H. Murray, Treasurer, 155 Canal Street, New Orleans, or, if more convenient, we will cheerfully rec
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.), Brigadier-Generals of the Confederate States Army, alphabetically arranged. (search)
and the 8th Louisiana battalion. 314Munford, Thomas T.VirginiaGen. R. E. LeeNov., 1864.Nov., 1864.  Brigade composed of the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th Virginia regiments cavalry and the Maryland battalion of cavalry, Army of Northern Virginia. 315Nelson, AllisonTexasGen. T. H. HolmesSept. 26, 1862.Sept. 12, 1862.Sept. 26, 1862. Died at camp near Austin, Texas, October 7, 1862; brigade composed of the 10th regiment Texas infantry and the 15th, 17th and 18th regiments Texas cavalry. 316Nichols, Francis T.LouisianaGen. R. E. LeeOct. 14, 1862.Oct. 14, 1862.April 22, 1863. Commanding District of Lynchburg, Virginia; brigade, at the Battle of Chancellorsville, composed of the 1st, 2d, 10th, 14th and 15th Louisiana regiments, Trimble's division, Army of Northern Virginia. 317O'Neal, E. A.Alabama     Commanding Rodes' brigade, composed of the 3d, 5th, 6th, 12th and 26th Alabama regiments, D. H. Hill's division, Army of Northern Virginia. 318Page, R. L.VirginiaGen. D. H. MauryMarch 7, 186
nt husband, and shelter for herself and child, a lovely boy of three years, who was thence transferred to the arms of the Good Shepherd. Sad, indeed, were the hearts of the little band of women gathered at the Refuge. The trials of the bereaved wife and mother were indeed sore and hard to be borne, but she could go to the graves of her dead and there pray for faith to look upward, where she knew her treasures were safe for time and for eternity. Under the same roof the wife of General Francis T. Nichols passed days and nights of agonizing suspense. Her husband was wounded and a prisoner. She knew he had suffered amputation of an arm, but could learn nothing more. Rumors were fearful enough to distress the young wife, whose trembling heart was filled with foreboding. Every few days reports that seemed true startled her,—he was dead. Alas! it might be true, for how could he live in the midst of enemies to whom his high spirit would not bend, wounded, suffering, deprived of the
w hundred yards in front, suggests ideas of comfort which are fully realized upon a closer investigation. The rooms are delightfully situated (opening upon a shaded gallery), perfectly ventilated, and very cool, furnished with iron bedsteads, comfortable and cleanly bedding, wardrobes or bureaus, and washstands. The library and reception-room is a charming nook, embellished with many gifts from loving hands. Immediately opposite the entrance is placed an excellent portrait of General Francis T. Nichols, a hero whom all (Louisianians especially) delight to honor. From the bloody battle-fields of Northern Virginia he brought back a mangled and shattered body, but enough to hold and enshrine a powerful, active brain, and a heart as brave and generous as ever beat in human bosom. He is idolized by his comrades and beloved by us all. By a unanimous vote of the board of directors the home has been called Camp Nichols, and from a gracefully-proportioned flag-staff, placed directly i
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial Paragraphs. (search)
ropriated, to be paid on the warrant of the President of said Board of Directors. Be it further enacted, etc., That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage. R. N. Ogden, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Geo. L. Walton, President pro tern of the Senate. Approved June 30, 1882. S. D. McENERY, Governor of the State of Louisiana. A true copy: will A. Strong, Secretary of State. The Board of Directors as at present constituted are: Army of Northern Virginia—Francis T. Nichols, President; John H. Murray, Louis Prados, John J. Fitzpatrick, John W. T. Leech. Treasurer, John H. Murray. Army of Tennessee—J. A. Chalaron, John Augustin, A. J. Lewis, W. H. Rogers, R. Lambert. A. J. Lewis, Secretary. We need scarcely add that under such management the success of the Home is already an assured fact. All honor to our Louisiana Confederates! renewals are always in order, and very much so just at this time. We have on our books a number of names whose time is ou
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Lee's Lieutenants. (search)
ane, Texas. Joseph H. Lewis, Kentucky. W. G. Lewis, North Carolina. William McComb, Gordonsville, Va. Samuel McGowan, Abbeville, S. C. John T. Morgan, United States Senate. T. T. Munford, Lynchburg, Va. H. B. Mabry, Texas. W. W. Mackall, Warrenton, Va. George Maney, Nashville, Tenn. James G. Martin, North Carolina. John McCausland, West Virginia. Henry E. McCulloch, Texas. W. R. Miles, Mississippi. William Miller, Florida. John C. Moore, Texas. Francis T. Nichols, New Orleans. E. A. O'Neal, Montgomery, Ala. R. L. Page, Norfolk, Va. W. H. Payne, Warrenton, Va. W. F. Perry, Glendale, Ky. Roger A. Pryor, New York. Lucius E. Polk, Tennessee. J. B. Palmer, Tennessee. W. H. Parsons, Texas. N. B. Pearce, Arkansas. E. W. Pettus, Selma, Ala. Albert Pike, Washington, D. C. W. A. Quarles, Clarksville. Tenn. B. H. Robertson, Washington, D. C. F. H. Robertson, Austin, Tex. J. B. Robertson, Waco, Tex. Daniel Ruggles, Fredericksbu
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.4 (search)
ginia. Robert Lowry, Jackson, Mississippi. Joseph H. Lewis, Kentucky. W. G. Lewis, Tarboro, North Carolina. William McComb, Gordonsville, Virginia. Samuel McGowan, Abbeville, South Carolina. John T. Morgan, United States Senate. T. T. Munford, Lynchburg, Virginia. George Maney, Nashville. John McCausland, West Virginia. Henry E. McCullock, Texas. W. R. Miles, Mississippi. William Miller, Florida. B. McGlathan, Savannah, Georgia. John C. Moore, Texas. Francis T. Nichols, New Orleans, Louisiana. R. L. Page, Norfolk, Virginia. W. H. Payne, Warrenton, Virginia. W. F. Perry, Glendale, Kentucky. Roger A. Pryor, New York City. Lucius E. Polk, Ashwood, Tennessee. W. H. Parsons, Texas. N. B. Pearce, Arkansas. E. W. Pettus, Selma, Alabama. W. A. Quarles, Clarkesville, Tennessee. B. H. Robertson, Washington, D. C. F. H. Robertson, Waco, Texas. Daniel Ruggles, Fredericksburg, Virginia. George W. Rains, Augusta, Florida. D. H. Reynolds, Ar
Commandant of the Post at Lynchburg. --Brigadier General Francis T. Nichols, of Louisiana, has been appointed Commandant of the Post at Lynchburg, Va., vice Colonel Maurice S. Langhorne, and has entered on the discharge of his duties. The gallant General is incapacitated for service in the field, having lost both a leg and an arm in battle.