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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.18 (search)
to what to do, for there was a Yankee picket on the far end of the bridge. Whilst we were talking as to what was best to do, General Bragg's wagons came up and turned into the woods and went into camp. The picket was watching us. All at once he turned his horse and galloped away. We galloped down and across the bridge and left the road. When we got on high ground we could see the Yanks in Bragg's camp. Then they abandoned the pursuit of Mr. Davis and headed for Texas. This reminiscence of Mr. Sadler gives us a new light on the character and daring of that little Alabamian who has been fighting from the time he put on long pants and hasn't stopped it yet. He was the inspiration of the army in Cuba, and a prominent officer said not long ago that he believed if it had not been for Wheeler, Shafter would have been badly beaten at Santiago. What a life that little General has led! His biography, told in the plainest language, would make the average romance seem commonplace.