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Report of Colonel Michael Gooding, Twenty-Second Indiana. I pushed men up to the second line of works as fast as possible; on and on, clear to the top, and over the ridge they went, to the hollow beyond, killing and wounding numbers of the enemy as we advanced, and leaving the rebel battery in our rear. We captured great numbers of prisoners, and sent them to the rear without guards, as we deemed the pursuit of the enemy of greater importance ..... I cannot give too much praise to Captain Powers, Company H, Lieutenant Smith, Company K, Lieutenant Gooding, Company A, and Second Lieutenant Moser, Company G, for their assistance, and for the gallant manner in which they encouraged their men up the side of the mountain, and charging the enemy's works right up to the muzzles of their guns. Report of Colonel Jason Marsh, Seventy-Fourth Illinois. The first on the enemy's works, and almost simultaneously, were Lieutenant Clement, Company A, Captain Steguer, Company I, Captain Baco
ral Gardner sent out Colonel Miles, with four hundred cavalry and a battery, under orders to proceed to the Plain Store, six or seven miles from Port Hudson, and reconnoitre. About four miles from Port Hudson he encountered the enemy, and a severe action ensued of two and a half hours duration, with a loss of thirty killed and forty wounded on our side. At night, in pursuance of an order of recall from General Gardner, our forces fell back within the fortifications. At the same time Colonel Powers's cavalry, some three hundred strong, were engaged on the Baton Rouge and Bayou Sara road, a mile and a half or two miles from Colonel Miles. No communication has been had with them since, and their loss is unknown. On the morning of the twenty-second, the enemy pushed his infantry forward within a mile of our breastworks, and at the same time it was reported by the cavalry scouts that General Banks, who had recently completed his Teche campaign, was landing troops at Bayou Sara, (tw
tributing the prisoners among the States. The officers at Manassas appeared to be very much pleased with the bearing of the prisoners, and spoke of them as brave and honorable men. The Hon. Alfred Ely is well treated, and may be released. It is not believed that the threatened visit of Ben. Wood will help matters much for him, though it may for the rebels. Col. Corcoran is in Richmond. His wound is a slight one, but he is in delicate health. Among the prisoners at Manassas is Capt. Powers, of a Rhode Island regiment, and a young man named Lawrence, from Massachusetts. An Episcopal chaplain of one of the Maine regiments, named Meirs, we believe, and related to Dr. Pine of this city, won the rebels' hearts by his coolness and courtesy, and probably will be released. His kindness to a little negro boy, whom he tied on his horse for safety, won the Southern heart. From another trustworthy source we learn that Col. Cameron was shot by Col. Wade Hampton, of South Carolina
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 19 (search)
ng the several points for the proposed passage of the Chattahoochee, in increasing the number and capacity of the bridges, rearranging the garrisons to our rear, and in bringing forward supplies. On the 15th General Stoneman got back to Powder Springs, and was ordered to replace General Blair at Turner's Ferry, and Blair, with the Seventeenth Corps, was ordered up to Roswell to join McPherson. On the 17th we began the general movement against Atlanta, Thomas crossing the Chattahoochee at Powers's and Paice's, by pontoon-bridges; Schofield moving out toward Cross Keys, and McPherson toward Stone Mountain. We encountered but little opposition except by cavalry. On the 18th all the armies moved on a general right wheel, Thomas to Buckhead, forming line of battle facing Peach-Tree Creek; Schofield was on his left, and McPherson well over toward the railroad between Stone Mountain and Decatur, which he reached at 2 P. M. of that day, about four miles from Stone Mountain, and seven mil
ant soldier. At twelve M., Colonel Carroll, commanding the First brigade of General Hayes's division, crossed to the support of the Third, and at five P. M., Colonel Powers, Second brigade, followed. The position occupied by Colonel Powers's brigade being an exposed one, his command suffered more than any other. It was nearlyColonel Powers's brigade being an exposed one, his command suffered more than any other. It was nearly dusk when the brigade mentioned got into position, and at this time the heaviest fighting occurred. The Thirty-ninth and One Hundred and Twenty-sixth New-York, having occupied the picket-line all day, were relieved by the Fourteenth Connecticut, which suffered more severely than any other regiment engaged during the day. Some I communicated this fact to corps headquarters, through the signal officer, and asked for reeinforcements. At ten minutes past three P. M., Colonels Carroll and Powers reported to me, by order of General Hayes, and I massed their brigades (First and Second, of the Third division) under cover from the enemy's fire, and in a posit
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 5 (search)
