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Col. John M. Harrell, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.2, Arkansas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 356 10 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1. 317 5 Browse Search
Col. John C. Moore, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.2, Missouri (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 305 9 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 224 6 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 223 3 Browse Search
Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders. 202 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 172 2 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 155 1 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 149 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore) 132 6 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Col. John M. Harrell, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.2, Arkansas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Sterling Price or search for Sterling Price in all documents.

Your search returned 183 results in 12 document sections:

attention of the military in Arkansas. Gen. Sterling Price, who had been the president of the Missy engaged should be exempt from invasion. General Price had been successively representative of Mi for the subjection of the South. Jackson and Price were in earnest; but neutrality was impracticad to Montevallo, where he expected to meet General Price from Lexington. Price, still suffering frPrice, still suffering from the effects of his sickness, formed a junction with Jackson, July 3d, in Cedar county, where his, of whom 600 were wholly unarmed. Here General Price learned that Lyon, with an equal number ofth a brigade of State troops, they united with Price at Carthage. On the 7th, the combined forces t first of falling back into Arkansas, but General Price maintained that the strength of the enemy ingfield, or wherever they might find him, General Price magnanimously waiving his superior rank an be countermanded, after a conference with General Price. This was thought to be prudent, as we ha[2 more...]
Greer and 700 of Price's cavalry were camped. Price's infantry bivouacked between Skegg's creek anfor assistance. Gratiot, who had served under Price in Mexico, and loved and honored him, did notattle was more than 1,000 yards in length, and Price guarded carefully every point of his own. Wherdisabled. But in spite of all these losses, Price grew stronger all the time, whilst Lyon's strewaiting for the enemy's next onslaught, or for Price's order to attack, and ready for either. Sudd I took into action. In conversation with General Price he told me that my regiment undoubtedly sate troops. I well remember the remarks of General Price as my regiment came marching down the roadfearless man upon the field of battle than General Price. He took no care of his person, but was s Adjutant-General Snead, in the name of General Price, returned to Colonel Churchill the followist 5, 186. Colonel: I am directed by Major-General Price to thank you in the name of this army a[16 more...]
Missouri, to try the strength of his newly-constructed gunboats, and test the weight of the metal of General Polk's artillery at Columbus. The movement in Missouri he attempted to aid was the threatened march of Fremont, Lane and Sturgis against Price, after the battle of Lexington, when Price had caused them each to go to ditching in anticipation of an attack, while he was really crossing the Osage to make a junction again with McCulloch, at Neosho. That the engagement brought on at BelmonPrice had caused them each to go to ditching in anticipation of an attack, while he was really crossing the Osage to make a junction again with McCulloch, at Neosho. That the engagement brought on at Belmont by Grant was a second thought of the Federal commander, to give diversion to his officers and men, and furnish evidence of activity to the expectant people who were demanding that the war be prosecuted, there is no reason to doubt. The disadvantage of the defensive policy is that it gives the aggressor liberty to pick his own time, place, and opportunity for directing his blows. The armies of both sections had been lying inactive. But the North had been making preparation; and the destruct
pation of Springfield by the Confederates, General Price, having failed to induce General McCullochthe Texan commander of Arkansas troops and General Price requiring settlement were: 1, rank and preto reinforce him. While the Confederates under Price were camped at Cross Hollows, a cavalry force sent McCulloch orders to form a junction with Price without loss of time, to which McCulloch sent gel. Sigel left the north side of the town as Price's division entered on the south; his departureshould give the signal of the attack under General Price. Colonel Burbridge's regiment having been wed their death saved the enemy. Van Dorn and Price grandly carried out the plan of campaign on thhnston and Beauregard at Corinth, Miss. General Price, for the Missourians, had acquiesced and rial orders announced that the First brigade of Price's division would embark for Memphis April 8th,e Guard in a touching and eloquent order. General Price was greatly beloved in Arkansas. His natu[34 more...]
