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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.15 (search)
hine, whose strength increased with pressure upon it, but it was good enough for our purpose. While the work was going on Stuart was lying down on the bank of the river in the gayest humor I ever saw. He did not seemed oppressed with any care. During the night I had foraged among the sutlers and brought off a lot of their stores. Out of these I spread a feast. While we were waiting for the bridge no enemy appeared. At last, about 2 o'clock, when all had passed over, and the bridge fired, Rush's lancers came up on a hill and took a look at us as we disappeared from view. General Emory received news of the crossing eight miles off, at Baltimore Store. The feat has no parallel. In his report of what he did not do, he says the Confederates crossed at daylight, and left faster than they came. There is no evidence either of haste in Stuart's march or in Emory's pursuit of him. About 1 P. M. on the 13th, Royall's camp at Old Church was captured; about sunset we reached Tunstall's