Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 28, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Edmund Pendleton or search for Edmund Pendleton in all documents.

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ey, Byrne, Cabell, Campbell, Carlile, Chapman, Clemens, C. R. Conrad, Robt. Y. Conrad, Couch, James H. Cox, Custis, Deskins, Dorman, Dulany, Early, Echols, Forbes, Fugate, Garland, Gillespie, Gravely, Gray, Goggin, Addison Hall, Cyrus Hall, Ephraim B. Hall, Hammond, Haymond, Hoge, Holladay, Hubbard, Hughes, Huil, Jackson, Marmaduke Johnson, Peter C. Johnston, Kilby, Lewis, McComas, McGrew, McNeil, Macfarland, Marshall, Marye, Maslin, Masters, Miller, Moffet, Nelson, Osburn, Parks, Petrick, Pendleton, Porter, Preston, Price, Pugh, Rives, Robt. E. Scott, Sharp, Sheffey, Sitlingtone Slaughter, Southall, Speed, Spurlock, Staples, Chapman J. Stuart, Sammers, Sutherlin, Tarr, Taylor, Waller, Whitfield, Willey, and Wilson.--89. So the motion to strike out and insert was decided in the negative. Mr. Harvie, of Amelia, said various inquiries had been made of him as to when he should offer his minority report as a substitute for the report of the committee. He gave notice that he wou
s and nays, and the vote resulted as follows: Yeas.--Messrs Armstrong, Aston, Baylor, Berlin, Boggess, Brown, Burdett, Burley, Byrne, Carlile, Carter, C.B. Conrad, Robt. Y. Conrad, Couch, Jas. H Cox, Custis, Deskins, Dorman, Dulany, Early, French, Fugate, Gillespie, Gray, A. Hall, E. B. Hall, Haymond, Hoge, Holiday, Hubbard, Hughes, Hall, Jackson, P. C. Johnstone, Kilby, Lewis, McComas, McGrew, McNeil, Macfarland, Marshall, Marr, Maslin, Masters, Moffett, Moore, Orrick, Osburn, Parks, Pendleton, Porter, Price, Pugh. Wm. C. Scott, Sharp, Sitlington, Spurlock, A. H. H. Stuart, C. J. Stuart, Summers, Tarr, Taylor, Whitfield, Wickham, Willey, and Wilson--66. Nays.--Messrs. Janney, (President,) Ambler, Baldwin, A. M. Barbour, Jas. Barbour, Blakey, Blow, Boisseau, Borst, Boyd, Branch, Brent, Cabell, Campbell, Chambliss, Chapman, Coffman, Coun, Richard H. Cox, Echols, Fisher, Flourney, Forbes, Garland, Graham, Gravely, Gregory, Goggin, John Goode, T. F. Goode, C. Hall, L. S. Hall,
Richard Bland, the antiquary, the student of history, the profound logician, and the best writer in the Colony; there, with eyes fixed with almost filial regard on Speaker Robinson, appeared the intelligent countenance and the manly form of Edmund Pendleton; there was George Wythe, the honest advocate, the upright Chancellor, and the Christian philosopher, whose mind was stored with all the varied wealth of ancient and modern lore; there sat the two great orators of the House, and of all Americmbibed those principles which ten years later were embodied in the Declaration of Independence. The discussion of the four resolutions, offered by Mr. Henry, began. In opposition, appeared the great names of Wythe, and Lee, and Bland, and Pendleton, and Randolph; in their support, arose Patrick Henry, their author and mover, assisted by George Johnson, member for the county of Fairfax. Though the odds against himself were tremendous, never did a speaker bear himself more knightly. In th