Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for C. W. Read or search for C. W. Read in all documents.

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s a list of the officers and crew: Second Lieutenant, C. W. Read, commanding; Second Assistant Engiicers in command of the vessel were Second Lieutenant C. W. Read, who has a commission in the confed arrived in the harbor Friday evening. So Lieutenant Read states, and he is corroborated by the creers and got an account of the cruise from Lieutenant Read, who courteously answered all questions. book furnished the Commandant, namely: Lieutenant Read reported on board the Florida in Mobile aened her C. S. corvette Florida No. 2. Lieutenant Read states that the Florida captured fourteenr was one, the others I could not learn. Lieutenant Read was transferred to brig Clarence, with thged to fire stones and pieces of iron. Lieutenant Read belongs in Mississippi, near Vicksburgh, ed about. Albert P. Bibber. Letter from Lieut. Read, of the privateer Florida. Fort Prebleite to me. Sincerely, etc., your friend, C. W. Read. Lieut. A. Barbot, Confederate States Navy,[2 more...]
nty minutes past one A. M., of the twenty-eighth, the enemy made the attack, and their storming party got into the fort; but the gunboats opened a flanking fire above and below the fort, hurling destruction into the rebel ranks and driving back the supporting party, so that they broke and fled, and the twenty who entered the fort were captured. At ten minutes to five A. M., the rebels (Texans) fell back in great rage, vowing vengeance. I had in the mean time ordered up the Monongahela, Commander Read, and General Emory first, and then General Banks sent forward reinforcements. General Stone is now in command there, and the place is perfectly secure. The prisoners arrived from Donaldsonville number one hundred and twenty-four--among which are one lieutenant-colonel, two majors, two captains, and five lieutenants. Our forces have buried sixty-nine rebel dead, and are still employed, calculating there are about one hundred. Colonel Phillips is among the number of the rebel dead.
heir location. The door of the entry adjoining was broken open, and the mob rushed up-stairs to the shop of John P. Lovell, gunsmith, but it did not appear that the shop was entered. The next rush was made for the store of William Read & Son, Faneuil Hall Square. A guard of several officers has been stationed in this store, known to have a larger and more choice stock of fire-arms than any other in the city. When the mob entered Dock Square, John M. Dunn, detective officer, who was at Mr. Read's store, hurried to the Second station-house, filled a carriage with officers well armed, and driving rapidly reached the store just as the mob was breaking in. One man who struck a blow upon the window was shot in the head, and the mob received a check. This man was James Campbell, very stout and muscular, and although the shot took effect above his eye, causing much blood to flow, it did not appear that he was seriously injured. He was carried to the station-house, and locked up. Some e