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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.24 (search)
red to report to S. H. Stout for duty with Post-Surgeon at Chattanooga. Peebles, Wm. H., Assistant Surgeon, appointed by Secretary of War to rank from July 23, ‘62. Dec. 31, ‘62, Dalton, Ga. Prewitt, T. E., Assistant Surgeon, appointed by Secretary of War to rank from July 31, ‘62. Passed Board July 30, ‘62. Dec. 31, ‘62, 12th Tennessee, Jan. 30, ‘64, 12th and 47th Tennessee. Perryman, J. L. D., Assistant Surgeon. Passed Board Nov. 30, ‘62. Dec. 31, ‘62, 2nd Georgia Cavalry. Pendleton, John E., Surgeon. Com. July 4, ‘62. Dec. 31, ‘62, Medical Inspector Breckinridge's Division. Feb. 28, ‘63, left in Murfreesboro. April 22, ‘63, ordered to report to General Martin as Chief-Surgeon Division. Perry, R. J., Assistant Surgeon, appointed by Secretary of War to rank from July 23, ‘62. Dec. 31, ‘62, reported to Medical-Director Foard at Murfreesboro, and ordered to report to Surgeon Terry, Wither's Division. Peeples, Pinckney Washington, Assistant S
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.26 (search)
Hill. On the 20th Early took position at Fisher's Hill, and on the 22d Sheridan again attacked him, Crook's Corps getting in rear of his left flank and his whole army retiring in conclusion. But the artillery again distinguished itself by great courage, fighting to the last, and Early had to ride to some of them and order withdrawal of their guns before they would move. Their pertinacity in holding out led to the loss of eleven guns. Otherwise the loss was not great, but Lieutenant-Colonel A. S. Pendleton, the distinguished and gallant adjutant-General of the corps, who had served so long with Jackson, Ewell and Early, fell mortally wounded, leaving a vacuum which it was indeed difficult to supply. Early slowly retired down the Valley to Rude's Hill, between Mount Jackson and New Market, in line of battle, checking the enemy as he advanced, the troops behaving admirably. Sheridan's Cavalry followed as far as Staunton, but Early had simply stepped aside to Port Republic, while
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Historical sketch of the Rockbridge artillery, C. S. Army, by a member of the famous battery. (search)
heir eyes open and their forms from sinking into torpid slumber. About the climax of the concentrated and combined Federal fire, there was witnessed a notable exhibition of daring and loving regard. Whilst the fire of the Federals upon the section of the Rockbridge Artillery was fiercest, and when its gun had been blown from position, and all serving it lay about it writhing in the rigors of death struggles, an officer of the staff of General Stonewall Jackson (who was stated to be Major A. S. Pendleton, subsequently promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel, son of General William N. Pendleton, former commandant of the battery, and known familiarly to many of its membership as Sandy), rode at full tilt to the fated point, and throwing himself from his horse, called and secured the aid of a recumbent infantryman, drew the displaced gun into position, and with astonishing dispatch, charged and discharged it with deadly aim upon the enemy. It is not recollected how often the signal feat was rep
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Joseph Jones, M. D., Ll.D. (search)
unty, cited, 202. North Carolina Infantry, the 11th organization and history of, 42; the 1st, or Bethel regiment, 42; the 49th, history of, 58. Observer, The, Charlotte, N. C., cited, 42, 58, 158, 266, 314. O'Ferrall, Gov., Chas. T., address, 361, Otey, Hon. Peter J., 337. Parham, Benj. M., 82. Parker, Captain John C., 88 Parker, Dr. W. W., Major of Artillery, 388. Patterson, Captain, U. S. Army, Humanity of, 162. Payne, Lieutenant James B., wounded, 125. Pendleton, Colonel A. S., Gallantry of, 131. Pendleton, General W. N., 99, 236, 343. Perry, Captain Leslie J., 247, 253. Petersburg, Defense of, 51, 70. Pettigrew, General J. J., 44 Pettigrew, Dr. W. S., 166, 314. Phifer, Lieutenant, Edward, killed, 71. Picayune, The N. O., La., cited, 182, 198. Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg, 160, 229. Pickett Camp C. V., 229, 318. Plymouth, N. C., Capture of, 190. Poets and Poetry of the West, 84. Porter, Dr., A. Toomer, 26. Power, S. F., 41
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.6 (search)
enemy were to pay their respects to us next. A gallant officer sprang out of the ditch, and said: Men, don't be scared; be steady, and follow me; I'll take you out. We had not gone more than two hundred yards before we were halted by Colonel A. S. Pendleton, who said to me: Captain, stay here until I return, and started for General Ewell's headquarters in a gallop. My attention was called to a thicket, which we would either have to pass through or flank around through the little opening already described, and, to my horror, the Yankees were going up an old road at trail arms, and double-quick, to cut us off. I called Colonel Pendleton's attention to the Yankees. With a motion of his hand he directed us to flank around the thicket, which we did in a hurry, marching within fifty or seventy-five yards of the Yankees, who seemed to be forming to charge us. When we got around the thicket, and in the second field we came to a halt without any orders from anybody, and on looking aroun
