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Port Royal, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
Federal navy, assistance of, at, II., 219, 226, 332; siege of, II., 336, 340; campaign of, IV., 135; VI., 38, 114, 217, 226, 318; VII, 112, 114, 118; expeditions, of, VII., 263. Port Republic, Va.: L, 310, 366; IV., 104. Port Royal, S. C.: I., 354, 355; capture of Confederate forts at, I., 357; II., 329; expedition, II., 329; III., 224; on Rappahannock, IV., 203; expeditionary corps, V., 110, 145; VI., 22, 75, 112, 115, 117, 120, 125, 168, 270, 295; entrance to, VI., 310. Port Royal, Va., evacuation of, IV., 205. Port Royal,, U. S. S.: I., 364; VI, 314. Port Royal Islands, S. C., IX., 352. Porter, A.: I., 157; VIII, 271; X., 303. Porter, D., I., 183. Porter, D. D.: I., 25, 77, 183, 214, 226 seq., 228, 362; river fleet of, I., 74, 362; II., 188, 190 seq., 200; II., 206, 332, 334, 348, 350; III., 340, 342; Red River fleet of, IV., 139; V., 267, 269, 313; VI., 37, 64, 68, 81, 114, 116, 120, 141, 148, 175, 181, 184, 195, 201, 206, 207, 209,
Springfield (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
, 346. Partisan rangers of Confederacy, IV., 165-180. Pasquotank River, N. C., VI., 312. Passaic,, U. S. S., I., 24; II., 332; VI., 128, 130; IX., 336. Passes, chemically prepared for the army, VIII., 19. Pastimes of officers and men Viii., 241, 243. Patapsco,, U. S. S.: II., 332; VI., 128, 179, 276, 322; IX., 336. Patrick, M. R., VIII., 279; X., 49. Patrick Henry,, C. S. S.: V., 313; VI., 90, 146, 162, 168, 174. Patriot Publishing Co., Springfield, Mass. : I., 8, 18; II., 8. Patriotism, Spirit of, X., 128. Patterson, J. N., X., 219. Patterson, R.: L., 140, 146 seq., 150 seq., 152. Patterson Creek, Va., I., 348. Patterson Creek, W. Va., IV., 108. Pattersonville, La., II., 332. Patton, E. E., X., 2. Paul, G. R., X., 217. Paul Jones,, U. S. S., VI., 121, 316. Paulding, L., I., 214. Pawnee,, U. S. S.: I., 348; VI., 23, 48, 91, 93, 91, 96, 97, 99, 100, 269, 308. Pawtucke
Plum Point (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
l, La.: II., 352; VI., 227. Pleasant Valley, Md., IX., 161. Pleasant's Virginia battery, Confederate, I., 360. Pleasants, H., III., 195; V., 246. Pleasonton, A.: II., 116, 324, 326, 336, 340; IV., 16, 24, 31, 75, 80, 84, 226, 228, 230, 231, 237, 243, 262, 275, 299 seq.; V., 37; VII., 169; headquarters at Auburn, VIII., 235, 319, 361; IX., 58, 61, 65; X., 238. Plevna, losses at, X., 140. Plue, D., VIII., 281. Plum, W. R., quoted, VIII., 360. Plum Point, Tenn., I., 362. Plummer, J. B., I., 362. Plymouth, N. C.: II., 352; III., 338; VI., 323, 322. Plymouth,, U. S. S., VI., 54, 142. Po River, Va., III., 56. Poague, W. T., V., 73; IX., 85. Pocohontas,, U. S. S., VI., 93. Pocotaligo, S. C., II., 326. Poe, E. A., IX., 19. Poe, O. M.: I., 33, 42; III, 222; V., 195, 231, 254; VII., 25. Pohick Church, Va., I., 354. Pohle, C. R. M., VIII., 109. Poindexter, J. A., I., 320. Po
Paducah (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
P Paducah, Ky.: I., 177, 181, 197; II, 350; VI., 310; X., 44. Page, H., IV., 313. Page, R. L.: III., 319; VI., 244,258; X., 321. Page, T. J., VI., 295, 299. Paine, C. J., X., 213 Paine, H. E.: I., 217; II., 136; VIII., 297; X., 309. Painter, sergeant Iv., 215. Paintsville, Ky.: I., 180,356; II., 352. Palentine,, U. S. S., II., 162, 163. Palfrey, F. W., X., 23. Palfrey, J. C., X., 215. Palmer, Ben, IV., 166. Palmer, D., VIII., 363. Palmer, I. N.: III., 344; IV., 15. Palmer, J., X., 296. Palmer, J. B., X., 299. Palmer, J. M.: II., 174, 324; III., 105, 110; X., 189, 220, 294. Palmer, J. S., VI., 314. Palmer, J. W., IX., 24, 86. Palmer, W. J., III., 344. Palmetto sharpshooters, losses at Glendale, Va., X., 158. Palmetto State, , C. S. S.: II., 330; VI., 124, 172, 239, 272, 318. Palo Alto, Miss., IV., 132. Pamlico Sound, N. C., VI., 115, 263. P
