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the Rev. W. Turner , Jun. , MA., Lives of the eminent Unitarians, Caleb Rotheram, D. D. (search)
ty than by one of Dr. Rotheram's pupils, Mr. Lowthion, of Newcastle, in a sermon on the reasonableness of ministers speaking freely to their people, preached at the ordination of Mr. Caleb Rotheram, his tutor's son and successor, And the names of Seddon, Dixon, Holland, Walker, &c., which appear in the list of students educated at this institution, are sufficient to satisfy any one in the slightest degree acquainted with the history of Protestant dissent during the last century, that these princitution. His theological views at this period appear to have been what are called Arian, in which he agreed at that time, as we are informed by Dr. Priestley, with his fellow-tutors, and with all the neighbouring Presbyterian ministers, except Mr. Seddon of Manchester. Dr. Aikin added some obscure notions on the doctrine of atonement, the only subject of much consequence, says Dr. Priestley, on which they differed. On all these points, however, there is reason to believe that his views, like