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ated than by the eminent statesman and soldier at the head of the Confederate Government. Gen. Lee, as a scientific military commander, is at least the equal of Gen. Scott, and, considering the great advantage of being a younger man, having more robust physical health, and being the champion of a better cause, we look upon him as his superior. Certain it is, in his best days, Winfield Scott considered Gen. Lee as his right arm, and we are inclined to think that in the Mexican war he was his brains also. When Gen. Lee assumed the command of affairs here, every one knows that our military preparations were in a condition which it makes us shudder to look bnery, has not been able to put itself in position for attack, we may point with honest pride to the position Virginia is now in for defence, and claim that even Gen. Scott, with all his boasted military genius and experience, and all the vast resources of his section, has not proved himself as great and efficient a leader as the s
Gen. Taylor and Gen. Scott. The titles of "Rough and Ready" and of "Fuss and Feathers" were each, in their way, perfect photographs of tzing himself as Shakespeare had in composing his wondrous plays, or Scott in his great historical paintings. Duty was the pole star of Gen. Taylor; "Fuss and Feathers" describes the whole nature of Scott. Old Zack neither thought nor cared for the applause of others; Scott lives Scott lives and breathes upon incense offered to his vanity. The great warrior of the Mexican contest, Zachary Taylor, who established the prestige of American arms on the line of the Rio Grande, and after Scott had nearly stripped him of all his regulars, won that battle of Buena Vista which annihilated the flower of the Mexican army, and rendered Scott's march upon the Mexican capital comparatively easy, has gone down to his gracenturies in the admiration and gratitude of his countrymen, whilst Scott has lived only to survive his own fame; to disclose to a country w
lies at the mouth of Elizabeth River, some six or seven miles East of Pig Point. Sewell's Point is about the same distance North of Craney Island. These four points form, therefore, very nearly a parallelogram. Old Point is five miles North of Sewell's Point. Along the Northern shore of the Roads, it is believed that no batteries have been erected, and the Federal troops may be disembarked without any resistance. If the reduction of Richmond is the object, as the signs seem to indicate, the march of the Federal army from Newport News will be ninety miles. But whether the invasion is made with one or two or three columns, it will require an army of overwhelming force, and in the highest state of discipline, to cut its way to the Metropolis. Whether Scott and Lincoln have such an army at their command, our readers can judge as well as we; but for our part we do not believe they have. When the attempt is made, the peninsula between the York and James will be watered with blood.