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Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 10 6 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 9 7 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 3 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 2 2 Browse Search
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.) 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.). You can also browse the collection for Samuel B. Pickens or search for Samuel B. Pickens in all documents.

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M. HallJuly 17, 1861.  6thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. Jas. N. LightfootMay 7, 1863.  7thAlabamaRegimentInfantry    8thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. Y. L. RoysterJune 16, 1862.  Col. Thos. E. Irby1861.  9thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. Samuel HenryOct. 21, 1861.  10thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. A. S. Cunningham   Col. I. I. Woodward1862.  11thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. J. C. C. SaundersSept. 11, 1862.Promoted Brigadier-General. Col. Syd. Moore1861.  12thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. Samuel B. PickensSept. 14, 1861.  Col. R. T. Jones1861.  13thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. B. D. FryJuly 19, 1861.Promoted Brigadier-General. 14thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. L. PinkardOct. 2, 1862.  Col. Thos. J. Judge1861.  15thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. A. A. LowtherApril 28, 1863.  Col. James Canty1862.Promoted Brigadier-General. 16thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. A. H. HelvensteinJune 17, 1863.  Col. W. B. Wood1862.  17thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. Virgil S. MurphyApril 25, 1862.