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d redoubt on the summit. To-day the enemy has also retired from the front of Cheat, but to what precise position I am not yet informed. The results of these affairs are, that we have killed near one hundred of the enemy, including Colonel John A. Washington, aide-decamp to General Lee, and have taken about twenty prisoners. We have lost nine killed, including Lieut. Junod, Fourteenth Indiana, two missing, and about sixty prisoners, including Captain James Bense and Lieutenants Gillman and Shaffer of the Sixth Ohio, and Lieut. Merrill of the Engineers. I append the reports of Col. Kimball, Fourteenth Indiana; Capt. Higgins, Twenty-fourth Ohio, and Lieut.-Col. Owen and Col. Wagner, of the Fifteenth Indiana. J. J. Reynolds, Brig.--General Commanding First Brigade. Geo. S. Rose, Asst. Adjt.-General. Colonel Kimball's report camp Cheat Mountain Summit, W. V., September 14, 1861. Brig.-Gen. J. J. Reynolds Commanding: General: On the morning of September 2th, I started my tr