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An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps. 50 0 Browse Search
Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them. 2 2 Browse Search
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mond, and see the fortifications of Manassas en route affectation of military rank at the capital gaiety of the place Solons out of place much wisdom thrown-away scarcity and high Price of provisions commodores Lynch and Hollins Major General Pryor. For the next two weeks scarcely any sound was heard but that of axe-men engaged in felling trees; and within a very short time we were all well housed in log-huts, covered with layers of straw and mud. The fire-places being large, admitteables — in such a costume he looked more like an old major of foot than any thing else. Hollins's son and myself were soon fast friends; and through him I became acquainted with many persons, who have since become distinguished in the war. Roger Pryor, a Virginian and brigadier, was formerly Congressman from Virginia, and distinguished himself in the halls of legislation more by his combativeness than eloquence; more than once he challenged the Northerners who were disrespectful in their la
icent. I recognized Anderson, with Louisianians, North-Carolinians, etc.; Jenkins with his South-Carolinians; Wilcox and Pryor, with Mississippians and Alabamians. Floridans, Mississippians, and Georgians had opened the fight, and, after resting, on. As morning approached, every thing was prepared for the reception of the enemy, should they advance; but General Pryor and others, who held the battle-field, were ordered to fall back to our original position, should they attack in force. nd intended to push us. When morning broke, the pickets opened in a lively manner upon each other, and the attack began. Pryor's troops were of such excellent metal that they refused to fall back, and it was not until after they had thrashed twice number, and were in danger of being flanked, that they quietly fell back across the farm. The enemy did not follow; and Pryor's men sullenly occupied their old ground, south of the battle-field; none but a strong picket-guard being left to hold th
of base, etc., as solemnly as donkeys. About midnight, our preparations being completed, Brigadiers Featherstone and Pryor moved up towards Beaver Dam Creek on the right, and Brigadier Maxy Gregg, towards Ellison's Mills, on the left, Jackson bhe rise was crowned with strong breastworks, commanding all approaches, and rifle-pits on the flanks covered the creek. Pryor, and his Louisianians, occupied higher grounds to the left of this position, screened by woods, while the entire front wa animated, while three companies of artillery poured showers of shell into the enemy's works, and silenced several guns. Pryor, on the left, was slow in his advance; but Featherstone, riding over, soon urged them into rapid motion, and as our righture on open ground, so while our wings held theirs in check, an assault in front was determined upon. For this, however, Pryor deemed our force insufficient; and having sent for reenforcements unknown to Featherstone, Brigadier Wilcox came on the s
Jackson advance of Wilcox, Featherstone, and Pryor the centre under Ambrose Hill the Texan brigcause not appointed to the advance. Wilcox, Pryor, and Featherstone are also present, conversinging received orders, Wilcox, Featherstone, and Pryor ride off at a gallop, and some prophesy that t Halting in the woods, west of Gaines's House, Pryor's column was sent forward about three P. M. torose Hill having opened the fight to the left, Pryor, Wilcox, and Featherstone moved through the wo on the right, Featherstone in the centre, and Pryor on the left, were rushing along the open towaring at Beaver Dam Creek, Wilcox, Featherstone, Pryor, and other officers, left their steeds in the of the battle under Wilcox, Featherstone, and Pryor, the result being that the enemy are graduallye troops of the two latter States had succored Pryor on the left, and had been actively engaged sind, a good officer and commands a fine brigade. Pryor, Wilcox, Featherstone, Ambrose Hill, and other
t, right, and front, whence the enemy in strong force poured incessant volleys upon any who dared approach their guns, now in full play in the open fields. When our line was re-formed, however, and the wings began to press forward, Featherstone, Pryor, and Wilcox pushed the centre vigorously, and the first-named, making a rush for the guns, seized them, but had to fall back under the fire of a heavy force, and suffered much. Wilcox and Pryor performed prodigies of valor with their exhausted bPryor performed prodigies of valor with their exhausted brigades, yet McCall's resources seemed to have no limit, for as soon as one regiment was vanquished another was pushed forward in its place, so that it required great efforts to drive them back. Featherstone and Fields made another dash at their batteries, but were so shattered they could not hold them. At last, after resting some time, these two commanders rushed at them again, and secured the guns beyond all hope of redemption, for our whole line advanced simultaneously with loud yells, an
much greater difficulty in advancing, for they were exposed to the full fire of batteries. How they escaped annihilation is a mystery. Wilcox, Featherstone, and Pryor did wonders, as usual, but their commands were sorely thinned by grape-shot, and many promising officers lost their lives there. The enemy's guns were not captureWilcox, at Gaines's Mills, said another, was in a terrible rage with his brigade, although as a temporary divisional general he commanded both Featherstone and Pryor. Finding that his men baulked a little at the brook, in face of obstruction and a heavy fire in front, he rushed forward, sword in hand, and threatened to cut offut of the woods alone his destruction was inevitable-for the artillery of the enemy was numerous and powerful. It is said that the sight of Wilcox, Featherstone, Pryor, Whiting, Archer, Hood, and others advancing afoot, sword in hand, cheering on their commands through the woods and up the hill, was most inspiriting: the men chee
elieved his mind by telling him that, although I was perhaps the most brutal among the Northern generals, I would treat them precisely as I did my own wounded. The poor fellows stretched on the floor around him followed the conversation with keen interest, and I saw by the expression of their faces that they felt much relieved when my final answer came. I was told, after the battle of Fair Oaks, that when the Confederates were for a time in possession of the camp of Casey's division Gen. Roger Pryor went around among the wounded, giving them whiskey and water, and that he told them it was a repayment of the kindness with which their wounded were treated at Williamsburg. During the forenoon of the 6th Confederate surgeons came in (as before stated), under a flag of truce, to offer their services in tending their own wounded. I entertained them as well as could be done without baggage or supplies, and found them to be very agreeable gentlemen. Their services were not needed.
424, 426, 428; Malvern, 433, 434, 436, 437 ; Glendale, 443 ; Harrison's Landing, 460, 505; brevetted, 475. In Pope's campaign, 508-511, 513, 528, 529, 532, 536-538. In Maryland campaign, 555 ; Antietam, 584, 586, 600, 601, 609 ; after Antietam, 620, 621, 629, 633, 659. Port Royal, S. C., 174. Potomac river, 79, 93-96, 100, 194, 196, 197, 229-233, 239-241, 549-557,573. Prentiss, Gen. B. M., 45. Prim, Gen. J., visit to McClellan, 388, 400, 401. Prospect Hill, Va,96, 182, 516. Pryor, Gen. R., treatment of Union wounded, 338. Quimby, Col., 74. Radicals, purpose to ruin McClellan, object of, 149, 150 ; results of schemes, 150 ; real desires of, success, 154, 159 ; hostility to McClellan, 155. Randall, Capt., 431, 602. Rappahannock river, Va., 227, 229, 235, 236, 241, 461, 508-511. Raymond, Capt. E. A., 123. Rebellion, cause of, how avoidable. 29 ; precipitated by a few men, helped by misconceptions, 30; secondary causes, 37 ; unnecessarily maintained, aim and object