Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 2, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for A. C. Sherman or search for A. C. Sherman in all documents.

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California with a gentleman crew, at the time of the gold fever. It appears that his crew was composed mostly of students from some college in the interior of New York — all intelligent young men, and of wealthy families, and treated very kindly by the captain and his officers. While off Cape Horn, on her passage out, the ship encountered a very heavy gale, accompanied by hail and snow; and after lying to for many hours under nothing but close-reefed main top-sail, it became necessary to take in even that sail.--All the "boys" were safely stowed below in the forecastle, when the mate went forward and sung out, "Come on deck, all of you, and furl this main-topsail." Surprised, after the lapse of a few minutes, in not seeing the crew come up, the mate again went forward and said, "If you don't come on deck soon the top-sail will blow away." "All right, Mr. Sherman," was the reply, "please tell the Captain that we have concluded to let the topsail blow away, and we'll pay for it."