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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 360 10 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 330 14 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 292 2 Browse Search
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 178 0 Browse Search
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac 166 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 162 2 Browse Search
Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them. 75 5 Browse Search
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army 56 4 Browse Search
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox 52 4 Browse Search
An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps. 42 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them.. You can also browse the collection for Fitz-John Porter or search for Fitz-John Porter in all documents.

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de for my forbearance and kindness. Subsequent events proved that, although in some respects a very good bureau officer and a fair disciplinarian and drill-officer for a school of instruction, he lacked the qualities necessary for a commander in the field. After Pope's campaign it was not safe for McDowell to visit the camps of his troops; the men declared that they would kill him. I have long been convinced that he intrigued against me to the utmost of his power. His conduct towards Fitz-John Porter on the second Bull Run campaign, his testimony in the latter's trial, and subsequent rehearing in 1880, show what manner of man he was. In all human probability I should have been spared an infinite amount of trouble had I relieved him upon reaching Washington: and allowed him to sink at once into obscurity. When I resumed command it was clear that a prompt advance was wholly impracticable; for, as I have already stated, the mass of the troops placed under me were utterly demoralized
as far as possible from meriting the sad fate and cruel treatment he met with. I found Couch in command of a regiment, and soon gave him a brigade. He was an honest, faithful, and laborious man, a brave, modest, and valuable officer. Fitz-John Porter was on duty with Gen. Patterson, as adjutant-general, when I assumed command. As soon as possible I had him made a brigadier-general and gave him the command vacated by W. T. Sherman. Take him for all in all, he was probably the best generommander of an army he was far superior to either Hooker or Burnside. Col. Ingalls was, in my experience, unequalled as a chief-quartermaster in the field. When first assigned to the command in the Department of the Ohio, I applied for Fitz-John Porter as my adjutant-general, but he was already on duty with Gen. Patterson in the same capacity, and could not be spared. Soon afterwards I obtained Maj. Seth Williams, who had been on duty with Gen. Harney at St. Louis, and he remained with me
ine could not be broken there without further preparation in the way of artillery, etc. The general plan of operations determined upon was to establish batteries of heavy guns and mortars bearing upon Yorktown and Gloucester, their water-batteries, a line of works between Yorktown and the Warwick river, Wynn's Mill, and the one-gun battery about a mile lower down the Warwick. The general order regulating the details of the siege operations: as well as the instructions issued by Gen. Fitz-John Porter, who, on the 25th of April, was assigned to duty as director of the siege, are for the present omitted. I issued all orders relating to the siege through him, making him commandant of the siege operations, and at the same time chief of staff for that especial work. Under the circumstances of the case some such arrangement was necessary to relieve me of too much personal labor, and it worked admirably. Ground was broken on the night of the 17th of April upon batteries 1, 2, and 3
of intention to land troops at Severn and are fortifying its entrance. Ten schooners now in sight. J. F. Missroom. To Maj.-Gen. G. B. McClellan. headquarters, Army of Potomac, near Yorktown, April 8, 1862. My dear flag-officer: Your kind letter received. From the information received thus far I am inclined to think that the masked battery on the river-bank below Yorktown is not in existence, but that the gun fired upon Missroom was upon the advanced bastion of the place itself. Porter thinks that he has found a place from which we can enfilade their water-batteries. I go there in a few minutes to look at it. Should it prove to be so, we can enable the gunboats to take an effective part in the contest. The weather is infamous (has been raining hard for the last eighteen hours, and still continues), the roads are horrid, and we have the devil's own time about supplies. I have made strong representations as to the withdrawal of the 1st corps, which has forced me to aband
ollows: 2dCorps-Gen. Sumner. Consisting of the divisions Sedgwick and Richardson. 3dCorps-Gen. Heintzelman. Consisting of the divisions Kearny and Hooker. 4thCorps-Gen. Keyes. Consisting of the divisions Couch and Casey. 5thCorps-Gen. Fitz-John Porter. Consisting of the divisions Morell Sykes, and Hunt's reserve artillery. 6thCorps-Gen. Franklin. Consisting of the divisions W. F. Smith and Slocum. The organization of the cavalry remained unchanged, and, as no new regiments were assn is on the same road, within supporting distance. Sumner is on the railroad, connecting right with left. Stoneman, with advanced guard, is within one mile of New bridge. Franklin, with two divisions, is about two miles this side of Stoneman. Porter's division, with the reserves of infantry and artillery, is within supporting distance. Headquarters will probably be at Cold Harbor to-morrow, one mile this side of Franklin. All the bridges over the Chickahominy are destroyed. The enemy are
