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g the wounded, until communication was cut off. Some of the ambulances which came away last, were fired upon. The train returned to Franklin in good order, preceded by the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Ohio, and followed by the artillery and cavalry. Colonel Coburn gave his orders with coolness, and throughout the whole time displayed bravery and energy. Lieut.-Colonel Henderson and Major Miller of the Thirty-third Indiana, Colonel Utley, Twenty-second Wisconsin, Colonel Gilbert and Major Shafter of the Nineteenth Michigan, and Colonel Baird, and Lieut.-Colonel Crane of the Eighty-fifth Indiana, all were most ready and willing to do their duty, and evinced courage and ability. Colonel Gilbert and Major Miller both had their horses shot from under them in the early part of the fight. The battery used nothing but shell, and apparently had very little effect upon the enemy. I should judge that the engagement commenced about ten A. M. and closed at half-past 2 P. M. Information wh
ring the night with his own regiment, and Colonel Shafter. Colonel Morgan was unloaded at Larkinsville to get rations and rest, and Colonel Shafter sent on to Scottsboro to protect that place from gantry, under a brave and gallant officer, Colonel Shafter, reported to me, instead of the Sixteenthear of Fourteenth, and given in charge of Colonel Shafter, of the Seventeenth. The section of Captd the remainder of the command in rear of Colonel Shafter. The artillery then opened upon the enanced until they drew a severe fire, when Colonel Shafter was ordered to carry the rifle-pits, whicdeep cut made by railroad. Seeing that Colonel Shafter had carried the line in his front, and thtime of the repulse of Colonel Grosvenor, Colonel Shafter was compelled to withdraw his line from tn the first assault upon Overton Hill. Colonel Shafter, with Seventeenth, was in echelon in rearde was disbanded January twelve, 1865. Colonel Shafter, Seventeenth, acquitted himself well; is
and, to send it from Woodville, to strike the Tennessee, at mouth of Paint Rock. It was impossible to reach Colonel Morgan, the telegraphic station having been removed from Brownsboro. He came up during the night with his own regiment, and Colonel Shafter. Colonel Morgan was unloaded at Larkinsville to get rations and rest, and Colonel Shafter sent on to Scottsboro to protect that place from guerillas, who were reported to have been firing at the small guard there during the afternoon. Efforving been removed from Brownsboro. He came up during the night with his own regiment, and Colonel Shafter. Colonel Morgan was unloaded at Larkinsville to get rations and rest, and Colonel Shafter sent on to Scottsboro to protect that place from guerillas, who were reported to have been firing at the small guard there during the afternoon. Efforts were again made to have rations at Gunter's landing by transport, and a message was received from Major-General Steedman, announcing their shipment.
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2, Chapter 69: transferred to New York city (search)
e taken first to Florida and afterwards to Mount Vernon, Ala. With them went a small portion of the Aravipa Apaches under Eskiminzin. There seems to have been no reason whatever for taking Eskiminzin and his people, as they were not engaged in the raid. At one time I had word from the Apaches begging me to come down and see them and stating that they would give themselves into my hands; but I answered that I was unwilling to interfere because they had broken their treaty with me. General Shafter was then colonel of the First Infantry and commanding his regiment in my department at Angel Island. I saw much of him, especially in our summer encampments, and always found him a diligent officer in the performance of duty. I did not see him after I left California till I met him in Florida during the Spanish War, when he was in command of the active column at Tampa. I renewed an exceedingly pleasant acquaintance with General Alexander Piper 1 whom I knew when a cadet. He was no
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Biographical: officers of civil and military organizations. (search)
Fitz John Porter, his reply to Mr. Hepburn, of Iowa, and his arguments upon the force bill and the tariff. His whole career since the war, marked by an unfaltering allegiance to his comrades, has continued to endear him in the hearts of all survivors of the Confederate armies. When the United States found it necessary to call a volunteer army into the field for the war with Spain, General Wheeler was commissioned major-general. In command of the cavalry division of the army under General Shafter he went to Santiago, Cuba, and was in command of the center of the line of the United States forces in the battle of July 1, 1898, when the dismounted cavalry carried the heights of San Juan. Though already attacked with fever, he went to the front, shared the dangers of his men, and by his personal heroism and wisdom in council won the admiration and love of the united nation. Admiral Franklin Buchanan Admiral Franklin Buchanan, Confederate States navy, was born at Baltimore, Se
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.11 (search)
