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n; they have the right to be called men; and, with such men, liberty is safe. How faintly, at this day, can we conceive of the electric enthusiasm of the 19th of April! It seemed As if the very earth again Grew quick with God's creating breath; And, from the sods of grove and glen, Rose ranks of lion-hearted men To battle to the death. The number belonging to Medford who were killed on that day is not known. A worthy old man told us that lie knew of four who fell: William Polly and Henry Putnam, at Concord; and a man named Smith, and another named Francis, in West Cambridge. The two last mentioned were killed by the flank guard of the British, on the retreat to Boston. William Polly was brought to Medford alive, but died of his wounds April 25. The Medford men followed the retreating British from Lexington woods to Charlestown ferry, and shot their last ball during the embarkation. Medford men were with Washington at Monmouth, at Brandywine, at the crossing of the Dela
Samuel Hall7 Watts Turner8 William Tufts, 3d9 William Tufts10 Simon Bradshaw11 Samuel Angier12 Francis Burns13 Zachary Pool14 Jonathan Patten15 E. Hall16 Nathan Tufts17 Samuel Tufts, 2d18 Benjamin Teal19 Timothy Tufts20 Henry Fowle21 James Tufts22 Richard Hall23 Isaac Hall24 Thomas Seccombe25 Benjamin Hall26 Minister's Pew27 Isaac Royal28 Timothy Newhall29 Peter Jones30 Nathan Tufts, jun.31 Timothy Hall32 Hezekiah Blanchard33 Thomas Patten34 Joseph Thompson35 Henry Putnam36 Seth Blodget37 Willis Hall38 Jacob Hall39 John Leathe40 Samuel Jenks41 Andrew Hall42 Isaac Warren43 Isaac Greenleaf44 Samuel Kidder45 Simon Tufts46 Ebenezer Blanchard47 Edward Brooks48 It is specially recorded, that, at the raising of this meeting-house, which took place July 26 and 27, 1769, there was no one hurt. That such an exemption was remarkable, at that period, may be explained by the fact, that probably our fathers did not put themselves into that condition wh
Street, about eight rods south of the bridge, and was the largest in town. It was built by Mr. Benjamin Parker, town-treasurer, as early as 1745, and was sold by him to Hezekiah Blanchard, who added a large dancing-hall to it, and called it Union Hall. He left it to his son Hezekiah, who continued it a tavern till his death. The fourth tavern was at the foot of Rock Hill, at the West End, and sometimes called the Rock Hill Tavern. Among its keepers were Messrs. Usher, Wesson, Frost, and Putnam. It was a favorite resort for teamsters, and gained great popularity. The new house, built by Mr. Jonathan Porter in the market-place, was opened as a tavern, but did not long continue as such. The Medford house, standing on the north-east corner of Main and Spring Streets, and now the only public-house in the town, was built by Mr. Andrew Blanchard in 1804, and attained great popularity under its first keeper, Mr. Jaquith. It was furnished with four bowling-alleys, which proved too
240, 531. Oysters, 387. Palmer, 37. Parker, 51, 52, 531. Patch family, 532. Paterson, 533. Patten family, 533. Pauperism, 441. Peirce family, 533. Pemberton, 36. Pepperrell, 538. Perkins, 534. Perry, 534. Physicians, 302. Pierpont, 262, 312. Polly, 151, 534. Ponds, 5. Population, 451. Post Office, 421. Porter family, 534. Porter, 36, 49, 51, 52, 211, 309. Pounds, 449. Prices Current, 400. Pritchard, 36. Productions, 12. Putnam, 151, 306. Public Buildings, 325. Pynchon, 4. Quincy, 4, 73. Railroads, 57. Raleigh, Sir, Walter, 17. Raymond family, 535. Real Estate, Sales of, 44. Records, Town and Church, 28, 29. Reed, 535. Reeves family, 535. Reeves, 36, 106, 449, 560. Register of Vessels, 368, et seq. Representatives, 168. Revil, 31. Richardson, 537. Roads, 50. Rowse, 44. Royall family, 538. Royal, 4, 9, 49, 87, 170, 176, 224, 265, 355, 482, 570. Russell, 34, 3
ere's never a bond, old friend, like this: We have drunk from the same canteen. Chorus— The same canteen, my soldier friend, The same canteen, There's never a bond, old friend, like this! We have drunk from the same canteen. It was sometimes water, and sometimes milk, Sometimes applejack, fine as silk, But whatever the tipple has been, We shared it together, in bane or bliss, And I warm to you, friend, when I think of this: We have drunk from the same canteen. Gay and happy Private Henry Putnam, a descendant of Israel Putnam of historic fame, and a member of a New York regiment, wrote home from cold Harbor the day before the battle, we are quite gay in Camp despite the prospect for battle to-morrow. To-night we have been singing and telling stories around the Camp fire. I send you a paragraph of gay and happy still, which we sang tonight. the soldier was killed in the trenches the following day by the bullet of a Tennessee rifleman. 1We're the boys that's gay and happy
Historic leaves, volume 4, April, 1905 - January, 1906, Charlestown schools without the Peninsula Revolutionary period. (search)
