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hem individually and took their tone from the politicians of the past. So — as it is a known fact that politicians are never satisfied — the Cabinet and Congress, as tried in the hotel alembic, were not found pure gold. So the country grumbled. The newspapers snarled, criticised and asserted, with some show of truth, that things were at a dead standstill, and that nothing practical had been accomplished. Such was the aspect of affairs at Montgomery, when on the 10th of April, Governor Pickens, of South Carolina, telegraphed that the Government at Washington had notified him of its intention to supply Fort Sumter-Peaceably if we can; forcibly if we must. Bulletins were posted before the Exchange, the newspaper office and the Government House; and for two days there was intense suspense as to what course the South would pursue. Then the news flashed over the wires that, on the morning of the 12th of April, Beauregard had opened the ball in earnest, by commencing the bombar
me necessary to save himself and command. Two days later the President sent a special messenger with written notice to the-governor of South Carolina that an attempt would be made to supply Fort Sumter with provisions only; and that if such attempt were not resisted, no further effort would be made to throw in men, arms, or ammunition, without further notice, or unless in case of an attack on the fort. The building of batteries around Fort Sumter had been begun, under the orders of Governor Pickens, about the first of January, and continued with industry and energy; and about the first of March General Beauregard, an accomplished engineer officer, was sent by the Confederate government to take charge of and complete the works. On April I he telegraphed to Montgomery: Batteries ready to open Wednesday or Thursday. What instructions? At this point, the Confederate authorities at Montgomery found themselves face to face with the fatal alternative either to begin war or to allow
Chapter 8: the bombardment of Sumter On March 3d, President Davis appointed General Beauregard to the command of all the Confederate forces in and around Charleston. On arriving there, General Beauregard, after examining the fortifications, proceeded to erect formidable batteries of cannon and mortars bearing on the fort. On April 7th, Lieutenant Talbot, an agent of the Federal Government, conveyed a message to Governor Pickens from President Lincoln, announcing that an attempt would be made to supply Fort Sumter with provisions only, and that if the attempt be not resisted no effort to throw in men, arms, or ammunition would be made without further notice, or in case of an attack upon the fort. The relief squadron, as with unconscious irony it was termed, was already under way for Charleston, consisting, according to their own statement, of eight vessels carrying twenty-six guns, and about fourteen hundred men, including the troops sent for reinforcement of the ga
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 4: military operations in Western Virginia, and on the sea-coast (search)
n the devoted fortress and the surrounding batteries. The guns of McRee were all speedily silenced but one. Those of Barrancas were soon reduced to feeble efforts; and from those at the Navy Yard, and one or two other batteries, there was no response for some time before the close of the day. The bombardment from Fort Pickens was resumed early the next morning, Nov. 23, 1861. but, owing to the shallowness of the water, the vessels could not get within range of Fort McRee. The fire of Pickens was less rapid, but more effective than the day before. McRee made no response, and the other forts and the batteries answered feebly. At three o'clock in the afternoon, a dense smoke arose from the village of Warrington, on the west of the Navy Yard, and at about the same time buildings in Wolcott, at the north of the yard, were in flames. These villages were fired by the missiles from the fort, and large portions of them, as well as of the Navy Yard, were laid in ashes. The bombardmen
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), Alexander the Bouncer. (search)
lusions to the Deity, complimentary observations on Providence, with little prayers here and there interpolated. In fine, a more curious olla of a speech we, who have read many speeches, do not remember. So having finished — that is, having exhausted his invention — the Vice President went to bed to dream in a good, improving, orthodox way of Ananias and Sapphira. Mercenaries of the North!--hirelings of New England, of New York, of Pennsylvania! Goths and Vandals though, according to Gov. Pickens, you be, pray, whatever may happen, try to tell the truth. See what a mean figure V. P. Alexander cuts, standing in a tavern balcony, retailing silly gossip to his gaping dupes! A lie is like a tumbler of soda-water. It foams and frizzes, and is palatable at first, but in a moment is only fit to be thrown out at the window. Thus far the Southern Confederacy has been mainly maintained by public fibs, by private fibs, by the fib telegraphic, the fib editorial, the fib diplomatic, the
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 5: capture of the works at Hatteras Inlet by Flag officer Stringham.--destruction of the privateer Judah. (search)
