Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Rufus Saxton or search for Rufus Saxton in all documents.

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nd Hartsville, Tenn., were captured by a body of Nationals belonging to Col. Boone's regiment and carried into Nashville.--Nashville Union, July 12. John Morgan, the rebel guerrilla leader, issued an appeal to the citizens of Kentucky, calling upon them to rise and arm, and drive the Hessian invaders from their soil. --A fight took place two miles south of Scatterville, Ark., between a detachment of the First Wisconsin cavalry and a rebel force of ninety men under Capt. Allen. General Saxton, at Beaufort, S. C., reported to the War Department as follows: I have the honor to report that every thing pertaining to the special service for which I am sent to this department is in a favorable condition. The negroes are working industriously. We have some fifteen thousand acres of corn and cotton under cultivation. It looks well. The system of voluntary labor works admirably. The people are contented and happy. When the new crop is harvested they will cease to be a burd
he continued his operations and compelled them to retire, leaving him in possession of the bridge and all the neighboring fords. During the day, he captured Lieutenant-Colonel Blunt, of General Longstreet's staff, together with two servants and ten men of the rebel army.--A very heavy snow-storm occurred in Richmond, Virginia, and its vicinity.--The First company of the South-Carolina colored volunteers was mustered into the service of the United States, at Beaufort, South-Carolina, by General Saxton. Colonel Lee, of the Seventh Kansas, with about one thousand five hundred Union cavalry, made a successful reconnoissance in the vicinity of Hudsonville, Mississippi, defeating a party of rebels in a short skirmish, killing sixteen, and capturing one hundred and seventy-five of their number, one hundred horses, and a stack of firearms.--(Doc. 39.) The ship T. B. Wales, in latitude 28°, 30′, longitude 58°, was captured and burned by the privateer Alabama.--General Pleasanton, in
ening — in honor of the Proclamation. The day was also celebrated in Norfolk, Va., by the entire negro population. They marched through the town in procession, numbering over four thousand persons, headed by a band of music, carrying the Union flag, cheering for the downfall of slavery, etc. At Beaufort, S. C., the day was celebrated by the freedmen, by an excursion up the Beaufort River to the encampment of the First South-Carolina colored volunteers, where they were addressed by Brigadier-General Saxton, Colonel Higginson. Rev. Mr. French, and others. After singing an Ode for Emancipation day, the multitude partook of refreshments. The tables were loaded with roast beef, bread, coffee, etc. Five oxen were roasted whole for the occasion. Galveston, Texas, was captured by a rebel force under General Magruder. The town was garrisoned by only three hundred troops, protected by six small gunboats: namely, the Westfield, Clifton, Harriet Lane, Owasco, Sachem, and Corypheus. Of t
January 25. The organization of the First regiment of colored South-Carolina loyal volunteers, was this day completed.--General Saxton, in announcing the event to the Secretary of War, said: The regiment is light infantry, composed of ten companies of about eighty-six men each, armed with muskets and officered by white men. In organization, drill, discipline, and morale, this regiment, for the length of time it has been in service, is not surpassed by any white regiment in this departments may be raised, which will do more than any now in service to put an end to this rebellion. I have sent the regiment on an expedition to the coast of Georgia, the result of which I shall report for your information, as soon as it returns. --General Saxton's Report. A party of rebel cavalry attacked a train on the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, at a point nine miles below Nashville, captured and paroled fifty prisoners, and made an attempt to burn the cars, but National reinforcements
July 27. Brigadier-General Saxton, commanding the department of South-Carolina, at Beaufort, issued the following to the colored soldiers and freedmen in his department: It is fitting that you should pay a last tribute of respect to the memory of the late Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, Colonel of the Fifty-fourth regiment of Massachusetts volunteers. He commanded the first regiment of colored soldiers from a Free State ever mustered into the United States service. He fell at the head of his regiment, while leading a storming party against a rebel stronghold. You should cherish in your inmost hearts the memory of one who did not hesitate to sacrifice all the attractions of a high social position, wealth and home, and his own noble life, for the sake of humanity — another martyr to your cause that death has added, still another hope for your race. The truths and principles for which he fought and died, still live, and will be vindicated. On the spot where he fell, by the
large number of prisoners.--the rebel steamer Herald was captured by the gunboat Kearny, and carried into Key West, Fla.--Major-General Grant, from his headquarters at Vicksburgh, issued Special Orders authorizing the issuing of rations to such families only, as should take an oath to support the Government of the United States, and to withdraw all support and countenance from the so-called confederate government. --the entire cotton crop in South-Carolina was seized by order of Brigadier-General Rufus Saxton, by virtue of authority vested in him as Military Governor of the Department of the South.--General Orders were issued by Major-General Banks, at New Orleans, La., authorizing the Commanding-General of the Corps d'afrique to detail from the line an additional staff-officer, with the rank and pay of captain, to be designated Corps Instructor, whose duty it shall be to superintend in garrison, and, as far as may be consistent with military duty, in the field, the education of men e
ing, at Lawrenceburgh, thirty-five miles south of Columbia, Tenn. After a severe hand-to-hand fight, he defeated them with a loss on his part of three men wounded, and eight horses killed. The rebel loss was eight killed, seven wounded, and twenty-four prisoners, among them one captain and two lieutenants. General Bragg's forage-train, sent up Lookout Valley, in front of his position, was captured. The train was sent to camp. The train-guard was also captured.--Official Report. General Saxton issued a circular to the freedmen of South-Carolina, authorizing them to locate in the lands in that department which were about to be sold by the Tax Commissioners, not exceeding twenty acres for each head of a family. The description of the land, when located, to be accompanied by the deposit of the Government price, about one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. Major--General Granger reported, from Nashville, Tennessee, that he sent a detachment of cavalry from that place, un