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Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 1, chapter 19 (search)
strong enough to dare to be frank, we broke with England. Timid men wept; but now we see how such disunion was gain, peace, and virtue. Indeed, seeming disunion was real union. We were then two snarling hounds, leashed together; we are now one in a true marriage, one in blood, trade, thought, religion, history, in mutual love and respect; where one then filched silver from the other, each now pours gold into the other's lap; our only rivalry, which shall do most honor to the blood of Shakespeare and Milton, of Franklin and Kane. In that glass we see the story of North and South since 1787, and I doubt not for all coming time. The people of the States between the Gulf and the great Lakes, yes, between the Gulf and the Pole, are essentially one. We are one in blood, trade, thought, religion, history; nothing can long divide us. If we had let our Constitution grow, as the English did, as oaks do, we had never passed through such scenes as the present. The only thing that divid
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 1, chapter 24 (search)
e from which he sprung. I am about to compare and weigh races; indeed, I am engaged tonight in what you will think the absurd effort to convince you that the negro race, instead of being that object of pity or contempt which we usually consider it, is entitled, judged by the facts of history, to a place close by the side of the Saxon. Now races love to be judged in two ways, --by the great men they produce, and by the average merit of the mass of the race. We Saxons are proud of Bacon, Shakespeare, Hampden, Washington, Franklin, the stars we have lent to the galaxy of history; and then we turn with equal pride to the average merit of Saxon blood, since it streamed from its German home. So, again, there are three tests by which races love to be tried. The first, the basis of all, is courage,--the element which says, here and to-day, This continent is mine, from the Lakes to the Gulf: let him beware who seeks to divide it! [Cheers.] And the second is the recognition that force is
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 1, chapter 25 (search)
ns never to prosecute a liquor-seller, unless he be one who would not have received a license under the old license act. In other words, the State says, On mature consideration, I prohibit the sale. The City says, I shall allow it,--help yourself! Those whom it would not have licensed are nuisances, as it calls them;--houses vulgar, noisy, disorderly; kept, as the Dogberry of the Board of Aldermen told us at the State House, by imbecile old men and ancient women, --as the constable of Shakespeare's play arrested all vagrant men. That is the position of the city. The law is intentionally and avowedly set aside. The city government announces that it does not intend to obey it; makes no effort, and never has made any, to enforce it. What is the result? The result is, that there are at least three thousand places in the city where liquor is publicly and continually sold. These consist partly of dram-shops, partly of gambling saloons, partly of houses of prostitution. They number
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall), To the same. (search)
dolent in examining the systems of great writers; that I have not enough cultivated habits of thought and reflection upon any subject. The consequence is, my imagination has ripened before my judgment; I have quickness of perception, without profoundness of thought; I can at one glance take in a subject as displayed by another, but I am incapable of investigation. What time I have found since I wrote you last has been pretty much employed in reading Gibbon. I have likewise been reading Shakespeare. I had before taken detached views of the works of this great .master of human nature; but had never before read him. What a vigorous grasp of intellect; what a glow of imagination he must have possessed; but when his fancy droops a little, how apt he is to make low attempts at wit, and introduce a forced play upon words. Had he been an American, the reviewers, in spite of his genius, would have damned him for his contempt of the unities. It provokes me to see these critics with their
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall), Index. (search)
e grave of Colonel Shaw at, 238. Fourier, Francois Charles Marie, 199. Francis, Miss A. B., letters to, 231, 251, 258. Francis, Convers, aids and encourages his sister, v.,VI.,1; letters to l,2,4, 5, 6, 7, 12,16, 17, 29, 33. 39, 40, 50, 58, 63, 64, 65, 74, 89, 98; on the death of his wife, 163; death of, 172. Francis, Lydia Maria, birth of, v.; her first schooling, v., VI.; ambitious to write a novel, VI.; reads Paradise lost, 1, 2; Guy Mannering, 2; Gibbon's Roman Empire, 4; Shakespeare, 4; The Spectator, 5; Johnson her favorite writer, 5; takes a school in Gardiner, Me., 5; her opinion of Byron, 7: discusses Paley's system, 7; her early literary successes, VII., 10; first meets Mr. Child, 8; her marriage, 10. Freedmen's book, The, by Mrs. Child, 192, 201. Free Religious Association, meeting of the, 239. Fremont, John C., 79: his emancipation proclamation, 162. Friends, the, degeneracy of, 22, 28. Frothingham, Rev. O. B., 232. Frugal Housewife, The, VII.
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall), Standard and popular Library books, selected from the catalogue of Houghton, Mifflin and Co. (search)
, I vol Goldsmith and Gray, I vol. Herbert and Vaughan, I vol. Herrick, I vol. Hood, 2 vols. Milton and Marvell, 2 vols. Montgomery, 2 vols. Moore, 3 vols. Pope and Collins, 2 vols. Prior, i vol. Scott, 5 vols. Shakespeare and Jonson, I vol. Chatterton, I vol. Shelley, 2 vols. Skelton and Donne, 2 vols. Southey, 5 vols. Spenser, 3 vols. Swift, 2 vols. Thomson, I vol. Watts and White, i vol. Wordsworth, 3 vols. Wyatt and Surrey, I vothe Noted Names of Fiction. $2.00. Edwin P. Whipple. Works. Critical Essays. 6 vols., $9.00. Richard Grant white. Every-Day English. 12mo, $2.00. Words and their Uses. x2mo, $2.00. England Without and Within. 12mo, $2.00. Shakespeare's Complete Works. 3 vols. cr. 8vo. (In Press.) Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. Faith Gartney's Girlhood. 12mo, $1.50. Hitherto. 12mo, $1.50. Patience Strong's Outings. l2mo, $1.50. The Gayworthys. 12mo, $1.50. Leslie Goldthwaite.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Chapter 1: Cambridge and Newburyport (search)
ritten in the beginning of H.'s Browning: Since Chaucer was alive and hale No man hath walked along our roads with step So active, so inquiring eye, or tongue So varied in discourse. H. describes meeting him walking in the street, looking so firm, condensed, and animated, with bright eyes peering about in every direction: and this seems to be his impression of him everywhere — perfect health and freshness, with no fine frenzy, but universal animation and activity. Such, I fancy, Shakespeare might have been, and I quite like to fancy Browning such. She seems frail, but well, for her, the bold one having won fire to transform her to health. I should have added that this great hall they live in is hung with its fine old antique tapestry and they wave round the little lady till she looks as shadowy as any of the knights and ladies there portrayed. After Hurlbut's return, the chronicle was thus continued: Hurlbut ... was as agreeable as only he can be. . . . Mary cons
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Chapter 2: the Worcester period (search)
philosophy are of the wildest. He has led a strange Indian life, the author, and his errors and extremes are on the opposite from most people's. . . Thoreau has sent me his book [ Walden ], which I have enjoyed as much, I think, as the other; it is calmer and more whole, crammed with fine observation and thought, and rising into sublimity at the last. . . . The two authors, whom I am chiefly anxious that you should read earnestly and appreciatively, are (as you perhaps anticipate) Shakespeare and Emerson; though when you read either is a secondary thing. From Emerson, I differ, . . . in temperament, attitude, and many conclusions; but in spite of this I know of no author whose writings seem to me so densely crowded with absolute truth, and so graceful in beauty; though there is never any artistic wholeness in his Essays; they are a series of exquisite sentences; and yet more than this I value for you that noble calmness, gentleness, courage, and freedom; and that pure air and
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 1, Chapter 3: Apprenticeship.—1818-1825. (search)
end of October, and discussed the political situation. The importance of united action on the part of the Federalists, now so largely in the minority, was emphasized, and their support of William H. Crawford for the Presidency in opposition to John Quincy Adams was strongly urged; yet while Aristides had much to say in depreciation of the latter, he evidently knew very little of the former, and simply supported him because he was the candidate of the Pickering faction. Quotations from Shakespeare and Junius prefixed to two or three of the letters indicate that the writer was already familiar with those masters of the language. Aside from his great sorrow in the loss of his mother and sister, the last three years of Lloyd's apprenticeship were very happy years to him. Trusted by his master with the entire supervision of the printing-office, and with the editorial charge of the Herald when he was himself absent; devoting his spare hours to reading and study; encouraged by the rec
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life, VI: in and out of the pulpit (search)
t they were spoken to them by a comrade, and she gives a vivid description of a Christmas tree which he had for poor children, an unusual and exciting event in those days. One small child who had spent a day with the minister told his parents that Mr. Higginson was a real boy; which meed of praise the latter reported with glee to his mother. The young clergyman gathered around him also a remarkable bevy of maidens who studied English poetry with him and for whom he planned a course of Shakespeare readings. These young girls assisted him in the evening school which he established for working-people. This evening school was one of the first in the country, and the experiment led to similar schools in other States. Some of these Mr. Higginson aided in establishing, as the one in Dover, New Hampshire. In his carefully kept records of the evening schools of Newburyport are the names of male and female pupils with their various employments and the factories where they worked. Even
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