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Brownes Creek (Washington, United States) (search for this): chapter 40
orks, with a protecting line of palisades and an abatis of brush in front, was speedily constructed. During the day, the Eighteenth Ohio battery (Captain Ayleshire, commanding) was assigned to me for duty. A strong redoubt was built for the artillery at a point where the line crossed the Murfreesboro turnpike. My command occupied this line until the general assault upon the enemy. The position was materially strengthened from day to day by the construction and raising of a dam across Browne's Creek, at the bridge below, on the Lebanon turnpike. The creek ran nearly parallel to the line of works, and about two hundred yards in front of the abatis. It became, as the depth of water increased, a material impediment in the way of an assault. My command performed about four thousand five hundred days work in the construction of this dam. Lieutenant-Colonel Grosvenor principally superintended its construction, in obedience to orders from district headquarters. Major Roatch, commanding
Decatur (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 40
arched to Murfreesboro, to proceed by rail to Decatur, moving General Cruft's troops from Nashvilleation necessary to move my command by rail to Decatur, was on the way from Chattanooga, and transpoa, I moved with my infantry and artillery for Decatur, reaching that place in the evening of the fiion to convey my command from Murfreesboro to Decatur, and forwarding supplies for my troops by tracommand of a temporary brigade, after leaving Decatur, is an officer of experience in European armiwould probably meet me, to take my command to Decatur. I reached Bridgeport at four P. M. on theerton's ferry, to be shipped by transports to Decatur, and to march as rapidly as possible with my with but little resistance. We moved from Decatur on the twenty-eighth of December, with the wher had been heard from, and was on his way to Decatur, having destroyed the pontoon and another of the brigade he proceeded in the direction of Decatur, following the Tuscambia road. About the dis[10 more...]
Courtland, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 40
g the enemy six miles from the river, on the Courtland road, and at once attacked and routed him, caffair. December 30 My infantry moved to Courtland and went into camp on the south side of the y, December 30. Marched at seven A. M. to Courtland, four miles, and encamped. Remained at CourCourtland five days. Wednesday, January 4, 1865. Left Courtland at two P. M., marched back to SnopeCourtland at two P. M., marched back to Snope's, and bivouacked. Thursday, January 5. Marched at dawn of day; made thirteen and a half milesanother stand, but fled ingloriously through Courtland, and for eight miles beyond to Town Creek, otwenty-eight, six miles from Decatur, on the Courtland road, by a daring charge of our advanced guaember, with the whole command and arrived at Courtland on the thirtieth December. On the thirty-ourth of January, received orders to move to Courtland, as Colonel Palmer had been heard from, and other of the enemy's trains. On arriving at Courtland, found that the General commanding, with the[12 more...]
Cowan (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 40
by Brigadier-General Charles Cruft, and the Eighteenth Ohio and Twentieth Indiana batteries, amounting in the aggregate to about fifty-two hundred men, moved from Chattanooga by railroad on the twenty-ninth day of November, and proceeded to Cowan, Tennessee, where I took my command from the cars the next morning at eight o'clock and placed it in position. At six o'clock P. M. of the same day I received an order by telegraph from the Major-General commanding, to proceed as rapidly as possibletes colored infantry, Lieutenant-Colonel Corbin; the Sixteenth United States colored infantry, Colonel William B Gaw, and the Forty-fourth United States colored infantry, Colonel L. Johnson, at Chattanooga, Tennessee, and proceeded by railroad to Cowan, Tennessee, and thence by railroad to Nashville, Tennessee. reaching there with the Sixteenth and the main portion of the Fourteenth regiments, United States colored infantry, on the first day of December, 1864. Colonel L. Johnson, with the F
La Grange (Indiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 40
k, three miles west of Tuscumbia. I also learned that the pontoon bridge had been taken up on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, and that the entire pontoon train, of two hundred wagons, had passed through Leighton on Thursday, and camped at Lagrange the same night, and that it was bound for Columbus, Mississippi, with a comparatively small guard. Roddy's (so-called) division of cavalry had apparently been relied upon to prevent any advance of our forces, until the train could get to a sathe expedition or not, as I might deem best, I started from Leighton before daylight on Saturday morning, December thirty-first, taking a trail which enabled us to avoid Armstrong's force and to get in the rear of a portion of Roddy's command at Lagrange, where we captured Colonel Jim Warren, of the Tenth Alabama cavalry, and some other prisoners. About one P. M. we passed through Russelville, where we encountered another portion of Roddy's force, which had just arrived from Tuscumbia, and dr
