Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 24, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Alfred Rhett or search for Alfred Rhett in all documents.

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"On the 16th instant, four miles below Averysboro', which is between Fayetteville and Smithfield, two corps, under Slocum, and Kilpatrick's cavalry, were met by Rhett's brigade of South Carolina regulars, and held in check for five hours, until the arrival of General Stephen Elliott's brigade (also Charleston troops), when the engagement show that the Federals, lost, as is estimated, about three thousand five hundred killed and wounded; our own loss being about five hundred. "Colonel Alfred Rhett, in command of the brigade, is reported missing. "Killed in First infantry regulars: Lieutenant-Colonel DeTreville, Lieutenant Glover and Captain Quatred: Lieutenant Ravenel McBeth. "First artillery--Killed: Captain Lesene, son of Henry Lesesne; Lieutenants LaBorde and Stewart. Wounded; Major Blanding, Captain Rhett, Lieutenant Fickling, Lieutenant J. Middleton, Lieutenant de Lorns, Lieutenant Robertson. Missing: Lieutenant Edward Middleton, Lieutenant Frost." A let