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to be utterly uncontrollable; and says that, in the event of the firing of a single gun in opposition to disunion, Mr Lincoln's life will not be worth a week's purchase. --Boston Courier. Captain Charles Stone, upon the recommendation of General Scott, is appointed to organize the militia of the District of Columbia. Captain Stone graduated at West Point at the head of his class, went into the Ordnance Corps, was a lieutenant in command of a battery at the siege of Vera Cruz; was brevetted for gallant conduct at Molina del Rey, and served on the entire line of operations from Vera Cruz to the city of Mexico, directly under the eye of General Scott, who expresses the highest confidence in his genius for command.--Tribune. Intelligence is received in Washington that Fort Sumter is besieged; that all Major Anderson's communications are cut off; that Fort Moultrie has been completely repaired and the guns remounted; and that every thing is in readiness to open a fire on Major A
ng extended to Hon. H. Dickenson, Commissioner from Mississippi, the courtesy due him as a representative of a sovereign State of the Confederacy, as well as to the State he represents, we deem it proper and due to ourselves and the people of Delaware to express our unqualified disapproval of the remedy for the existing difficulties suggested by the resolutions of the Legislature of Mississippi.--Philadelphia Ledger. The South Carolina Commissioners left Washington for Charleston, upon the President's declination to receive any further communication from them. They consider the abrupt termination of their business by the President an insult to themselves and their State, and treat it as a declaration of war.--(Doc. 12.) In Washington, reports that armed bands were organizing to take possession of the capital before the votes for President and Vice-President are counted, meet with general, credence. General Scott is actively engaged in the preparations to put down this mob.
t gentleman made a speech, wherein he related a conversation with the President, which he claimed showed a breach of faith on the part of the latter, leading to the former's resignation. He also counselled resistance to Federal coercion. Speeches were made by Lieutenant-Governor Montague, Attorney-General Tucker, and others. The policy of the Legislature was severely commented upon. Abolitionists attempted to hold a meeting at Rochester, N. Y. It was broken up by citizens, and resolutions in favor of the Union were passed, and cheers given for General Scott and Major Anderson. A flag bearing the inscription, No compromise with slavery, was not allowed to be suspended across Buffalo street. The authorities prevented a general riot.--N. Y. Herald, Jan. 12. Both branches of the New York Legislature adopted strong Union resolutions, tendering the assistance of the State to the President, and ordered them sent to the President, and the Governors of all the States.--(Doc. 20.)
n, and Boyleston, have received appointments in General Beauregard's staff. A large number of the members of the Convention, after adjournment, volunteered as privates. About 7,000 troops are now at the fortifications. The beginning of the end is coming to a final closing. Fort Sumter will be attacked without waiting for the fleet. Every thing is prepared against a land attack. The enthusiasm is intense, and the eagerness for the conflict, if it must come, unbounded.--N. Y. Day Book. The officers of the District of Columbia militia were ordered to meet at 10 o'clock A. M., in consequence of information relative to a contemplated movement for the seizure of the city of Washington by the secessionists under Ben McCullough. Orders were issued for the militia to assemble at their armories. Seven militia companies reported to General Scott, and between six and eight hundred of then volunteered for any service in which the President might desire them to act.--Times, April 11.
