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Diodorus Siculus, Library, Fragments of Book 10, Chapter 4 (search)
nd Dionysius remitted the punishment of the condemned man, urging the two men to include himself as a third in their friendship.The story of the friendship between Damon and Phintias (Pythias is incorrect) was widely known in the ancient world, and in many forms. Diodorus and Cicero De Off. 3.45; Cicero Tusc. Disp. 5.22 (quoting the tyrant: "Utinam ego tertius vobis adscriberer!") give the oldest version, the latter clearly connecting the event with the Elder Dionysius. The fullest account we possess, as given by Iamblichus Vita Pythag. 233 on the authority, as he claims, of Aristoxenus, who is described as receiving the tale directly from the mouth of the tyrant himself at Corinth, makes the occasion of the event a scheme of the court of the Younger Dionysius to put the Pythagorean reputation of friendship to the test. The account by Hyginus Fab. 257 was the source of Schiller's famous Ballade, "Die Burgschaft."
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Fragments of Book 10, Chapter 32 (search)
Themistocles, the son of Neocles, when a certain wealthy personEuryptolemus, son of Megacles. approached him to find out where he could find a wealthy son-in-law, advised him not to seek for money which lacked a man, but rather a man who was lacking in money. And when the inquirer agreed with this advice, Themistocles counselled him to marry his daughter to Cimon. This was the reason, therefore, for Cimon becoming a wealthy man, and he was released from prison, and calling to account the magistrates who had shut him up he secured their condemnation.Const. Exc. 4, p. 301.[The preceding Book, which is the tenth of our narrative, closed with the events of the year481 B.C. just before the crossing of Xerxes into Europe and the formal deliberations which the general assembly of the Greeks held in Corinth on the alliance between Gelon and the Greeks.]Diod. Sic. 11.1.1
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 1 (search)
480 B.C.The preceding Book, which is the tenth of our narrative, closed with the events of the year just before the crossing of Xerxes into Europe and the formal deliberations which the general assembly of the Greeks held in Corinth on the alliance between Gelon and the Greeks; and in this Book we shall supply the further course of the history, beginning with the campaign of Xerxes against the Greeks, and we shall stop with the year which precedes the campaign of the Athenians against Cyprus under the leadership of Cimon.That is, the Book covers the years 480-451 B.C. Calliades was archon in Athens, and the Romans made Spurius Cassius and Proculus Verginius Tricostus consuls, and the Eleians celebrated the Seventy-fifth Olympiad, that in which Astylus of Syracuse won the "stadion." It was in this year that king Xerxes made his campaign against Greece, for the following reason. Mardonius the Persian was a cousin of Xerxes and rel
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 26 (search)
ght, a pentekontalitron.i.e. a "fifty-litra," the litra being a silver coin of Sicily. Gelon treated all men fairly, primarily because that was his disposition, but not the least motive was that he was eager to make all men his own by acts of goodwill. For instance, he was making ready to sail to Greece with a large force and to join the Greeks in their war against the Persians. And he was already on the point of setting out to sea, when certain men from Corinth put in at Syracuse and brought the news that the Greeks had won the sea-battle at Salamis and that Xerxes and a part of his armament had retreated from Europe. Consequently he stopped his preparations for departure, while welcoming the enthusiasm of the soldiers; and then he called them to an assembly, issuing orders for each man to appear fully armed. As for himself, he came to the assembly not only with no arms but not even wearing a tunic and clad only in a cloak, and
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 70 (search)
464 B.C.When Archedemides was archon in Athens, the Romans elected as consuls Aulus Verginius and Titus Minucius,Titus Numicius Priscus, according to Livy 2.63. and the Seventy-ninth Olympiad was celebrated, that in which Xenophon of CorinthA victory celebrated by Pind. O. 13. won the "stadion." In this year the Thasians revolted from the Athenians because of a quarrel over minesThose of Mt. Pangaeus (now Pirnari) on the mainland, which yielded both gold and silver. The seizure of these mines by Philip of Macedon in 357 B.C., from which he derived in time an income of 1000 talents a year, laid the financial basis for the rise of Macedonia to supreme power in Greece.; but they were forced to capitulate by the Athenians and compelled to subject themselves again to their rule. Similarly also, when the Aeginetans revolted, the Athenians, intending to reduce them to subjection, undertook the siege of Aegina; for this state, being
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 92 (search)
forward and declared it as their opinion that they should spare the suppliant and show due regard for Fortune and the wrath of the gods. The people should consider, they continued, not what punishment Ducetius deserved, but what action was proper for the Syracusans; for to slay the victim of Fortune was not fitting, but to maintain reverence for the gods as well as to spare the suppliant was an act worthy of the magnanimity of the people. The people thereupon cried out as with one voice from every side to spare the suppliant. The Syracusans, accordingly, released Ducetius from punishment and sent him off to Corinth, ordering him to spend his life in that city and also giving him sufficient means for his support. Since we are now at the year preceding the campaign of the Athenians against Cyprus under the leadership of Cimon, pursuant to the plan announced at the beginning of this BookCp. chap. 1.1. we herewith bring it to an end.