close there was no command that presented a more solid front, or stood more firmly together, boot to boot, than those gallant boys who followed the fortunes of Wheeler from beginning to end. I believe that what I say of Wheeler's Cavalry is also true of Forrest, Hampton, Stuart, and all those other gallant leaders of the Lost Cause. At Thompson's Station, in Tennessee, Wheeler's Cavalry had the honor of capturing one who is now one of the heroes of Santiago, our own distinguished General Shafter, and I believe he was promoted for gallantry on that occasion. Only a short time before the end, the gallant Shannon, who commanded what was known as Wheeler's Scouts, captured in one night about seventy-five men who were doing picket duty for General Kilpatrick, and in this way enabled Wheeler to surprise his camp the next morning. Did you ever see a cavalry charge? Imagine a thousand imps of darkness! a thousand fiends incarnate! drawn up in battle array. In front of them is
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Charles C. Hemming. (search)
ere early in December, 1863, which was the beginning of the coldest winter ever known in the Northwest. During the next month the thermometer was at times more than 40 degrees below zero. It was while in this prison that Colonel (now General) Shafter, fearing an outbreak, offered Charlie Hemming his liberty if he would report all combinations made by the Confederates, which offer he unhesitatingly declined, and as a result was put in irons for three days. Colonel Shafter no doubt thought Colonel Shafter no doubt thought that Charlie Hemming was of Northern birth, from the fact that he had an aunt living in the State of New York, to whom he frequently wrote. On the 28th of September, 1864, he escaped from prison, dressed as a Federal soldier, having obtained different articles of the uniform from comrades in the prison. He went immediately to Canada, and by order of the Confederate Consul there, was attached to the raiders under Captain John Y. Beall, who was later captured and hung as a spy. Hemming was wi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.18 (search)
to what to do, for there was a Yankee picket on the far end of the bridge. Whilst we were talking as to what was best to do, General Bragg's wagons came up and turned into the woods and went into camp. The picket was watching us. All at once he turned his horse and galloped away. We galloped down and across the bridge and left the road. When we got on high ground we could see the Yanks in Bragg's camp. Then they abandoned the pursuit of Mr. Davis and headed for Texas. This reminiscence of Mr. Sadler gives us a new light on the character and daring of that little Alabamian who has been fighting from the time he put on long pants and hasn't stopped it yet. He was the inspiration of the army in Cuba, and a prominent officer said not long ago that he believed if it had not been for Wheeler, Shafter would have been badly beaten at Santiago. What a life that little General has led! His biography, told in the plainest language, would make the average romance seem commonplace.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Returning Confederate flags. (search)
with Spain had been fought. The sons of men who wore the blue and the sons of men who wore the gray, had marched shoulder to shoulder in a conflict which, however unfortunate, had gone far to unite the two sections. Officers who had served with distinction on the side of the South for four years had cheerfully answered the call to arms and participated in the short struggle with old Spain. The names of Fitz Lee and Wheeler had become as familiar to the minds of men as those of Miles and Shafter. Public opinion had been silently moulded by English and Southern writers. The word rebel had been changed in histories and essays for the more euphonious term Confederate. The houses of York and Lancaster in the New World were drifting close together through the logic of events. The time was ripe and the appeal was answered gracefully. The report of the House Committee said in part: Thus it will appear that the administration in 1887 advised the return of these flags to the p
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Fitzhugh Lee. From the Times-dispatch, January 5, 1908. (search)
of them, I have heard, came from the then Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Theodore Roosevelt, who thought General Fitz would certainly be where the fighting would be fiercest and most glory would be won. President McKinley had promised General Fitz if Havana was attacked he should lead the forces, but the politicians feared if such a chance was given him that the presidency would follow in the wake of the glory he would gain as the hero of the war, and he was side-tracked in Florida. Shafter was chosen for the chief command because it was thought perhaps he would probably be even less formidable in peace than in war. The scene shifted to Santiago, which became the chief seat of war. Mr. Roosevelt, we remark in passing, with that quick penetration for which he is so noted, foresaw the plans of the politicians, and sought glory with the Rough Riders from the ranches of the West. If these same politicians had known all (esse et posse) that there was in that young man, they wou
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