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I hoped would be adopted, but the plan sent by General Graham was substantially carried out, and the force sent to the rear was cavalry, and was kept too far off for effect. On the afternoon of the twelfth I received from General Smith and Colonel Shaffer (chief of staff to General Butler) a memorandum, of which a copy is enclosed. On the morning of the thirteenth I issued orders to the commanding officers of the gunboats I had assigned to take part in the expedition — the Commodore Morris, ebel loss unknown. The following enclosures accompany this report: No. 1. Admiral Lee to General Butler, April 9, 1864. No. 2. To Admiral Lee from General Butler, April 10, 1864. No. 3. Memorandum received from General Butler and Colonel Shaffer, April 12, 1864. No. 4. Orders to Acting Master D. A. Campbell, United States steamer Stepping Stones, April 13, 1864. No. 5. Orders to Acting Volunteer Lieutenant A. P. Foster, United States steamer Commodore Perry, April 13, 1854.
to his brigade commander's report, followed up the enemy a mile and a half in his retreat. Colonel Stout, commanding Seventeenth Kentucky, and Colonel Knefler, commanding Seventy-ninth Indiana, distinguished themselves by the vigor of their assault on Mission Ridge, and the ardor with which they attacked the rebels after the crest had been gained. To the members of my personal staff, Captain Bestow, Assistant Adjutant-General, First Lieutenant Yargan, Fifty-eighth Indiana, and Second Lieutenant Shaffer, Ninety-third Ohio, Aides-de-Camp, Captain Bartlett, Forty-ninth Ohio, Inspector-General of the Division, and Captain Wells, Eighty-ninth Illinois, Assistant Commissary of Musters, who accompanied me on the field throughout the entire operations, my thanks are especially due for much valuable assistance, promptly and intelligently rendered. They all bore themselves with signal gallantry. Captain Bestow was slightly wounded by the fragment of a shell in the assault on Mission Ridg