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Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2, Chapter 69: transferred to New York city (search)
e taken first to Florida and afterwards to Mount Vernon, Ala. With them went a small portion of the Aravipa Apaches under Eskiminzin. There seems to have been no reason whatever for taking Eskiminzin and his people, as they were not engaged in the raid. At one time I had word from the Apaches begging me to come down and see them and stating that they would give themselves into my hands; but I answered that I was unwilling to interfere because they had broken their treaty with me. General Shafter was then colonel of the First Infantry and commanding his regiment in my department at Angel Island. I saw much of him, especially in our summer encampments, and always found him a diligent officer in the performance of duty. I did not see him after I left California till I met him in Florida during the Spanish War, when he was in command of the active column at Tampa. I renewed an exceedingly pleasant acquaintance with General Alexander Piper 1 whom I knew when a cadet. He was no