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with the enemy. Johnston amusing the enemy. affair of Rich Mountain. McClellan's march into Northwestern Virginia. Rosecrans' capture of the Confederate force on Rich Mountain. retreat of the, Confederates from Laurel Hill. death of Gen. Garnntry, six pieces of artillery and three companies of cavalry. The plans of the enemy promised a complete success. Gen. Rosecrans, with a Federal column of about three thousand men, was to gain, by a difficult march through the mountain, Pegram'sn attacked in front with five thousand men, and a number of pieces of artillery. On the 11th of July, before daybreak, Rosecrans' column was in motion. The path up the mountain was rugged and perplexed beyond all expectation; the weather was uncer them, but with little effect, as their lines were concealed by the trees and brushwood. After some sharp skirmishing, Rosecrans threw out his men on either flank, with the view of surrounding the small Confederate force. Finding himself with thre
ey. the affair at cross Lanes. movement of Rosecrans. affair of Carnifax Ferry. Floyd and Wise vement of Lee to the line of Lewisburg. how Rosecrans escaped from him. engagement of the Greenbrn of affairs was not lost upon the enemy. Gen. Rosecrans--a name which was hereafter to become fami and rifled cannon. As the sun was sinking, Rosecrans ordered a final and desperate charge. His tappears that when Floyd had first learned of Rosecrans' advance, he had despatched orders to Gen. Win all military operations. In a few days Rosecrans crossed the Gauley with his army, and as the approached the enemy in Randolph County. Rosecrans was then the ranking officer of the Federal arter. Learning by couriers of the union of Rosecrans and Cox, and of their advance upon Wise and ensive works already planned. Meanwhile Gen. Rosecrans, with fifteen thousand men, advanced, and e lost. On the night of the 6th of October, Rosecrans' troops moved to the rear in the dark, and t[2 more...]
ngs and his right at Memphis, was Gen. Grant, with Gens. Sherman, Rosecrans, and McClernand under his command. Further east was the Federal ese orders were however changed, and Price was directed to follow Rosecrans across the Tennessee River into Middle Tennessee, whither it was uka, to cross the Tennessee, but was not long in discovering that Rosecrans had not crossed that stream. This officer, in connection with Grnd; Grant (headquarters at Jack son), with about three thousand; Rosecrans at Corinth, with about fifteen thousand, together with the followack. In the event of operations being conducted against Bolivar, Rosecrans was prepared to fall on the Confederate right. rear, whilst if Crprise that place before the outpost garrisons were called in. Rosecrans' forces occupied a position outside the defences of the town, thr. A hand to hand contest was being enacted in the very yard of Gen. Rosecrans' headquarters, and in the streets of the town. The enemy was f
ing of the Federals. desperate situation of Rosecrans. his sang-froid. he develops a New line ofal army now in Tennessee, under command of Gen. Rosecrans, maintained itself with some difficulty atessee. In the absence of Bragg's cavalry, Rosecrans determined to seize the opportunity for atta of this force has been officially stated by Rosecrans at about forty-seven thousand men; but Gen. commanders prepared to attack the next day. Rosecrans drew up an elaborate plan of battle, and expuitless contest, was — to use the words of Gen. Rosecrans himself--crumbled to pieces. Hardee contiattested the rout. The entire right wing of Rosecrans was being driven in the greatest disorder, a were remarkable. It was now near noon, and Rosecrans had his right wing broken; he had already loom which he had been driven in the morning. Rosecrans had shown a great power in handling troops, ut molestation from the enemy. The next day Rosecrans moved into Murfreesboro, and Bragg retired t[4 more...]
