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Strabo, Geography 8 0 Browse Search
Aristotle, Rhetoric (ed. J. H. Freese) 4 0 Browse Search
Boethius, Consolatio Philosophiae 4 0 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 2 0 Browse Search
Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 2 0 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 2 0 Browse Search
Plato, Cratylus, Theaetetus, Sophist, Statesman 2 0 Browse Search
Plato, Alcibiades 1, Alcibiades 2, Hipparchus, Lovers, Theages, Charmides, Laches, Lysis 2 0 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 2 0 Browse Search
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Aristotle, Rhetoric (ed. J. H. Freese), book 1, chapter 15 (search)
urself, you may argue that the oath is only taken with a view to money; that, if you had been a scoundrel, you would have taken it at once, for it is better to be a scoundrel for something than for nothing; that, if you take it, you will win your case, if not, you will probably lose it; consequently, your refusal to take it is due to moral excellence, not to fear of committing perjury. And the apophthegm of XenophanesBorn at Colophon in Asia Minor, he migrated to Elea in Italy, where he founded the Eleatic school of philosophy. is apposite— that “it is unfairfor an impious man to challenge a pious one,” for it is the same as a strong man challenging a weak one to hit or be hit. If you accept the oath, you may say that you have confidence in yourself, but not in your opponent, and, reversing the apophthegm of Xenophanes, that the only fair way is that the impious man should tender the oath and the pious man take it; and that i<
Aristotle, Rhetoric (ed. J. H. Freese), book 2, chapter 23 (search)
chance of doing so, he cannot be guilty. a person has not committed a certain action; because no one, purposely or knowingly, chooses what is bad. However, this argument may be false; for often it is not until later that it becomes clear what was the better course, which previously was uncertain. Another topic, when something contrary to what has already been done is on the point of being done, consists in examining them together. For instance, when the people of Elea asked Xenophanes if they ought to sacrifice and sing dirges to Leucothea,Leucothea was the name of the deified Ino. She was the daughter of Cadmus and the wife of Athamas king of Thebes. The latter went mad and, in order to escape from him, Ino threw herself into the sea with her infant son Melicertes. Both became marine deities. or not, he advised them that, if they believed her to be a goddess they ought not to sing dirges, but if they believed her to
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Fragments of Book 10, Chapter 18 (search)
When Zeno the philosopherZeno of Elea (Velia in Italy) in the middle of the 5th century B.C.; see the following paragraph. was suffering the agonies of the torture because of the conspiracy he had entered into against the tyrant Nearchus and was being asked by Nearchus who his fellow conspirators were, he replied, "Would that I were as much the master of my body as I am of my tongue!"Const. Exc. 4, pp. 296-297. When Zeno's native city was being ground down by the tyranny of Nearchus, Zeno formed a conspiracy against the tyrant. But he was found out, and when he was asked by Nearchus, while suffering the agonies of the torture, who his fellow conspirators were, he replied, "Would that I were as much the master of my body as I am of my tongue!" And when the tyrant made the torture more and more severe, Zeno still withstood it for a while; and then, being eager to be rid at last of the agony and at the same time to be revenged upon Nearc
Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley), Book 1, chapter 167 (search)
yrrhenians the Agyllaioi” supplemented by Stein. were allotted by far the majority and these they led out and stoned to death. But afterwards, everything from Agylla that passed the place where the stoned Phocaeans lay, whether sheep or beasts of burden or men, became distorted and crippled and palsied. The Agyllaeans sent to Delphi, wanting to mend their offense; and the Pythian priestess told them to do what the people of Agylla do to this day: for they pay great honors to the Phocaeans, with religious rites and games and horse-races. Such was the end of this part of the Phocaeans. Those of them who fled to Rhegium set out from there and gained possession of that city in the OenotrianOenotria corresponds to Southern Italy (the Lucania and Bruttium of Roman history.). country which is now called Hyele;Later Elea (Velia). they founded this because they learned from a man of Posidonia that the Cyrnus whose establishment the Pythian priestess ordained was the hero, and not the island.