Fort Sedgwick (Colorado, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
ardment of, III., 204, 296, 298, 300; courthouse in, III., 301, 303, 304, 305, 309, 311, 320, 321, 322, 324, 326, 328, 330, 335, 337, 340; fall of, III., 344; trenches at, III., 344; IV., 38, 104, 108, 128, 252, 253, 258; About Faced Redoubt, V., 49; Mortar Dictator in, V., 51; heavy artillery on the way to, V., 52, 54, 62, 182; mine, V., 180, 184; Confederate abatis at, V., 193; entrenchments at, value of, to Confederates, V., 214, 216; Confederate fortifications in defense of, V., 217; Fort Sedgwick, V., 217, 239, 246, 248; attempts of Confederate engineers to locate Union mines at, V., 262, 264, 296, 320; VI., 317; Castle Thunder Prison at, VII., 87, 89, 161; surgeons of Ninth corps at, VII., 221; supplies sent to armies investing, VII., 227: Confederate camp in front of, used as hospital, VII., 229; headquarters, Chief of Ambulance, VII., 281, 307; VIII., 16; field forge at, VIII., 41; building winter quarters at, VIII., 41; weighing bread for the Union army, VIII., 49; government
Corinth (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
h type, V., 190. Prospect Hill, Washington, D. C. : camp of New York Thirteenth cavalry at, IV., 173. Prospect Hill, Va.: New York Thirteenth cavalry at, IV., 27. Proteus,, U. S. S., VI., 107. Provence's battery, Confederate, I., 358. Providence, it. I.: First Maine Infantry leaving, VIII., 60. Provincetown, Mass., VI., 312. Provost guard: patrols of the, VIII., 81. Provost marshal: duties and responsibilities of, II., 157; headquarters of, at Corinth, Miss., II., 157; activities of., VII., 85; office, Department of the Cumberland, VII., 183, 187 seq.; the army's police, VII., 187-212; general, duties of, VII., 188; duties of, combined offices of chief of police and magistrate, VII., 188, 189, seq.; and the citizen, VII., 188-212; practical illustration of the work of, VII., 189; discretion and sound judgment necessary for office of, VII., 190; existence of war brought before the people by activities of; VII., 190; general headquarters of, V
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 16
13; VI., 37, 64, 68, 81, 114, 116, 120, 141, 148, 175, 181, 184, 195, 201, 206, 207, 209, 210, 226, 227, 234, 240, 314, 317, 318, 322; staff of, VI., 257; VIII., 330. Porter, Mrs. Felicia Grundy: President Women's Relief Society of the Confederate States, VII., 247, 296. Porter, Fitz-John: I., 29, 51 seq., 281, 314, 320, 321, 324, 326, 335; II., 46, 50, 68, 322, 324; and staff, IV., 221, 222; V., 35, 38; VIII., 356; X., 183, 198. Porter, H.: III., 81; VIII., 185, 226, 235; IX., 1n Alabama and Georgia, VII., 178; Old Capitol, at Washington, VIII., 289. Pritchard, B. D., IX., 295. Pritchard's Mills, Md., I., 352. Private agencies of relief Vii., 321-344 Privateers: Confederate, conviction of, by United States court and the trouble that ensued, VII., 29, 34, 36; crews of, proclaimed pirates by Lincoln, VI., 84; careers of, VI., 122; abandoned for blockade running, VI., 290; Proclamation of president l, Lincoln regard to (April 19, 1861), VII., 34.