s ready to execute the next step in his scheme of attacking Vicksburg from the southeast. His adventure was a complete surprise to Gen. Pemberton at Vicksburg. This commander, who had been appointed to what the Confederates designated as the department of Mississippi and East Louisiana, had been so blind as to suppose Grant's object was not Vicksburg, but Bragg's army in Tennessee, and as late as the middle of April, he had proposed to order troops to Tullahoma, under the delusion that Rosecrans would be reinforced from Grant's army. The mistake was characteristic of a commander who was in no way qualified for the great trust to which he had been exalted. The appointment of Gen. Pemberton to the defence of Vicksburg was an unfortunate one; it was probably the most unpopular single act of President Davis, who was constantly startling the public by the most unexpected and grotesque selections for the most important posts of the public service. Pemberton had not yet fought a batt
ed the most important battle of the war. It was fought on the soil of Pennsylvania, on whose wheat-fields President Davis had declared, on the floor of the United States Senate in Washington, when war was first threatened, should be carried the contest for the rights of the South. During the few weeks following the brilliant victory of Chancellorsville, never did affairs look so propitious for the Confederates. The safety of Vicksburg was not then seriously questioned; Bragg confronted Rosecrans with a force strong enough to hold him at bay; and the Confederates had the choice of two campaigns: either to reinforce Bragg from Lee's army, over a distance that might be accomplished in ten days, with two lines of railroad as far as Chattanooga, or to change the defensive attitude in Virginia, and make a second experiment of the invasion of the North. The alternative of these campaigns was suggested in Richmond. The latter was decided upon. It was thought advisable to clear Virgini
on the way from Virginia to reinforce him. Rosecrans pursues the Confederates, and exposes himselst opportunity in McLenore's Cove. lines of Rosecrans' advance. Bragg resolves to advance and attwith ordinary generalship, might have driven Rosecrans from the State. But when Stevenson's divisi in Tennessee as one merely of observation. Rosecrans was in his front, and Burnside, who commandes left Hoover's Gap undefended by our army. Rosecrans advanced upon Hoover's Gap. Three brigades o army at the time it was menaced in front by Rosecrans, at Shelbyville. In the latter part of thossing the mountains to the Tennessee River, Rosecrans, who was moving with a force of effective ing the 9th September, it was ascertained that Rosecrans, supposing that Bragg was retreating, had prmore's Cove. To understand the advance of Rosecrans' army, it would seem that Thomas' and McCookurs of valuable time had been lost, in which Rosecrans was desperately busy in strengthening his po[2 more...]
ion was only a question of time. This was a bold statement of Bragg; but it seemed that for once a least his swollen boasts were to be realized, and the enemy at Chattanooga starved into surrender. Starvation or retreat stared in the face of the Army of the Cumberland; its supplies had to be dragged for sixty miles across the country and over abominable roads; and even if it ventured on retreat, it would have to abandon its artillery and most of its materiel. At this critical period, Gen. Rosecrans was relieved, Gen. Thomas succeeding him; and a few days afterwards, Gen. Grant arrived, having been placed in command of a military division, composed of the departments of the Ohio, Cumberland, and Tennessee, in which were the armies of Gens. Burnside, Thomas, and Sherman. It was the first task of Grant to relieve Thomas in Chattanooga. Reinforced by Hooker with two corps, it was decided that this force should cross the Tennessee River at Bridgeport, making a lodgment on the south
s, by the way of Pocahontas and Poplar Bluff. He had about ten thousand men under the command of Gens. Shelby, Marmaduke, and Fagan. From Poplar Bluff, Price advanced, by the way of Bloomfield, to Pilot Knob, driving before him the various outpost garrisons, and threatening Cape Girardeau. Pilot Knob was evacuated, and Price thus obtained a strongly fortified position, eighty-six miles south of St. Louis, the terminus of the railroad, and the depot for supply of the lower outposts. Gen. Rosecrans, the Federal commander in the Department of Missouri, was largely superiour in force to Price; but he appears to have been unable to concentrate or handle his troops, and the country was surprised to find Gen. Price moving almost without molestation through the large State of Missouri, doing incalculable mischief, and kindling the hopes of the Confederates with another campaign of wonders in this remote region of the war. From Pilot Knob Gen. Price moved north to the Missouri River, and
outh to Gadsden, Alabama, where he rejoined his trains, to make his fatal march towards Nashville. Sherman waited some time at Gaylesville, until he became fully assured of the direction taken by Hood; and then abruptly prepared to abandon the pursuit, return to Atlanta, and mobilize his army for a march across the broad State of Georgia to the sea. His calculation was a plain and precise one. Gen. Thomas, at Nashville, could collect troops from the whole Department of the Mississippi; Rosecrans was able to send him reinforcements from Missouri; Sherman detached two corps--the Fourth and Twenty-third--to move, by the way of Chattanooga, to the relief of Thomas; and there was little doubt that with this force Thomas could ho d the line of the Tennessee, or if Hood forced it, would be able to concentrate and give a good battle. Sherman was left in command of four army corps, and two divisions of superb cavalry — a force of about sixty-thousand men. When Hood wandered off in the dir