heast of these two batteries were posted, on Powers's Hill, Knapp's battery, under Lieutenant Atwell, and on McAllister's Hill, McAllister's Hill is one-quarter mile northeast of Powers's Hill; name not shown on map. Lieutenant Winegar's battery, both facing north, thus making a cross-fire at right angles with the line of fire of the two other batteries, and commanding, across the swale previously described, those portions of the Twelfth Corps's lines held by the enemy. These two hills, Powers's and McAllister's, McAllister's Hill is one-quarter mile northeast of Powers's Hill; name not shown on map. are marked tops lying side by side, just west of Rock Creek, about a quarter of a mile distant from each other and about two-thirds of a mile from the enemy's position. To guard against any movement of flanking by the enemy, Neill's brigade, of the Sixth Corps, which had been sent by General Meade to Powers's Hill on the previous evening, was thrown across Rock Creek, on the prolo
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Chapter 9: battle of Ossawatomie. (search)
to within common rifle shot, we commenced firing; and very soon threw the northern branch of the enemy's line into disorder. This continued some fifteen or twenty minutes, which gave us an uncommon opportunity to annoy them. Captain Cline and his men soon got out of ammunition, and retired across the river. After the enemy rallied, we kept up our fire; until, by the leaving of one and another, we had but six or seven left. We then retired across the river. We had one man killed--a Mr. Powers, from Captain Cline's company — in the fight. One of my men--a Mr. Partridge--was slot in crossing the river. Two or three of the party, who took part in the fight, are yet missing, and may be lost or taken prisoners. Two were wounded, viz., Dr. Updegraff and a Mr. Collis. I cannot speak in too high terms of them, and of many others I have not now time to mention. One of my best men, together with myself, was struck with a partially spent ball from the enemy, in the commencemen
now under Mahone, of Hill's corps, at Hanover Junction, on the 28th of May. On June 8th the troops were organized in three regiments as follows: The First Florida battalion, six companies, and the companies of Captains Mays, Stewart, Clarke and Powers of the Second battalion, formed the Tenth regiment, Colonel Hopkins commanding. The Fourth Florida battalion, seven companies, the companies of Captains Ochus and Robinson of the Second battalion, and Captain Cullen's unattached company, formed rigade was ordered to the support of the army of Virginia. On the arrival of the brigade at Richmond a change was made in the battalions as has been noted, and the First Florida battalion, with the companies of Captains Mays, Stewart, Clarke and Powers of the Second battalion (Brevard's) constituted the Tenth regiment, Colonel Hopkins commanding. They were soon engaged in the desperate fights to prevent Grant's army from reaching Richmond. Early in June they participated in recapturing the br
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Fortification and siege of Port Hudson—Compiled by the Association of defenders of Port Hudson; M. J. Smith, President; James Freret, Secretary. (search)
inss store. On the 20th of May, the approach of General Augur's division was announced by some slight brushes with our cavalry pickets, and the same night General Banks commenced crossing the river with his army at Bayou Sara. On the 21st Colonel Powers, with a body of our cavalry, a few companies of infantry and Abbay's Mississippi battery of light artillery, were skirmishing pretty heavily all the morning near Plains's store with Augur's advance—General Dudley's brigade. To relieve ColoneColonel Powers's cavalry, and enable them to get safely away and join Logan, General Gardner sent an order at noon to Colonel W. R. Miles to take four hundred men with a light battery and reconnoitre the enemy. The infantry marched out, supported by Boone's Louisiana battery. Colonel Miles threw out two companies on the right, under Major James T. Coleman, and three companies on the left, under Lieutenant-Colonel F. B. Brand. Major Coleman, with his two companies, commanded respectively by Captains
d. Wm. Ira Smith deposed that when he heard of the arrest of the parties, his attention was called to the fact that he had one of the notes described. One of his young men, Mr. Pritchett, received it in payment for clothing, and handed it to witness. [The young man alluded to was sent for.] Joseph Stern deposed that one of the prisoners, Chilton, bought an opera glass of him; paid a $10 South Carolina note and borrowed a dollar of the other. [Witness identified the note.] Mr. Powers, clerk at the Exchange Hotel, testified that on the evening of the 4th inst., Riddell questioned Mr. Simms in his hearing about the difference between South Carolina and Virginia money. Remarked to witness that he had some of the former, which be had bought. The next morning Mr. Wemmell came in and said he had a South Carolina note which he thought was counterfeit. Remembered the conversation of the previous evening, and in compliance with W.'s request pointed out the young men in the d