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Hill county (Texas, United States) (search for this): article 15
this afternoon, at 3½ o'clock. Rev. W. H. Christian read a certificate from Texas, concerning the character of. --Williams, a superannuated preacher, connected with this Conference. The relation of this member was continued. Dr. Doggett read to the Conference, from Rev. Benj. P. Ames, a letter concerning his situation and circumstances. The letter requested an election to Elder's Orders. The Conference to elected him. Also, a letter from Rev. F. J. Boggs, from Chape Hill, Texas, representing himself as now Captain in a regiment of mounted Texas. The examination of character of Elders was resumed, and Messrs. Wm. B. Rowzie, Robt. Michaels, L. M. Lee, W. J. Coffman, John D. Blackwell, P. A. Peterson, Jas. A Moss, Jas. W. Wonnicutt, Jas. G. Hammer, (who was continued on supernumerary list,) C. C. Pearson, Joseph J. Edwards, J. McMullin, W. J. Norfleet, T. A. Payne, and A. M. Hall, were passed. Rev. J. S. R. Clarke presented the report of the Committee on
Washington (United States) (search for this): article 15
Conference. The Board distributed — dollars, which paid about sixty per cent, upon the claims before them — something less than the amount paid in previous years. The dividend would have been very much smaller but for the action of sundry preachers, before noticed, who declined to prefer any claim for deficiencies, although with some these were great. Rev. W. W. Bennett gave notice that he was authorized to receive any moneys which any of the preachers had for W. T. Smithson, of Washington city. An immediate meeting of the Distribution Committee of the Relief Society was called, and the presiding officer being a member of that body, called the Rev. W. W. Bennett to the chair. Rev. L. S. Reid, aided by the Conference Secretaries, paid over to the preachers the several amounts allowed by the Board of Stewards, to the claimants upon their funds and when this was concluded, the Conference about nine o'clock, took a recess, to allow the Bible and Tract Society to hold its
Greenville, North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 15
, including short sketches of the lives and labors of Rev. Jas. W. Payne, W. M. Ward, and R. T. Nixon, Ministers of this Conference who have died during the past year. The report was adopted. The Rev. W. B. Rowzie, when his name was called, gave a brief account of his transactions as agent for Wesleyan Female College. Early in the year the troubles of the times made it evident that nothing could be done, and he, at the instance of the Presiding Elder of the district, took charge of Greensville circuit, and remained there until the close of the year. Rev. Minton Thrift, G. W. Charlton, Robert Scott, E. Chambers, (who was located,) were severally called, and except as indicated, continued upon the superannuated list. Preaching at night was announced by Dr. Sehon, at Cumberland Street, and John C. Granberry, at Granby Street Church. And then the Conference adjourned. Pursuant to adjournment, the Conference met at 3¼ o'clock, Bishop Andrew in the chair. Pra
T. A. Payne (search for this): article 15
's Orders. The Conference to elected him. Also, a letter from Rev. F. J. Boggs, from Chape Hill, Texas, representing himself as now Captain in a regiment of mounted Texas. The examination of character of Elders was resumed, and Messrs. Wm. B. Rowzie, Robt. Michaels, L. M. Lee, W. J. Coffman, John D. Blackwell, P. A. Peterson, Jas. A Moss, Jas. W. Wonnicutt, Jas. G. Hammer, (who was continued on supernumerary list,) C. C. Pearson, Joseph J. Edwards, J. McMullin, W. J. Norfleet, T. A. Payne, and A. M. Hall, were passed. Rev. J. S. R. Clarke presented the report of the Committee on Memoirs, including short sketches of the lives and labors of Rev. Jas. W. Payne, W. M. Ward, and R. T. Nixon, Ministers of this Conference who have died during the past year. The report was adopted. The Rev. W. B. Rowzie, when his name was called, gave a brief account of his transactions as agent for Wesleyan Female College. Early in the year the troubles of the times made it evident th
W. J. Coffman (search for this): article 15
he relation of this member was continued. Dr. Doggett read to the Conference, from Rev. Benj. P. Ames, a letter concerning his situation and circumstances. The letter requested an election to Elder's Orders. The Conference to elected him. Also, a letter from Rev. F. J. Boggs, from Chape Hill, Texas, representing himself as now Captain in a regiment of mounted Texas. The examination of character of Elders was resumed, and Messrs. Wm. B. Rowzie, Robt. Michaels, L. M. Lee, W. J. Coffman, John D. Blackwell, P. A. Peterson, Jas. A Moss, Jas. W. Wonnicutt, Jas. G. Hammer, (who was continued on supernumerary list,) C. C. Pearson, Joseph J. Edwards, J. McMullin, W. J. Norfleet, T. A. Payne, and A. M. Hall, were passed. Rev. J. S. R. Clarke presented the report of the Committee on Memoirs, including short sketches of the lives and labors of Rev. Jas. W. Payne, W. M. Ward, and R. T. Nixon, Ministers of this Conference who have died during the past year. The report was ad