. May 10, Saturday, 11.45 P. M., camp 19 miles from Williamsburg. . . . Am encamped now at an old wooden church, and am in easy communication with Franklin, Porter, etc. Fitz came over to see me this afternoon, and I go over to see him and Franklin to-morrow. To-morrow being Sunday, I give the men a rest, merely closing up l day. I had expected to move headquarters to White House to-day; but this weather has put the roads in such condition that I cannot do more than get Franklin and Porter there to-day. Headquarters cavalry and Hunt will move there to-morrow; perhaps one or two other divisions as well, We had quite a visitation yesterday in the shaany different orders for parties to move out at daybreak on reconnoissances. . . May 18, Sunday, 6 P. M., White House. . . . We leave here in the morning. Porter and Franklin march at four and eight A. M., headquarters at seven. We will go to Tunstall's, or perhaps a little beyond it, and will now soon close up on the Chi
ickahominy river bridges battle of Hanover Court House Porter's victory neglect at Washington McDowell's retention use telegram of the 26th. I entrusted this task to Brig.-Gen. Fitz-John Porter, commanding the 5th corps, with orders to move aound for an hour against large odds until reinforced. Gen. Porter was at Hanover Court-House, near the head of his column,owards Hanover Court-House, to be in position to support Gen. Porter. They reached a point within three miles of Hanover Coury, and two regiments of infantry were also placed under Gen. Porter's orders. On the same day I visited Hanover Court-Houdespatch to the Secretary of War: May 28, 2 P. M. Porter's action of yesterday was truly a glorious victory; too mung certain that the 1st corps would not join us at once, Gen. Porter withdrew his command to their camps with the main army oI sent the following despatch to the Secretary of War: Porter has gained two complete victories over superior forces, ye
turnpike and Boonsborough; the corps of Gens. Burnside and Porter (the latter command at that time consisting of but one wea endeavor to relieve Harper's Ferry. Gens. Burnside and Porter, upon reaching the road from Boonsborough to Rohrersville,. M. Gen. Burnside: Gen. McClellan desires you to let Gen. Porter's go on past you, if necessary. You will then push your was very good, the hill was soon cleared of all save Fitz-John Porter and myself. I at once gave orders for the positions en. Sumner's corps was posted. Gen. Sykes's division of Gen. Porter's corps was on the left of the turnpike and in line withce of the enemy in their front. Gen. Morell's division of Porter's corps was en route from Boonsborough, and Gen. Humphreysridge and the heights in rear. What is certain is that if Porter or Hancock had been in his place the town of Sharpsburg woing well, I returned to headquarters, where I found Gen. Fitz-John Porter, you being away temporarily on a visit to the right
of eight batteries placed in strong positions upon the elevated bluffs on the opposite bank. Gen. Porter, commanding the 5th corps, ordered a detachment from Griffin's and Barnes's brigades, under Grg roads towards Winchester. To verify this, and to ascertain how far the enemy had retired, Gen. Porter was authorized to detach from his corps, on the morning of the 20th, a reconnoitring party into Virginia. Gen. Reynolds's corps was delayed a day at Berlin to complete its supplies, and Gen. Porter only completed his on reaching the vicinity of Harper's Ferry. I made every exertion in mys arrived this morning. None taken by rebels. Shall I supply Franklin, and retain portions for Porter and Reynolds until called for? The following statement, taken from a report of the chief-quaRoad. For instance, clothing ordered to Hagerstown on the 7th Oct. for the corps of Franklin, Porter, and Reynolds did not arrive there until about the 18th, and by that time, of course, there were
Gen. Halleck after his death, and transmitted by his widow to the War Department. It is not probable that Gen. McClellan ever heard of it :] executive Mansion, Washington, By direction of the President, it is ordered that Maj.-Gen. McClellan be relieved from the command of the Army of the Potomac, and that Maj.-Gen. Burnside take the command of that army. Also, that Maj.-Gen. Hunter take command of the corps in said army which is now commanded by Gen. Burnside. That Maj.-Gen. Fitz-John Porter be relieved from the command of the corps he now commands in said army, and that Maj.-Gen. Hooker take command of said corps. The general-in-chief is authorized, in discretion, to issue an order substantially as the above, forthwith or so soon as he may deem proper. A. Lincoln. Nov. 5, 1862. When we broke up the camps on the upper Potomac and moved in advance, the army was in fine order for another battle; the troops in the best of spirits, full of confidence in me, and I
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