Port Gibson (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
28, 32, 34, 38 seq.; 43, 46, 48, 50, 53, 54, 139, 144, 320, 322; IV., 34; army of, IV., 67, 89, 90, 193; V., 27, 32 seq., 34, 36, 104, 200, 202, 283, 286, 288; VI., 189, 216, 218, 268; VII., 106, 219; VIII., 18, 128, 201, 228, 240; IX., 75; X., 173, 176. Pope, V., III., 39. Poplar Springs Church, Va., III., 332. Population of Northern States in 1860, VIII., 58. Porcher, F. P., VII., 250. Pork-packing by Confederate government at Richmond, Va., VIII., 54. Port Gibson, Miss.: II., 189, 214, 216, 334, 340. Port Hudson, La.: L, 365; II., 9; Confederate fortifications at, II., 179; River Banks at, II., 179 seq., 188; Confederate fortifications, II., 210; Confederate siege guns at, II., 211; Confederate fortifications at, II., 213; parapet at, II., 213; The Citadel, II, 215; battered guns at, II., 217; Bainbridge's batteries at, II., 217; Duryea's batteries at, II., 217; Federal battery No. 10 at, II., 219; Federal navy, assistance of, at, II., 219, 2
Fort Macon (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
.: II., 330; VI., 124, 172, 239, 272, 318. Palo Alto, Miss., IV., 132. Pamlico Sound, N. C., VI., 115, 263. Pamunkey, Va., I., 319. Pamunkey River, Va.: I., 274; The White House on the, I., 275, 282, 324; III., 78; IV., 127, 203; VI., 59; scouts of Army of the Potomac, VIII., 267. Pancoast, G. L., VII., 226. Panther Gap, W. Va., III., 322. Paris, Count de: I., 115, 117; quoted, II., 82; IV., 32, 222, 267, 272. Parke, J. G.: at battle of Fort Macon, N. C., I., 362; commanding the Ninth Corps at siege of Petersburg, Va., III., 282; battle of April 2d, III., 294; seizes Confederate entrenchments, III., 334; recaptures Fort Stedman, VIII., 357, 368; the Fifth Rhode Island under, IX., 71; X., 185, 208. Parker, E. S.: I.,81; VII., 254; IX., 113; X., 47, 49. Parker, J., VII., 318. Parker, W. H., VI., 90, 156. Parker, W. V., VI., 175. Parker's Cross roads, Tenn., II., 328. Parks,, U. S. S., VI., 57. Parro
Auburn, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 16
bec, I., 57. Plank Road, Va., V., 320. Planter,, C. S. S., VI., 314. Planter,, U. S. S., VII., 227. Plaquemine, La., I., 363. Pleasant Hill, La.: II., 352; VI., 227. Pleasant Valley, Md., IX., 161. Pleasant's Virginia battery, Confederate, I., 360. Pleasants, H., III., 195; V., 246. Pleasonton, A.: II., 116, 324, 326, 336, 340; IV., 16, 24, 31, 75, 80, 84, 226, 228, 230, 231, 237, 243, 262, 275, 299 seq.; V., 37; VII., 169; headquarters at Auburn, VIII., 235, 319, 361; IX., 58, 61, 65; X., 238. Plevna, losses at, X., 140. Plue, D., VIII., 281. Plum, W. R., quoted, VIII., 360. Plum Point, Tenn., I., 362. Plummer, J. B., I., 362. Plymouth, N. C.: II., 352; III., 338; VI., 323, 322. Plymouth,, U. S. S., VI., 54, 142. Po River, Va., III., 56. Poague, W. T., V., 73; IX., 85. Pocohontas,, U. S. S., VI., 93. Pocotaligo, S. C., II., 326. Poe, E. A., IX., 19. Poe, O. M.
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