t of mounted Texas. The examination of character of Elders was resumed, and Messrs. Wm. B. Rowzie, Robt. Michaels, L. M. Lee, W. J. Coffman, John D. Blackwell, P. A. Peterson, Jas. A Moss, Jas. W. Wonnicutt, Jas. G. Hammer, (who was continued o apologized for arriving five minutes too late, on the ground that the delay was caused by a call at the residence of Dr. L. M. Lee. Rev. Chas. Hall announced that the Treasurer, D'Arcy Paul, Esq., had left with him for settlement the contributhe Conference in attendance. Upon the first ballot the following persons were elected; W. A. Smith, D. S. Doggett, L. M. Lee, G. W. Langhorne, J. E. Edwards, Leonidas Rosser, Henry B. Cowles, W. W. Bennett, J. D. Couling, and Wm. B. Rowzie Messociety. They were nominated and elected as follows: Paul Whitehead, Nelson Head, J. D. Couling, James A. Duncan, and Dr. L. M. Lee. Rev. John C. Granberry, from a sub-committee, to whom its preparation was committed, submitted a report on the
W. H. Christian (search for this): article 15
chers to bring up to Conference the lists of subscribers furnished them during the year, to be turned over to their successors. Adopted. Rev. Jas. A. Davis brought to the notice of the body the case of Rev. C. F. N. Blogg, German Missionary, who had failed to get his pay, as was expected, and it was ordered that his claim be allowed. On motion of Rev. H. B. Cowles, it was ordered that when the Conference adjourns this morning, it be to meet this afternoon, at 3½ o'clock. Rev. W. H. Christian read a certificate from Texas, concerning the character of. --Williams, a superannuated preacher, connected with this Conference. The relation of this member was continued. Dr. Doggett read to the Conference, from Rev. Benj. P. Ames, a letter concerning his situation and circumstances. The letter requested an election to Elder's Orders. The Conference to elected him. Also, a letter from Rev. F. J. Boggs, from Chape Hill, Texas, representing himself as now Captain in
Robert Michaels (search for this): article 15
ith this Conference. The relation of this member was continued. Dr. Doggett read to the Conference, from Rev. Benj. P. Ames, a letter concerning his situation and circumstances. The letter requested an election to Elder's Orders. The Conference to elected him. Also, a letter from Rev. F. J. Boggs, from Chape Hill, Texas, representing himself as now Captain in a regiment of mounted Texas. The examination of character of Elders was resumed, and Messrs. Wm. B. Rowzie, Robt. Michaels, L. M. Lee, W. J. Coffman, John D. Blackwell, P. A. Peterson, Jas. A Moss, Jas. W. Wonnicutt, Jas. G. Hammer, (who was continued on supernumerary list,) C. C. Pearson, Joseph J. Edwards, J. McMullin, W. J. Norfleet, T. A. Payne, and A. M. Hall, were passed. Rev. J. S. R. Clarke presented the report of the Committee on Memoirs, including short sketches of the lives and labors of Rev. Jas. W. Payne, W. M. Ward, and R. T. Nixon, Ministers of this Conference who have died during the pas
William H. Burton (search for this): article 15
absence was granted Rev.--Hammer, and permission granted him to leave a vote for delegates to the General Conference. The resolution also was debated by the author, Messrs Rosser and Smith, Carter, Langhorne, and Whitehead, and adopted by a decided vote. Rev. D. P. Wills offered a resolution expressing the opinion that it would be better in every instance where the subscription is not paid in advance to discontinue the Advocate. A brief discussion ensued between the mover, Messrs. Burton, Doggett, and Duncan, when the Rev. W. W. Bennett moved a substitute, that the propriety of publishing the Advocate upon the cash system be referred to the Publishing Committee, and that if it shall seem proper to adopt that system it will meet the hearty concurrence of this body. The mover accepted the substitute and the motion was adopted. Rev. P. F. August moved a resolution instructing the preachers to bring up to Conference the lists of subscribers furnished them during the ye
P. W. Archer (search for this): article 15
Prayer was offered by Dr. Carter. It was resolved to proceed with the unfinished business, the election of delegates to the General Conference, and that a messenger be sent to the Presiding Elders to bring their votes. Three ballots were had without effecting an election, and on the fourth the Rev. Jos. H. Davis was elected eleventh delegate. It was resolved that three alternates be elected now, and upon the first ballot two were chosen, namely, Rev. James A. Dunean and Rev. P. W. Archer. A ballot was then had for the third alternate, which resulted in no election, and another was about to be taken, when it was moved that the candidate receiving the highest number of votes upon the last ballot be declared elected — which motion prevailed; and thereupon Rev. John C. Granberry was declared elected. The Joint Board of Stewards made another and final report, which, on motion, was adopted by the Conference. The Board distributed — dollars, which paid about sixty
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