tone's and Sims' Texas regiments. In Gen. Sterling Price's division: First brigade, Brig.-Gen. Hbattle at Pittsburg landing, that Van Dorn and Price had reinforced the enemy with 10,000 or 15,000d west of the river; that General Bragg or General Price be assigned there speedily; that supplies he assignment, in the latter days of May, with Price to be his lieutenant. It caused troops to be t present, as it would have a bad effect. General Price goes to-morrow to see you, and will explaive of the people of Missouri is strong for General Price, and his prestige as a commander there so er glory there may be in it on the brow of General Price, than whom there is no one more worthy to n by whom I should rather see it worn. General Price learned, on reaching Richmond, that Generaordered them to report to General Hindman. General Price was transferred later, also Generals Churcrtment, and Major-Generals Taylor, Hindman and Price to the districts of Louisiana, Arkansas and Mi
troops will justify the attempt. To this General Price sent the following prompt and encouraging very weak. Major McLean, adjutant-general of Price's division, forwarded the following, June 13th firing on transports while passing. From General Price, June 15th: Two hundred and fifty men, witrtunity to communicate with Generals Holmes or Price occur, it might be well to urge they should mames replied from Little Rock, after consulting Price, I believe we can take Helena. Please let me morning at daylight, and as follows: 1. Major-General Price, in command of McRae's and Parsons' briy C) before the advance upon the latter by General Price. Fagan's charge upon the redoubt was repu. After sunrise (an hour after daylight), General Price brought his troops into position to make tgh ridge interposed between him and Parsons. Price informed Parsons of this and ordered the assauNow it was that the column commanded by Major-General Price (Parsons' and McRae's brigades) charged[12 more...]
ocated as follows: Near Little Rock, under General Price, 11,000; near Batesville, under Marmaduke p White river now would separate Marmaduke and Price, and totally dishearten all the rebels in Missose in Missouri who, at the outset, sided with Price and his rebel gang, but were permitted to retuive of good results. Both Generals Holmes and Price have their friends and their enemies there, bull-equipped armies of sufficient strength, Generals Price, Holmes, Kirby Smith or Robert Lee could wwing for the losses at Helena, was as follows: Price's division, Arkansas brigades of Fagan, McRae Texas squadron, Capt M. M. Boggess. and Gen. Sterling Price was given the division. In his orders assuming command, General Price announced his staff as follows: Maj. Thos. L. Snead and Maj. L. A. cured or alleviated the resentment. Gen. Sterling Price, in a note to Colonel Dobbin, wrote as ommunicated the above facts to him. By General Price's order, the infantry north of Little Rock[1 more...]
aduke had gone to camp near Washington. General Price had marched his infantry division to posit. . The Texas brigade goes directly to Texas. Price holds his Missouri division ready to move as caking your headquarters at Little Rock. Sterling Price, returning from leave of absence March 8thith, with about 5,000 infantry and cavalry. Price's infantry division, reported as about 5,000 pon called from Camden to the same field. Thus Price was left for the time with only the cavalry ofainst his front and flanks. The cavalry under Price (reinforced by Walker's Indians, about 1,000 sby one of those devoted men. Meanwhile, General Price's old infantry division had been taking a l 20, 1864: District of Arkansas, Maj.-Gen. Sterling Price; escort, Fourteenth Missouri battalioafter Gen. E. K. Smith reached the field. General Price assumed command of Arkansas and Missouri dattery, Capt. A. A. Lesueur. The return of Price's division, March 10th, showed the following b[9 more...]
y operations of Marmaduke on the Mississippi Price's Missouri expedition final organization and On the evening of April 15, 1864, said General Price in his report of the campaign, the enemy orkansas brigade. General Smith was now near Price's army and in chief command, with headquarters. Here, he said in his subsequent report, General Price had submitted to me his proposed attack upeneral Maxey. On April 19th, I found that General Price had not crossed any cavalry to the north sconcentration of troops under Smith's policy. Price's troops did not actually participate in the bh had already written to the President, by General Price, who took with him to Missouri a force mosa Fayette county, on Red river—Camp Lee. From Price's headquarters, November 30th, General Clark iheadquarters to Washington, Ark., wrote to General Price on the subject of the reorganization of hi. The Fourth or cavalry corps, under Major-General Price, included the First Arkansas cavalry di[5 more...]
rain of supplies at Britton's lane, Tenn., and after a stubborn conflict of three hours captured the train and 300 prisoners and two pieces of artillery. The Second Arkansas lost 70 men killed and wounded in this engagement. In the campaigns of Price and Pemberton in Mississippi, it was in continuous active service. Under General Chalmers, in 1863, it participated in the battles of Iuka, Coldwater, Colliersville and Salem. Under Gen. N. B. Forest, 1864, it participated in the masterly movemies, capturing trains and burning bridges. It was then transferred to the Trans-Mississippi department. There it served with Cabell's, Gano's and Dockery's brigades, in the battles of Poison Spring, Marks' Mills and Jenkins' Ferry. It was with Price's army on the raid to the Missouri river, in the autumn of 1864, and engaged in the battles of Pilot Knob, Independence, West Point, and Marais des Cygnes, Kan. In the latter fight, Colonel Slemons' horse was killed and he fell with him, the sadd