antage of favorable circumstances, have been successful without any serious loss to the boarding party; but under whatever circumstances it may be undertaken, a cutting-out party is always attended with the greatest peril. When Fort Pickens was fully manned and all the guns mounted necessary to give it a superiority over the batteries of General Bragg on the navy yard side, it was supposed that Pensacola was hermetically sealed, not only against the entrance of blockade runners, but that Pickens would prevent the exit of any hostile vessel intended to prey upon American commerce. But this was not the case-notwithstanding that the guns of Fort Pickens commanded all the works under General Bragg, and could have knocked them to pieces in the course of a few hours. The Confederates did not seem to attach much importance to the Union fort or its auxilliary works, and it was reported to Commodore Mervin, the commander of the naval forces off Pensacola, that the schooner Judah was fit
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 10: naval engagement at South-West pass.--the Gulf blockading squadron in November, 1861. (search)
re to visit Major Anderson, and Hartstene in consequence introduced him to Governor Pickens, to whom he showed the orders under which he acted. Governor Pickens diGovernor Pickens directed Lieut. Hartstene to take Mr. Fox to Fort Sumter, where they arrived after dark and remained two hours. Major Anderson seemed to think it was too late then s in command; and Lieut. A. J. Slemmer, 1st Regt. Artillery, U. S. A., commanding Fort Pickens: In consequence of the assurances received from Mr. Mallory in a tencerted signals! The historian Boynton rather sneers at the manner in which Pickens was relieved by the Powhatan and Atlantic, and reflects on the brilliancy of te. The above account, in relation to the steps taken to relieve Sumter and Pickens, is perfectly correct, and the attempt of any one to detract from the credit onfederate force could have any effect upon it. These two places, Sumter and Pickens, on which at one time so much depended (whether war or peace would rule the da
e enemy in killed was much greater than our own, and probably also in wounded. This is hardly credible; since the Rebels fought with every advantage of position and shelter, and were nowhere so driven as to lose heavily by a fire upon huddled, disorganized masses, when retreating in disorder. Hill says that Gen. Rhodes, commanding one of his brigades, estimates his loss at 422 out of 1,200 taken into action. Col. Gayle, 12th Alabama, was among his killed; and Col. O'Neal, 24th, and Lt.-Col. Pickens, 12th Alabama, were severely wounded. Maj.-Gen. Franklin, with the 6th corps, composed of his own, Couch's, and Sykes's divisions, forming the left wing of McClellan's army, had advanced cautiously up the north bank of the Potomac, through Tenallytown, Darnestown, and Poolesville — his right passing through Rockville — until McClellan's discovery that Lee had divided his army in order to clutch Harper's Ferry induced a general quickening of movement on our side. Still advancing, h
nhappily an enterprise which was probably adequate to the complete recovery of Florida, though not able to hold it against the whole power of the Confederacy. Pensacola was evacuated by Brig.-Gen. Thos. N. Jones, its Rebel commander; who burned every thing combustible in the Navy Yard, Forts McRae and Barrancas, the hospital, &c., &c., and retreated May 9-10. inland with his command. The place was immediately occupied by Corn. Porter, of the Harriet Lane, and by Gen. Arnold, commanding Fort Pickens. Another naval expedition from Port Royal, Sept. 13. under Capt. Steedman, consisting of the gunboats Paul Jones and Cimarone, with three other steamboats, visited tile Florida coast in the Autumn, shelling and silencing the Rebel batteries at the mouth of the St. John's. Gen. Brannan, with a land force of 1,575 men, with a fleet of six gunboats under Capt. Steedman, repeated this visit somewhat later; Sept. 30. expecting to encounter an obstinate resistance: but the Reb
Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Contents of Thie first volume. (search)
Resignation,8 7.Evacuation of Fort Moultrie,8 8.Forts Sumter and Moultrie,8 9.Major Anderson's Movement,9 10.Secretary Floyd to the President,10 11.General Wool's Letters on the Crisis,10 12.South Carolina Commissioners to the President, and Reply,11 13.Charleston Mercury's Appeal to Florida,16 14.Buchanan's Proclamation of a Fast Day,17 15.Carrington's Call to Washington Volunteers,17 16.Gov. Hicks' Address,17 17.Gov. Ellis to Secretary Holt, and Reply,18 18.Major Anderson to Gov. Pickens, and Reply,19 19.Alabama Ordinance of Secession,19 20.N. Y. State Resolutions,21 21.Capt. McGowan's Report of Star of the West,21 22.Georgia Ordinance of Secession,21 23.Jefferson Davis's Speech on leaving the Senate,22 24.Sherrard Clemens' Speech,22 25.London Times on Disunion Movement,25 26.Toombs to Mayor Wood, and Reply,26 27.Louisiana Secession Ordinance,26 28.The U. S. Cutter McClelland,27 29.The U. S. Mint at New Orleans,27 30.Texas Ordinance of Secession,27 31.Secreta
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