Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 6, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John D. Perrin or search for John D. Perrin in all documents.

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Mayor's Court. --The Mayor had the following cases before him yesterday morning: Joseph Maria, an Italian confectioner, was arraigned on the charge of committing an assault upon officer John D. Perrin and attempting to shoot him while in the discharge of his duty as a policemen. Maria had sent for Perrin to take from his house a negro man whom he said he had been compelled by his wife to hire, and who was about running away with her. M. had his wife and the negro fellow locked up inPerrin to take from his house a negro man whom he said he had been compelled by his wife to hire, and who was about running away with her. M. had his wife and the negro fellow locked up in a room together. Upon learning the state of the case Perrin was doubtful of his authority to make the a rest without a warrant, and therefore declined doing so. The accused then drew a pistol, and was about shooting the negro, when P. interfered, which caused M. to turn upon him, giving him a pretty severe scuffle till officer Adams came to his assistance. There being no testimony for the defence. His Honor required Maria to give security in the sum of $400 for his good behavior for twelve m