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The Daily Dispatch: June 2, 1862., [Electronic resource] 12 0 Browse Search
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ut Co G. 93d Penn. Sem I Cuskader. 1st Lieut Co. D. 32d Penn. Johns A Smith. 2d Lieut Co. B. Soth Penn. Thomas Y. Baher. Capt Co. C. Soth N. Y. G. A. Guerusey. Sergeant Major 93d Penn; M Bailey, Penn; M Bailey, Captain Co. E. Penn. N. Y. C. F. Gardner. 1st Lieut Co. F. Penn. N. Y. J. A. N. veil. 1st Lieut Co. D. Penn. N. Y. F. Linch. , Co. E. 100th N. Y. L. Smith, 1st Lieut. C. D, 26th N. Y. E. M. CrollPenn. N. Y. C. F. Gardner. 1st Lieut Co. F. Penn. N. Y. J. A. N. veil. 1st Lieut Co. D. Penn. N. Y. F. Linch. , Co. E. 100th N. Y. L. Smith, 1st Lieut. C. D, 26th N. Y. E. M. Croll, 2d Lieut Co. E. 101d Penn J. H. Nicholas, Capt Co. C 96th N Y W B Moore. Captain Co B, 100th N Y. A number of the prisoners, though classed as Yankees drew their first breaths over the sea. The manPenn. N. Y. J. A. N. veil. 1st Lieut Co. D. Penn. N. Y. F. Linch. , Co. E. 100th N. Y. L. Smith, 1st Lieut. C. D, 26th N. Y. E. M. Croll, 2d Lieut Co. E. 101d Penn J. H. Nicholas, Capt Co. C 96th N Y W B Moore. Captain Co B, 100th N Y. A number of the prisoners, though classed as Yankees drew their first breaths over the sea. The man Speer alluded to above received a bullier in the neck. Several of the other officers were also wounded, but not very severely; enough of them, however, were hurt to give Dr. Higginbotham, Surgeon ofPenn. N. Y. F. Linch. , Co. E. 100th N. Y. L. Smith, 1st Lieut. C. D, 26th N. Y. E. M. Croll, 2d Lieut Co. E. 101d Penn J. H. Nicholas, Capt Co. C 96th N Y W B Moore. Captain Co B, 100th N Y. A number of the prisoners, though classed as Yankees drew their first breaths over the sea. The man Speer alluded to above received a bullier in the neck. Several of the other officers were also wounded, but not very severely; enough of them, however, were hurt to give Dr. Higginbotham, Surgeon of Post, a busy time. Prisoners continued to arrive all last night.
eft, and Gordon's right — were in position along a gorge two hills. second Massachusetts was firing upon from behind a stone wall, when upon by an enflinding fire from who had come upon our flank, they escape from them, coming as they were superior numbers. point the enemy came up in a large single file upon the front and double file upon either side March to within a certain distance they dered to halt, to fix bayonets, and which they did in good order. Gordon and staff are safe; also, Gen. and staff. While retreating through women from the houses opened upon our soldiers and killed a any of them. Col. Brown 28th New York, is said killed, Col. Knipe, 46th Penn wounded and taken prisoner; Col. 29th Pennsylvania, killed, and many . mn retreated, after the slight panic I have alluded, in good order, pur the enemy beyond Martinsburg. The train proceeded as far as the Poto many of the teams had been continues upon ferry boats this morning.