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Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 274 0 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 26 0 Browse Search
Xenophon, Cyropaedia (ed. Walter Miller) 22 0 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 18 0 Browse Search
Xenophon, Anabasis (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 12 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 6 0 Browse Search
Xenophon, Minor Works (ed. E. C. Marchant, G. W. Bowersock, tr. Constitution of the Athenians.) 4 0 Browse Search
Aristophanes, Wasps (ed. Eugene O'Neill, Jr.) 4 0 Browse Search
Aeschylus, Persians (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.) 4 0 Browse Search
T. Maccius Plautus, Miles Gloriosus, or The Braggart Captain (ed. Henry Thomas Riley) 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Aristophanes, Wasps (ed. Eugene O'Neill, Jr.). You can also browse the collection for Sardis (Turkey) or search for Sardis (Turkey) in all documents.

Your search returned 2 results in 2 document sections:

Aristophanes, Wasps (ed. Eugene O'Neill, Jr.), line 696 (search)
Philocleon Can it be I am treated thus? Oh! what is it you are saying? You stir me to the bottom of my heart! I am all ears! I cannot express what I feel. Bdelycleon Consider then; you might be rich, both you and all the others; I know not why you let yourself be fooled by these folk who call themselves the people's friends. A myriad of towns obey you, from the Euxine to Sardis. What do you gain thereby? Nothing but this miserable pay, and even that is like the oil with which the flock of wool is impregnated and is doled to you drop by drop, just enough to keep you from dying of hunger. They want you to be poor, and I will tell you why. It is so that you may know only those who nourish you, and so that, if it pleases them to loose you against one of their foes, you shall leap upon him with fury. If they wished to assure the well-being of the people, nothing would be easier for them. We have now a thousand towns that pay us tribute; let them command each of these to feed twenty Athen
Aristophanes, Wasps (ed. Eugene O'Neill, Jr.), line 1122 (search)
t must I do? Bdelycleon Take off your cloak, and put on this tunic in its stead. Philocleon Was it worth while to beget and bring up children, so that this one should now wish to choke me? Bdelycleon Come, take this tunic and put it on without so much talk. Philocleon Great gods! what sort of a cursed garment is this? Bdelycleon Some call it a pelisse, others a Persian cloak. Philocleon Ah! I thought it was a wraprascal like those made at Thymaetis. Bdelycleon No wonder. It's only at Sardis you could have seen them, and you have never been there. Philocleon Of course not, but it seems to me exactly like the mantle Morychus sports. Bdelycleon Not at all; I tell you they are woven at Ecbatana. Philocleon What! are there woollen ox-guts then at Ecbatana? Bdelycleon Whatever are you talking about? These are woven by the barbarians at great cost. I am certain this pelisse has consumed more than a talent of wool. Philocleon It should be called wool-waster then instead of pelis