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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, I. April, 1861 (search)
entiment, and place the State in the attitude now manifestly desired by an overwhelming majority of the people. He was answered by the gallant Capt. Wise, who thrilled every breast with his intrepid bearing and electric bursts of oratory. He advocated action, without reference to the other Convention, as the best means of bringing the Unionists to their senses. And the so-called Demosthenean Seddon, and G. W. Randolph (grandson of Thomas Jefferson), Lieut.-Gov. Montague, James Lyons, Judge Robertson, etc., were there. Never, never did I hear more exalted and effective bursts of oratory. And it was apparent that messages were constantly received from the other Convention. What they were, I did not learn at the moment; but it was evident that the Unionists were shaking in their shoes, and they certainly begged one--just oneday's delay, which was accorded them. The People's Convention agreed to adjourn till 10 o'clock A. M. the next day. But before we separated a commotion was ob
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 32 (search)
wed energy and determination, and a little more sacrifice upon the part of the people, and the President firmly believed that next spring would see the invader driven from our borders. Then farmers, who are now refugees, could return to their families and pursue their business undisturbed as heretofore. In fact, he believed that the defeat of Rosecrans would practically end the war. Mr. Randolph has signified his purpose to vote for the bill reducing prices, rather than resign; but Mr. Wyndham Robertson, the delegate, has resigned. Nearly all the papers have taken ground against the Maximum bill. To-night a mass meeting is called, to urge the passage of the bill. The mass meeting to-night was a small affair. Mr. Robinson, my old compositor, made a speech, abusing the editors; but the editors have succeeded in putting down for the present the cry for bread. I fear, however, it is but the work of Sisyphus, and it may destroy them; for, if the measure fails before the Legislatu
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 46 (search)
stubbornly, and left a considerable number of their killed. He stampeded, and came near capturing Kilpatrick twice; but having a fleet horse, he escaped, bareheaded, leaving his hat in our hands. Our own loss about 70, including the gallant Gen. Robertson, severely wounded. Our troops all acted handsomely. Gen. Robertson has arrived here. His left arm is badly broken at the elbow, but he is doing well.-B. B. Another dispatch of the same date: To establish our communications west, I haGen. Robertson has arrived here. His left arm is badly broken at the elbow, but he is doing well.-B. B. Another dispatch of the same date: To establish our communications west, I have ordered the immediate repair of the Georgia Railroad to Atlanta. With the exception of bridges, the damage is reported as slight. We should also have a line of telegraph on that route.-B. B. I succeeded to-day in buying of Government Quartermaster (Major Ferguson) four yards of dark-gray cloth, at $12 per yard, for a full suit. The merchants ask $125 per yard — a saving of $450. I hope to have it cut and made by one of the government tailors, for about $50, trimmings included. A citize