Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II.. You can also browse the collection for Shaeffer or search for Shaeffer in all documents.

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e attacks on their front, when the disappearance of Johnson's division enabled the Rebels to come in on their flank, compelling them also to give ground; and, though repeated efforts were made by Davis and his subordinates to bring their men again up to the work, their fighting did not amount to much thereafter. Sheridan's division fought longer and better; but of his brigade commanders, Gen. J. W. Sill was killed early in the day, while leading a successful charge, and Cols. Roberts and Shaeffer at later periods — each falling dead at the head of his brigade, while charging or being charged. This division fought well throughout; but was pushed back neatly or quite to the Nashville turnpike, with tho loss of Houghtaling's and a section of Bush's battery. By 11 A. M., the day was apparently lost. McCook's corps — a full third of our army — was practically demolished, and the Rebel cavalry in our rear working its wicked will upon our supply trains and stragglers. Nearly half the<
illiam H., on the Slave-Trade, 237; murderously assaulted by Payne, 750. Seymour, Gen. Truman, at Gaines's Mill, 156; succeeds Gen. McCall, 163; commands at South Mountain, 198; operates in Florida, 529; defeated at Olustee, 531; captured at the Wilderness, 569. Seymour, Horatio, elected Gov. of New York, 254; on the crisis, 499-500; addresses New York rioters, 506; urges the President to suspend drafting, 507. Shackleford, Gen., routed at Jonesboroa, Tenn., by W. E. Jones, 430. Shaeffer, Col., killed at Stone River, 274. Sharpsburg, near Antietam, fighting around, 208. Shaw, Col. Robert G., 54th Mass., killed at Fort Wagner. 477. Shelby, Gen., raids into Missouri, 453; is worsted by Carr near St. Charles, 554; captures most of the 54th Illinois, 555; pursues Ewing, 558. Shelbyville (or Tullahoma), position of Bragg's army, 404; Rosecrans advances to, 410. Shenandoah, Valley of the, scene of operations, 176; Sigel's movements in the, 179; enemy moving up the