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 40
Doc. 16. operations in Tennessee. Major-General Steedman's report. headquarters District of Etowah, Chattanooga, January 27, 1865. General: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of my command during the recent campaign, which resulted in the defeat of the enemy before Nashville, and his retrent back by train those sick and unable to march, say four hundred men. Tuesday, December 27. Waded bayou at four A. M., and marched down on north side of Tennessee, nearly opposite mouth of Flint river, and awaited orders. The enemy shelled the transports sent to convey my command over but no casualties resulted therefrom.y, Colonel William B Gaw, and the Forty-fourth United States colored infantry, Colonel L. Johnson, at Chattanooga, Tennessee, and proceeded by railroad to Cowan, Tennessee, and thence by railroad to Nashville, Tennessee. reaching there with the Sixteenth and the main portion of the Fourteenth regiments, United States colored infan
Moulton (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 40
ce, with its guard, on the way, to within twenty-five miles south of Russelville, when I found that Roddy's force, and the so-called brigades of Biffles and Russel were already stationed in our front at Bear Creek, and on the Biler road towards Moulton, to retard us, while Armstrong was reported as being in pursuit. The country was very difficult and rugged, with few roads or trails, and scarcely any forage; but we evaded, by a night march of twenty-three miles, all the forces of the enemy except Colonel Russel, whom we attacked unexpectedly on the Moulton and Tuscaloosa road, twelve miles east of Thornhill. On Wednesday noon Lieutenant-Colonel Prosser, having the advance, routed him so speedily and completely that he did not delay our march twenty minutes, and this only to pick up prisoners and burn his five wagons, including his headquarter wagons, out of which we got all the brigade and other official papers. We had but a few hours previously captured, with its guard of thre
Itawamba County (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 40
who commanded the train, that a large supply train of General Hood's, bound from Barton Station to Tuscumbia, was ahead. Early next morning (Sunday) I pushed on through Nauvoo, taking the Aberdeen road, which I knew would flank the train. I led a detachment from near Bexar across by a trail to head the train on the Cotton Gin road, and sent another, under Lieutenant-Colonel Lamborn. to follow it, and by ten P. M. had surprised it in camp a few miles over the State line, in Itawamba county, Mississippi. It consisted of one hundred and ten (110) wagons, and over five hundred mules. We burned the wagons, shot or sabred all the mules we could not lead off or use to mount prisoners, and started back. In one of the wagons was Colonel McCrosky, of Hood's infantry, who had been badly wounded at Franklin. I left a tent with him, some stores, and one of the prisoners to take care of him; about twenty of the teamsters were colored United States soldiers of the garrison captured by Hoo
Woodville (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 40
nels Mitchell's and Salm's commands) without rations. I accompanied Colonel Mitchell's columns; Colonel Malloy joined this during the afternoon. Pursuit was made vigorously till near nightfall, when the troops were so exhausted, that they were bivouacked as an act of humanity. I rode back to Larkinsville, and during evening informed Brigadier-General Wood and Major-General Steed-man, by telegraph, of the condition of affairs, and tried to get at Colonel Morgan's command, to send it from Woodville, to strike the Tennessee, at mouth of Paint Rock. It was impossible to reach Colonel Morgan, the telegraphic station having been removed from Brownsboro. He came up during the night with his own regiment, and Colonel Shafter. Colonel Morgan was unloaded at Larkinsville to get rations and rest, and Colonel Shafter sent on to Scottsboro to protect that place from guerillas, who were reported to have been firing at the small guard there during the afternoon. Efforts were again made to have
Limestone River (Canada) (search for this): chapter 40
the road, and the criminal negligence, incompetency, and indifference of a portion of the railroad employs, occasioned serious delays. On the morning of the twenty-second December, my command moved from Murfreesboro, reaching the mouth of Limestone River on the evening of the twenty-sixth, where I found Brigadier-General R. S. ranger, with his command, with four gunboats, one armed transport (the Stone River), and five transports, with rations and forage, forwarded from Chattanooga for my co are due Colonel A. J. McKay, Chief Quartermaster Army of the Cumberland, for his promptness in furnishing transportation to convey my command from Murfreesboro to Decatur, and forwarding supplies for my troops by transports, to the mouth of Limestone River. Colonel Felix Prince Salm, Sixty-eighth New York veteran volunteers, commanded a provisional brigade of my troops, and exhibited high qualities as a soldier. I respectfully recommend him for promotion. Colonel T. J. Morgan, Fourteent
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