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guise. The present Admiral David Porter, who has burned so many towns and houses on the Mississippi, and who has written such very bombastic reports, served in one of these patriot cruisers, called the Guerrero, under command of his uncle, Capt. John Porter (his father, Commodore David-Porter), who was formerly, if not at the very time, an officer of the United States Navy, and this very Guerrero was the terror of the Spanish merchant ships, and fought most gallantly with a Spanish frigate. APorter), who was formerly, if not at the very time, an officer of the United States Navy, and this very Guerrero was the terror of the Spanish merchant ships, and fought most gallantly with a Spanish frigate. As the poor Spanish ex-was then gored, these gallant American were "heroes," not "pirates," as the proper Seward now calls Southern men, fighting under their own flag, and for the country which gave them birth. Fact No. 2. When Greece was fighting for her liberty against the Turks, it had, of course, the sympathy of that nation founded on revolution; and the right of any people to govern themselves. Two splendid frigates were openly built in New York for the Greeks, and armed and equipped.