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Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II.. You can also browse the collection for Shelby or search for Shelby in all documents.

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mong the negro volunteers. Part of Cabell's command, which (as we have seen) had been worsted, in the Indian Territory, by Blunt and Phillips, undertook, under Shelby, a Fall raid into Missouri--probably in quest of subsistence. Emerging from the Choctaw region of the Indian Territory, tile raiders passed rapidly through the nss of some 300 killed, wounded, and prisoners. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 14, 1863. Maj.-Gen Halleck, General-in-Chief: Gen. Brown brought the Rebels under Shelby to a decisive engagement yesterday. The fight was obstinate and lasted five hours. The Rebels were finally completely routed and scattered in all directions, witon: whence, gathering up what force lie could, he advanced on Bolivar, moving by Humansville and Stockton on Lamar, where he hoped to intercept their flight. But Shelby had already passed through Humansville, hotly pursued, losing there his last gun, when McNeil reached that point; so the latter joined the hunt through Greenfield
ains, escapes to little Rock Gen. Carr worsts Shelby at St. Charles Col. Brooks fights Dobbins at Big Cree's Shelby captures the 54th Illinois Union State Convention in Arkansas Steele's inefficiSaline, the Rebel cavalry, under Marmaduke and Shelby, had skirmished sharply with our advance; and , was assailed next day, when 12 miles out, by Shelby's cavalry, which it easily beat off, camping fle entered Little Rock May 2d. Late June, Shelby crossed the Arkansas eastward of Little Rock, maduke soon approaching with renforcements for Shelby, Carr fell back on Clarendon, 20 miles below Drst distinct warning; apprising Rosecrans that Shelby, then at Batesville, northwestern Arkansas, wary men were sharply assailed by a column under Shelby, which had been pursuing therm; but, though sh from Rolla by Gen. McNeil to his assistance. Shelby then drew off, and Ewing proceeded at his leist, says: While Ewing's fight was going on. Shelby advanced to Potosi, and thence to Big river br[2 more...]
220. Carney's bridge, La., encounter at, 328. Carr, Gen., at Pea Ridge, 28 to 31; attacks Shelby in Arkansas, and captures 200 prisoners, 554. Carroll, Gen., severely wounded, 177. Carter Rebels into Arkansas. 26-7; organization of militia, 35: Unionists advance into Arkansas, 35-6; Shelby's raid into, 453; Marmaduke's raid into, 446 to 448; Quantrell's raid into Western, 450; Cabell'Rappahannock, 352; of Morgan into Indiana and Ohio, 405; of Wheeler into East Tennessee, 433; of Shelby into Missouri, 453; of Rebel iron-clads from Charleston, 465; on the Sam Gaty. 447; of Marmadukietam, fighting around, 208. Shaw, Col. Robert G., 54th Mass., killed at Fort Wagner. 477. Shelby, Gen., raids into Missouri, 453; is worsted by Carr near St. Charles, 554; captures most of the ections, 486; account of, 508-10; the October, of 1864, 671-3. St. Charles, Ark., Carr fights Shelby at, 554. Steedman, Capt., naval expedition, 459. Steedman, Gen. J. B., at Chickamauga, 422