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index (search)
nce, 228. North, Inconsistency of the, 82. O'Ferrall. Hon. C. T., 260. Ould, Hon., Robert, 84. Palmer, colonel, Wm. H., 112. Parker. Theodore, 25. Parsons, Capture of the Philo, 261. Passy, Frederick 227. Patteson, Captain, Camm, 154. Payne, General, Wm. H.. 144. Pegram, General, John, 105. Pelham. Charles Thomas, 345 Major John, Lines to by J. R. Randall, Sketch of his career, 338. Pelham and Breathed's Battery, Roll of, 348. Pender, General W. D. 112. Pendleton, Major A. S., killed, 372. Perryville, Battle of, 238 Peters, Colonel W. E., 218, his noble conduct at Chambersburg, Pa., 266; Winfield, 116. Phi Beta Kappa Society, 1. Philip II and William of Orange, 30. Piatt, Donn, 103. Porter, General, Fitz John, 147; Constructor J. L., 207. Price, Major R. C., killed, 110. Prisons, Northern and Southern, 29, 229, 257. Prisoners, Treatment and Exchange of. 77-79, 230; Fatality among, in Northern prisons, 100. Ramseur, General S. D
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Townsend's Diary—JanuaryMay, 1865. (search)
arrangement on the same day. Wrote to Examiner on 21st. 22d. The Yankee celebrated this day with a great many salutes, as usual; very pleasant weather. General Pendleton was here to-day, and says that furloughs have been stopped, and that we may expect a fight very soon. Captain P. says that it is supposed that Grant will at breaking up the party), and having obtained lodgings at the residence of Mr. Grinnan (a very kind, worthy gentleman) we put up for the night. At New Glasgow, Mr. Pendleton gave us a small quantity of sorghum and Mr. R. A. Coghill a day's rations of meal and bacon. In the country, near Mr. Grinnan's, we obtained a quart of butter us on yesterday. S. B. Ayres, T. E. Ayres, Frank J. Barnes, Jr., J. W. Seay, Jos. T. Carter. Shortly after we separated on yesterday, this other party met General Pendleton, who was returning to his home, being a paroled prisoner of war. He told them they had misinterpreted General Lee's order, that they were not surrendered at
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.21 (search)
Joseph R. Anderson, in Botetourt county, you are to demand the immediate payment of $500,000, and if not paid burn the city. The General signed these orders, as he said he did not wish it thought he could hide behind his adjutant-General, A. S. Pendleton. After making the two orders and delivering them in person to Johnson and McCausland, he accompanied them to Hagerstown, had a dinner at the hotel and returned to camp at Bunker Hill that night. Again a few days later Early moved on Shles of the war—13,000 against 43,000. Early carried with him over 1,000 prisoners, who were sent on to Richmond. The fight at Fisher's Hill was nothing more than a skirmish on a large scale. Here General Early lost his adjutant-General, A. S. Pendleton, one of the most promising young officers developed by the Civil War. Retreat down Valley. Retreating down the Valley, he halted at Staunton, Sheridan following to Middle River, five miles north. Here Sheridan ordered a return to Winc
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.26 (search)
d a plenty of raw provisions for the time being. We marched on together, crossing Appomattox River on a ferryboat near High Bridge, and got to Farmville on Thursday evening. Our rations had now given out, but a Confederate commissary at Farmville gave us a new supply, which lasted us to the end. We spent that Thursday night in Farmville. On the next morning (Friday) I took my ten men and marched towards the county bridge that crosses the Appomattox, not far from Farmville. I met General Pendleton on the eastern side of the bridge and inquired for Haskell's battalion. He told me that it was coming on, and in a short time I met Colonell Haskell on the Richmond side of the bridge with two batteries of his battalion, which had been marching with him. About this time General Robert E. Lee rode up at the head of a column of infantry. He halted the men on the eastern side of the river to stop their progress along the line of our subsequent march towards Appomattox. (General Lee look
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
l E. M., 250. Morson, James M., 355. Munford, General T T, 200. Murray, Captain W. H., 176; Services of his Company, 177; Monument to, 178; Monument at Gettysburg by Murray Confederate Association, 178. Negroes, Former Cannibals in Africa, 343. Netherwood, Albin, 237. Oil Works in Wirt County burned, 309. Palmer, Dr John Williamson, 176. Parham, Ensign John T., 253. Patriotism of Peace, The, 155. Patton, Colonel, Wm. Tazewell, 305. Pelham's Battery, 171, Pendleton, Colonel A. S., 224. Peters, Winfield, 170. Philippi, Famous Retreat from in 1861, 280. Pipkin, Captain, N. C. Cavalry, 166. Pollard, Lieutenant, James, 179. Pollard, D. D., Rev. John, 179. Porterfield, Colonel, Geo. A., 287. Portsmouth Artillery, Shaft to unveiled, 144; History of the command, 144; Roster of in War of 1812, 147; roster in 1861-5, 148; Officers of the Monument Association, 149. Posey, General, Carnot, 241. Potomac, All quiet along the Lines, 66. Preston, Colonel Ja
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