Isocrates, Helen (ed. George Norlin), section 3 (search)
For how could one surpass GorgiasCf. Isoc. 15.268. Gorgias of Leontini in Sicily, pupil of Teisias, came to Athens on an embassy in 427 B.C., who dared to assert that nothing exists of the things that are, or ZenoThis is Zeno of Elea, in Italy, and not the founder of the Stoic School of philosophy. Zeno and Melissus were disciples of Parmenides., who ventured to prove the same things as possible and again as impossible, or Melissus who, although things in nature are infinite in number, made it his task to find proofs that the whole is one!
Plato, Sophist, section 216a (search)
TheodorusAccording to our yesterday's agreement, Socrates, we have come ourselves, as we were bound to do, and we bring also this man with us; he is a stranger from Elea, one of the followers of Parmenides and Zeno, and a real philosopher.SocratesAre you not unwittingly bringing, as Homer says, some god, and no mere stranger, Theodorus? He says
Plato, Alcibiades 1, section 119a (search)
SocratesBut tell me of any other Athenian or foreigner, slave or freeman, who is accounted to have become wiser through converse with Pericles; as I can tell you that PythodorusA friend of Zeno: cf. Plat. Parm. 126. son of Isolochus, and Callias,An Athenian general. son of Calliades, became through that of ZenoOf Elea, in S. Italy; a disciple of Parmenides who criticized the Pythagorean teaching.; each of them has paid Zeno a hundred minae,About 600-800 pounds, or the total expenses of two or three years at an English University. and has become both wise and distinguished.AlcibiadesWell, upon my word, I cannot.SocratesVery good: then what is your intention regarding yourself? Will you remain as you are, or take some trouble?
Strabo, Geography, Book 6, chapter 1 (search)
d "Hyele" by the Phocaeans who founded it, and by others "Ele," after a certain spring, but is called by the men of today "Elea." This is the native city of Parmenides and Zeno, the Pythagorean philosophers. It is my opinion that not only through the leadership of Creontiades, sailed first to Cyrnus and Massalia, but when they were beaten off from those places founded Elea. Some, however, say that the city took its name from the River Elees.The Latin form is "Hales" (now the Alento). It is about two hundred stadia distant from Poseidonia. After Elea comes the promontory of Palinurus. Off the territory of Elea are two islands, the Oenotrides, which have anchoring-places. After Palinurus comes Pyxus—a cape, harbor, and river, for all tElea are two islands, the Oenotrides, which have anchoring-places. After Palinurus comes Pyxus—a cape, harbor, and river, for all three have the same name. Pyxus was peopled with new settlers by Micythus, the ruler of the Messene in Sicily, but all the settlers except a few sailed away again. After Pyxus comes another gulf, and also Laüs—a river and city; it is the last of th
Polybius, Histories, book 1, The Romans Build Ships (search)
that, without so much as a preliminary trial, they took upon themselves there and then to meet the Carthaginians at sea, on which they had for generations held undisputed supremacy. Proof of what I say, and of their surprising audacity, may be found in this. When they first took in hand to send troops across to Messene they not only had no decked vessels but no war-ships at all, not so much as a single galley: but they borrowed quinqueremes and triremes from Tarentum and Locri, and even from Elea and Neapolis; and having thus collected a fleet, boldly sent their men across upon it. A Carthaginian ship used as a model. It was on this occasion that, the Carthaginians having put to sea in the Strait to attack them, a decked vessel of theirs charged so furiously that it ran aground, and falling into the hands of the Romans served them as a model on which they constructed their whole fleet. And if this had not happened it is clear that they would have been completely hindered from carrying
Boethius, Consolatio Philosophiae, Book One, Prosa 3: (search)
eor ("think"), modifies imprudentia (subject of pervertit ) and governs the indirect statement meos esse familiares . pervertit: "ruined, destroyed." Quodsi: "But if"; common in B. Anaxagorae: genitive < Anaxagoras , an Ionian philosopher and friend of Pericles; he left Athens c. 432 B.C. (or c. 450?) after a charge of impiety was raised against him. Zenonis tormenta: The steadfastness under torture of Zeno of Elea (born c. 490 B.C., disciple of Parmenides; cf. 1P1.10) was proverbial, but different versions of the story gave different names for the torturer. novisti: < nosco , "learn." The perfect means "to know" (i.e., "to have learned"). at: "yet, on the other hand." Canios: Canius was killed by the emperor Gaius (= Caligula, who reigned 37-41 A.D.); see 1.P4.27 for an anecdote on his fate. The plurals are used only to generalize the fate of philoso