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The Daily Dispatch: November 29, 1861., [Electronic resource], Proceedings of the Methodist Annual Conference. (search)
ral Conference the law does not now authorize such action. Leave of absence was granted Rev.--Hammer, and permission granted him to leave a vote for delegates to the General Conference. The resolution also was debated by the author, Messrs Rosser and Smith, Carter, Langhorne, and Whitehead, and adopted by a decided vote. Rev. D. P. Wills offered a resolution expressing the opinion that it would be better in every instance where the subscription is not paid in advance to discontin, these members having prepared their ballots and confided them to members of the Conference in attendance. Upon the first ballot the following persons were elected; W. A. Smith, D. S. Doggett, L. M. Lee, G. W. Langhorne, J. E. Edwards, Leonidas Rosser, Henry B. Cowles, W. W. Bennett, J. D. Couling, and Wm. B. Rowzie Messrs. Spiller, Rowe, and Bain were granted leave of absence. And then the Conference adjourned with the benediction. The Conference assembled at half-past 7 o