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XII, Chapter 8 (search)
In Sicily a war broke out between the Syracusans and Acragantini for the following reasons. The Syracusans had overcome Ducetius, the ruler of the Siceli, cleared him of all charges when he became a suppliant, and specified that he should make his home in the city of the Corinthians.Cp. Book 11.92. But after Ducetius had spent a short time in Corinth he broke the agreement, and on the plea that the gods had given him an oracular reply that he should found a city on the Fair ShoreThe northern shore. (Cale Acte) of Sicily, he sailed to the island with a number of colonists; some Siceli were also included, among whom was Archonides, the ruler of Herbita. He, then, was busied with the colonization of Cale Acte.The city. But the Acragantini, partly because they were envious of the Syracusans and partly because they were accusing them of letting Ducetius, who was their common enemy, go free without consulting them, declared war upon th
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XII, Chapter 30 (search)
of the Cercyraeans and Corinthians.The Epidamnians were in fact colonists of Cercyra, which was a colony of Corinth. The successful group sent into exile large numbers of their opponents, but the exiles gathered into one body, paid no attention to the request, they sent ambassadors to seek an alliance with the Corinthians and declared Corinth to be their single mother-city; at the same time they asked for colonists. And the Corinthians, partly out of r the Epidamnians and partly out of hatred for the Cercyraeans, since they alone of the colonists who had gone from Corinth would not send the customary sacrificial animals to the mother-city, decided to go to the aid of the Epidamnians. C up to the city, issued orders to receive back the exiles, while they dispatched ambassadors to the guards from Corinth demanding that the question of the origin of the colony be decided by a court of arbiters, not by war. When the
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XII, Chapter 47 (search)
The Athenians elected Phormio general and sent him to sea with twenty triremes. He sailed around the Peloponnesus and put in at Naupactus, and by gaining the mastery of the Crisaean GulfAt about the centre of the north side of the Gulf of Corinth. prevented the LacedaemoniansSpecifically the Corinthians, the leading naval allies of the Lacedaemonians. from sailing in those parts. And the Lacedaemonians sent out a strong army under Archidamus their king, who marched into Boeotia and took up positions before Plataea. Under the threat of ravaging the territory of the Plataeans he called upon them to revolt from the Athenians, and when they paid no attention to him, he plundered their territory and laid waste their possessions everywhere. After this he threw a wall about the city, in the hope that he could force the Plataeans to capitulate because of lack of the necessities of life; at the same time the Lacedaemonians continued bri
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XII, Chapter 48 (search)
ion made "to Poseidon the patron god of the Isthmus." and then sailed off to the city of Naupactus, which was in their alliance. The Lacedaemonians sent other ships to Patrae. These ships joined to themselves the triremes which had survived the battle and assembled at Rhium, and also the land force of the Peloponnesians met them at the same place and pitched camp near the fleet. And Phormio, having become puffed up with pride over the victory he had just won, had the daring to attack the ships of the enemy, although they far outnumbered hisThuc. 2.86.4 states that there were seventy-seven ships against Phormio's twenty.; and some of them he sank, though losing ships of his own, so that the victory he won was equivocal. After this, when the Athenians had dispatched twenty triremes,These were reinforcements from Athens. the Lacedaemonians sailed off in fear to Corinth, not daring to offer battle.These, then, were the events of this year.