the Stars and Stripes, which were displayed in all parts of the city. A volunteer company was immediately organized. The first man who signed the roll is a prominent clergyman. The first company of volunteers left Lafayette, Ind., for Indianapolis, at 2 o'clock P. M. to-day. They were escorted to the depot by the Lafayette Artillery; and two companies are nearly full, who will follow in a few days.--Buffalo Courier. An excited secession meeting was held at Baltimore, Md. T. Parkin Scott occupied the chair, and speeches denunciatory of the Administration and the North were made by Wilson C. N. Carr, William Burns, president of the National Volunteer Association, and others.--Baltimore Clipper, April 19. The main entrance to the harbor of Norfolk, Va., was obstructed by the sinking of small boats by order of Governor Letcher.--Baltimore Clipper, April 19. Governor Letcher, of Virginia, issued a proclamation, in which the independence of the Confederate States is rec
h intervals.--New Orleans Picayune, April 23. It is now learned by the return of the expedition to relieve Sumter, that a plan was perfected to throw in 300 men and supplies by boats at daylight on the 13th. This was frustrated, however, by the Baltic running upon Rattlesnake shoal on the night of the 12th.--World, April 19. Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania, were added to the Military Department of Washington.--(Doc. 68.)--Times, April 25. A positive announcement that General Scott had resigned his position in the army of the United States and tendered his sword to his native State--Virginia, was made at Montgomery. At Mobile, one hundred guns were fired in honor of his resignation.--Charleston Mercury, April 22. Immense Union meetings were held last night at Auburn, Hudson, Ogdensburgh, Albion, Binghamton, and other towns and villages in western New York. Past political differences are forgotten, and the people are enthusiastic in support of the Administrat
Dayton, and Zanesville, Ohio, subscribed large sums of money for the support of the volunteers and their families; at the latter place, large property holders agreed to give rent free to volunteers during their absence.--Albany Journal. General Scott telegraphed to Senator Crittenden of Kentucky, as follows: I have not changed; have no thought of changing; always A Union man. --(Doc. 78.) George William Brown, mayor of Baltimore, Md., had a consultation with the President of thcount of a rumored descent upon them by Federal troops from Cockeysville, seventeen miles distant from the city; but at night the excitement subsided on receiving intelligence that the troops had been turned back to Harrisburg, Pa., by order of Gen. Scott.--N. Y. Tribune, April 26. In nearly all the churches in New York — and probably in a majority of churches through-out the country — the sermons of to-day were mainly in reference to the war. Many congregations have made the day an occasio
horne, and a number for Capt. Sprague's Company of the Thirteenth Regiment, went with the Twenty-eighth to join their Regiment at Annapolis.--(Doc. 122.) A meeting of the Harvard Medical School was held in Cambridge, Mass., at which the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That we, the members of the Harvard Medical School, do here and now resolve ourselves into a volunteer medical corps, and as such do hereby tender our services to the Governor of this Commonwealth, to act in behalf of this State or country, in whatever capacity we may be needed.--Boston Transcript, May 1. Citizens of Philadelphia, representing all parties, addressed a congratulatory letter to Lieut.-General Scott.--(Doc. 123.) Yesterday the Louisiana Guards, and today the Montgomery Guards, left New Orleans for the seat of war in Virginia. The former company, previous to their departure, were presented with a beautiful flag by Mrs. A. H. Seaman at her residence.--New Orleans Delta, April 30.
cadets as an escort, were present to receive the bodies. The coffins were covered with national flags, as were the hearses which bore them to Stone Chapel, under which they were deposited to await final and more public obsequies. On the route to the chapel the band played dirges, and the rapidly-gathered crowds uncovered as the procession moved past.--Boston Transcript, May 2. The Montgomery (Ala.) Weekly Post of this day, says:--There is no longer any doubt as to the position of General Scott. His general order of April 19 will satisfy the most skeptical. He will prove false to the mother which gave him birth. --(See Doc. 68, p. 78.) Lieut. Collier, of the United States marines, attached to the Minnesota, raised the American flag to-day on the steeple of the Old South Church at Boston, Mass. At noon the star-spangled banner was raised with great demonstration of enthusiasm from the post-office and custom-house at Baltimore, Md., by order of the newly-appointed offic
judge between truth and error.--N. Y. Tribune, May 29. The Ninth New York Regiment, which was the first to offer their services to the Government, arrived at Washington. Having enlisted for three years, they lose their identity as State militia, and at once enter service as United States troops. Eight hundred of them are fully uniformed, and will prove a valuable acquisition to the regular army.--(Doc. 206.)--National Intelligencer, May 29. A New military department is formed by Gen. Scott, out of that portion of Virginia lying east of the Alleghanies and north of James River, exclusive of Fortress Monroe and vicinity, and Brigadier-General McDowell is appointed to its command. His staff consists of Colonel P. Stone, Fourteenth Infantry, who has recently rendered inestimable services in organizing the District of Columbia Militia; Captain B. O. Tyler, Brevet Captain James B. Fry, and Lieutenant Putnam, of the Topographical Engineers.--N. Y. Herald, May 29. The blockade
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