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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The gun-boats at Belmont and Fort Henry. (search)
ifled 42-pounders, 1 rifled boat-howitzer. Second Division: Lieut. S. L. Phelps, commanding: Conestoga, Lieut.-Commanding S. L. Phelps: 4 32-pounders; Tyler, Lieut.-Commanding William Gwin: 1 32-pounder, 6 8-inch; Lexington, Lieut.-Commanding J. W. Shirk: 2 32-pounders, 4 8-inch. The Union loss as officially reported was: Cincinnati, killed, 1; wounded, 9. Essex, killed, 6; wounded, 18; missing, 5. Total killed, 7; wounded, 27; missing, 5. Total,39.--editors. On the 5th the flag-officer insped his troops to take part in a land attack, but the heavy rains had made the direct roads to the fort almost impassable. The wooden gun-boats Conestoga, Commander S. L. Phelps, Tyler, Lieutenant-Commander William Gwin, and Lexington, Lieutenant J. W. Shirk, engaged the enemy at long range in the rear of the iron-clads. After the battle they pursued the enemy's transports up the river, and the Conestoga captured the steamer Eastport. The news of the capture of Fort Henry was received with
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The battle of Shiloh. (search)
was gone as a division, many of its members having been killed, wounded, or captured. But it had rendered valiant service before its final dispersal, and had contributed a good share to the defense of Shiloh. There was, I have said, a deep ravine in front of our left. The Tennessee River was very high, and there was water to a considerable depth in the ravine. Here the enemy made a last desperate effort to turn our flank, but was repelled. The gun-boats Tyler and Lexington, Gwin and Shirk commanding, with the artillery under Webster, aided the army and effectually checked their further progress. Before any of Buell's troops had reached the west bank of the Tennessee, firing had almost entirely ceased; anything like an attempt on the part of the enemy to advance had absolutely ceased. There was some artillery firing from an unseen enemy, some of his shells passing beyond us; but I do not remember that there was the whistle of a single musket-ball heard. As his troops arriv
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Shiloh reviewed. (search)
nt says of this incident: At a late hour in the afternoon a desperate effort was made by the enemy to turn our left and get possession of the landing, transports, etc. This point was guarded by the gun-boats Tyler and Lexington, Captains Gwin and Shirk, U. S. Navy, commanding, four 20-pounder Parrott guns, and a battery of rifled guns. As there is a deep and impassable ravine for artillery or cavalry, and very difficult for infantry, at this point, no troops were stationed here, except the necs named both being present. An advance was immediately made upon the point of attack and the enemy soon driven back. In this repulse, much is due to the presence of the gun-boats Tyler and Lexington, and their able commanders, Captains Gwin and Shirk. My own official report is to the same effect. In a calm review of the battle, not unfriendly to General Grant, and written some years after the occurrence, General Hurlbut said: About 6 P. M. this movement (for a final attack at the landing)
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The opposing forces at Shiloh. (search)
th Wis., Col. David E. Wood; H, 1st Ill. Artillery, Capt. Axel Silfversparre; I, 1st Ill. Artillery, Capt. Edward Bouton; B, 2d Ill. