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Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General R. E. Bodes' report of the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
luable and distinguished company officers, whose names will be found in the tabular statements appended to reports of brigade commanders. My staff officers, Major H. A. Whiting, Major Green Peyton, Captain W. A. Harris, Captain M. L. Randolph (the two last named officers attached to the division as chiefs of ordnance and of the signal corps respectively, voluntarily serving in the field during the battle with distinguished ability and courage), Lieutenants Hutchinson and Arrington, Captain D. D. Peden, acting A. I. General, and Surgeon W. S. Mitchell, all did their duty nobly during the whole campaign, and deserve mine and the country's warmest thanks for their services. Major Julian Mitchell, acting division commissary (Major Adams having been taken sick at Culpeper courthouse), discharged the duties of his arduous position with an energy and capacity I have never seen equaled. The appendix marked A will show the strength and the loss of each brigade at Gettysburg. Appendix B
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 2: (search)
, in the spring of 1864. Lieutenant-Colonel Conner was succeeded by Abner Snead, T. B. Scott (killed), Willis A. Hawkins, Mark H. Blanford and J. Hardeman. When Major Hawkins was promoted to lieutenant-colonel, he was succeeded by Edward Willis Hardeman and J. T. Carson. The first captain of Company A was succeeded by Lieut. Samuel Dawson, and he on his death in action by S. G. Prior. Captain Hardeman was followed by Joseph N. Beall; McMullen (killed) by T. W. Harris; Furlow (killed) by D. D. Peden; Scott by James A. Whitesider; William F. Brown (killed), by James Everett; Davis (died) by A. S. Reid; Rodgers by Oliver T. Evans; Patterson (killed) by James M. Briggs, and Blanford (promoted) by R. McMichael. James Deshler, adjutant of the brigade, became brigadier-general, and fell gallantly leading a brigade in Cleburne's division at Chickamauga. When the Thirteenth regiment of Georgia volunteers was organized, Walker Ector was made colonel; Marcellus Douglass, lieutenant-colone