father lived. Mr. Francis's place on the board was filled by Henry Putnam, who, according to Wyman, was a new-comer from Danvers, and of the town's money yearly. Wyman is doubtless in error when he says Mr. Putnam was teaching without the Neck in 1760. During these same ten y760, and the third for the remaining five years, when, along with Mr. Putnam, he disappeared from the board. Among many entries at this tim; £ 24. May, 1755, and May, 1756, Samuel Kent, Joseph Phipps, Henry Putnam (same amounts). May 10, 1757, Samuel Kent, Henry Putnam, JameHenry Putnam, James Fosdick (same amounts). May, 1758, and May, 1759, Samuel Kent, Henry Putnam, Captain John Hancock (same amounts). May, 1760, ‘61, ‘62,Henry Putnam, Captain John Hancock (same amounts). May, 1760, ‘61, ‘62, ‘63, ‘64, Samuel Kent, Henry Putnam, Joseph Lamson; £ 180; £ 25 6s 8d. May, 1765, ‘66, ‘67, Isaac Mallet, Samuel Kent, Walter Russell; £ 1Henry Putnam, Joseph Lamson; £ 180; £ 25 6s 8d. May, 1765, ‘66, ‘67, Isaac Mallet, Samuel Kent, Walter Russell; £ 180; £ 34 10s. May, 1768, ‘69, ‘70, Samuel Kent, John Lamson, Walter Russell (same amounts). May, 1771, and May,
ine Street, Somerville, 7. Plains of Moab, 44. Plymouth Plantation, 77. Polly's Swamp, 7, 11. Ponchartrain, Lake, 50. Pool, Lot, 90. Porter,——49. Port Hudson, 53, 54. Port Royal (Hilton Head), 34. Pound Lot, 99. Powder House, 7, 16, 98. Powers, Thomas, 85, 87. Prentiss, I., 73, 92. Prospect Hill, 6, 7, 8, 15. Prospect Hill Schoolhouse, 47. Prospect Street, Somerville, 7, 47. Providence, R. I., 1. Putnam, Aaron, 42, 63, 66. Putnam, Aaron, Esq., 40, 42, 65. Putnam, Henry, 15, 21. Putnam, Israel, 15. Radnor, Wales, 86. Rand, Hannah, 85. Rand, John, 84. Rand, Jonathan, 84. Rand, Mary. 39, 82. Rand, Mr., 83. Rand's Woods, 7, 12. Raymond, Daniel, 45. Rea, Mrs., 91, 93, 95, 96. Red River, 55. Reed, Daniel, 17. Reed, Captain, Daniel, 63, 64, 66, 69, 71, 72, Reed, Mary (Converse), 17. Remington, Miss, Charlotte, 91. Remington,, Miss Julia, 91. Republican, National Convention, 2. Revolution, The, 23. Reynolds, Joseph. 96, 97. Richards
llustration of the work of, VII., 189; discretion and sound judgment necessary for office of, VII., 190; existence of war brought before the people by activities of; VII., 190; general headquarters of, VII., 201. Pryor, it. A., X., 127. Psalm of the West, the, Sidney Lanier, IX., 30), 284. Pulaski, Tenn.: I., 213; Union bridge, II., 137. Pulaski, Fort, Ga. : (see also Fort Pulaski, Ga.): VI., 237; VIII., 229. Pulpit Rock, Lookout Mountain, Tenn. : II., 293; summit of, II., 307. Pup-tent, The, VIII., 32. Purchasing system: Confederate army, VIII., 52. Purdy Road, Miss., II., 152. Puritanie>U. S. S., VI., 130. Purnell Legion of Maryland: VII., 169. Purvis, G. E., V., 65. Puryear, J., IV., 166. Putegnat, J. P., VII., 147. Putnam, G. H.: I., 7, 11, 58, 60; VII., 18; IX., 177, 181; X., 21. Putnam, Henry Ix., 348. Putnam, Herbert I., 15. Putnam, L., IX., 348. Putnam,, U. S. S., I., 356.
idge, together with Edward Winship and Edward Winship, Jr., of Lexington, William Symmes and Josiah Symmes of Medford, Henry Putnam, Henry Gardner, Thomas Hutchinson and Benjamin Teel and Benjamin Teel, Jr., of Charlestown, Samuel Carter and Samuel Cad left him. Nathan Putnam, a brother of Perley, who was killed, was severely wounded in the shoulder. He, as well as Henry Putnam of Medford [see Genealogies], who was killed on the same memorable day, were relations of Gen. Israel Putnam, so celeb they shall be rewarded for their trouble. From a list of funerals in Medford, is the following: 1775, April 21, Mr. Henry Putnam—slain at Menotomy by the enemy, in the retreat from Concord on the 19th inst. He was about 70 years. April 26, William Polly, a young man, of a wound in Concord Battle. Mr. Henry Putnam, according to the Medford records, met his death, April 19, and William Polly died April 25, 1775. These persons having connection here, are named in the Genealogies. It is sai
btained Dec. 14, 1816, and on Nov. 20, 1817, twenty-two persons, mostly connected with the existing church at Woburn, were by a council constituted the West Cambridge Baptist Church. The names of the original members of the church, formed Nov. 20, 1817, were Daniel Brooks, Mary Cutter, Elizabeth Williams, Abigail Robbins, Deliverance Winship, Lydia Jones, Simeon Harrington, William Symmes, Nathan Russell, Jr., Seth Reed, Charles Mackintire, Martha Frost, Thomas H. Teel, Eliza Frost, Sally Putnam, Lucy Tufts, Leonard Cox, Susanna Crosby, Bathsheba Brooks, Rachel Dickson, Hannah Estabrook, Daniel Crouch. 22. On Sept. 9, 1828, a new meeting-house was dedicated in the present locality on land given by Mary Cutter. The Sabbath School was organized Oct. 21, 1828. A new and more commodious church edifice was dedicated March 31, 1853. The house is of the Gothic style of architecture, and was erected at the cost of $15,000, including an organ and other appurtenances. It was subjected
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