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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., chapter 1.1 (search)
floating batteries, prepared at such heavy cost and with every anticipation of success by the Federal Government, we had on our side: 1. Fort Sumter, under Colonel Alfred Rhett, with a garrison of seven companies of the 1st South Carolina Artillery (regulars); the guns it brought into action on that day being two 7-inch Brookes, tminutes, but which had been, for the enemy, a most disastrous defeat. The following are extracts from reports of officers in command or on duty that day. Colonel Rhett said: The enemy's fire was mostly ricochet and not very accurate; most of their shot passed over the fort, and several to the right and left. The greater The heavy Parrott shells used against its parapets had breached them and knocked away the bomb-proofs. It had become impossible to repair the damages done. Colonel Rhett and his artillery command of regulars had already been transferred to the batteries forming the inner defenses, which were now almost entirely completed, and m
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The Confederate defense of Fort Sumter. (search)
us and protracted defense by the Confederate forces in the years 1863 and 1864. In the beginning of 1863 the fort was garrisoned by the greater part of the 1st South Carolina regiment of artillery, enlisted as regulars, and commanded by Colonel Alfred Rhett, Lieut.-Colonel Joseph A. Yates, and Major Ormsby Blanding. The drill, discipline, and efficiency of the garrison were maintained at the height of excellence. A spirit of emulation existed between this garrison and that of Fort Moultrie,rt for several days. The cause of the explosion was never discovered. A lower casemate on the western or city front, near the south-western angle, where the magazine lay, was occupied by Lieutenant Colonel Stephen Elliott (who had succeeded Colonel Rhett in command) and myself. As duty required night to be turned into day, we had not long turned day into night, but were fast asleep, when we were aroused by the noise of a great explosion, the dull sound of heavy falling masses, and the rush o
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The boat attack on Sumter. (search)
and the boat attacks on Cumming's Point and Fort Sumter, in September. On the other hand, General W. B. Taliaferro, who commanded on Morris Island at the time of the attack on Battery Wagner referred to by Major Johnson, states in the Philadelphia times, November 11th, 1882, that the Union signals were not interpreted on that occasion.--editors. Sumter was accordingly reenforced, Major John Johnson says of this statement: Sumter was not reenforced; but on the night of September 4th--5th, Rhett's enfeebled garrison had been relieved by Major Elliott and the Charleston Battalion of infantry, 320 strong. No troops after that date were sent to the fort before the boat attack on September 8th. and, when attacked, contained 450 men. One of our iron-clads was ordered to take up a position to sweep the approaches to the gorge with canister and grape. The guns in the shore batteries were loaded and trained upon the approaches to the fort, and the men were ordered to stand by their guns,
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The army before Charleston in 1863. (search)
he parapet could be seen in many places both on the sea and channel faces completely torn away from the terre-plein. The place, in fine, was a ruin, and effectually disabled for any immediate defense of the harbor of Charleston. Having accomplished the end proposed, orders were accordingly issued on the evening of the 23d for the firing to cease, having been continuously sustained for seven days. There had been thrown 5009 projectiles, of which about one-half had struck the fort. Colonel Alfred Rhett, C. S. A., commanding Fort Sumter, reports, August 24th, One 11-inch Dahlgren, east face, the only gun serviceable ; and on September 1st, We have not a gun en barbette that can be fired; only one gun and casemate. General Stephen Elliott, C. S. A., writes as follows: When I assumed command of Fort Sumter on the 4th of September, 1863, there were no guns in position except one 32-pounder in one of the north-west casemates. This gun was merely used for firing at sunset, and was
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing land forces at Charleston, S. C. (search)
., Col. L. M. Keitt; German Art'y, Capt. F. W. Wagener; Inglis (S. C.) Art'y, Capt. W. E. Charles; 1st S. C., Col. William Butler; S. C. Car., Capt. A..D. Sparks; E, 5th S. C. Cav., Capt. L. A. Whilden; II and K, 1st S. C. Art'y, Capts. H. R. Lesesne and A. S. Gaillard. Third Subdivision (Morris Island), Brig.-Gen. A. H. Colquitt: [The troops of this command were drawn from other subdivisions and appear in the commands to which they properly belonged.] Fourth Subdivision (Fort Sumter), Col. Alfred Rhett, Maj. Stephen Elliott, Jr.: B, D, and E, 1st S. C. Art'y; B, 27th Ga.; F, 28th Ga. Castle Pin(kney and Fort Ripley: G, 1st S. C. Art'y, Capt. W. H. Peronneau. [Subsequent to the fall of Morris Island other troops were detailed, in turn, to garrison Fort Sumter.] Fifth Subdivision, Brig.-Gen. W. G. DeSaussure: 1st S. C. (Mil.), Col. Ed. Magrath; 1st S. C. Art'y (Mil.), Col. J. A. Wagener; 18th S. C. (Mil.), Col. J. E. Carew; Battalion State Cadets, Maj. J. B. White; D and II, 5th S. C.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Sherman's march from Savannah to Bentonville. (search)
hich had garrisoned Charleston, commanded by Colonel Alfred Rhett. Kilpatrick's cavalry was in advance of they some of the skirmishers had come suddenly upon Colonel Rhett, accompanied by a few of his men, and had captured him. Rhett before the war had been one of the editors of the Charleston Mercury, one of the strongest secessn Charleston before the war had been acquainted with Rhett, and not wishing to have him under his immediate charge, he sent him to me. Rhett spent that night in my tent, and as I had also been stationed at Fort Moultrie in acquaintances in Charleston. The following morning Rhett was sent to the rear in charge of the cavalry. He whance to fight. One of my staff told me that he saw Rhett a few days later, trudging along under guard, but thxchanged a very coarse pair of army shoes for them. Rhett said that in all his troubles he had one consolatione capture of Macbeth's Charleston Battery and 217 of Rhett's men. The Confederates were found behind another li
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces in the campaign of the Carolinas. (search)
. Abercrombie; 17th Ala., Col. E. P. Holcombe; 27th Ala. (consolidated 27th, 35th, 49th, 55th, and 57th Ala.), Col. Ed. McAlexander. Anderson's (late Taliaferro's) division, Maj.-Gen. Patton Anderson. Elliott's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Stephen Elliott, Jr., Lieut.-Col. J. Welsman Brown: 22d Ga. Batt'n Art'y, Maj. M. J. McMullan; 27th Ga. Batt'n, Maj. A. L. Hartridge; 2d S. C. Art'y, Lieut.-Col. J. W. Brown, Maj. F. F. Warley; Manigault's S. C. Batt'n, Lieut. H. Klatte, Capt. Thomas G. Boag. Rhett's Brigade, Col. William Butler: 1st S. C. (regulars), Maj. T. A. Huguenin, Lieut.-Col. Warren Adams; 1st S. C. Art'y, Lieut.-Col. Joseph A. Yates; Lucas's S. C. Batt'n, Maj. J. J. Lucas, Capt. T. B. Hayne. Walthall's (late McLaws's) division, Maj.-Gen. E. C. Walthall. Harrison's Brigade, Col. George P. Harrison, Jr.: 1st Ga. (regulars), Col. R. A. Wayne; 5th Ga., Col. C. P. Daniel; 5th Ga. Reserves, Maj. C. E. McGregor; 32d Ga., Lieut.-Col. E. 11. Bacon, Jr.; 47th Ga. and Bonaud's Bat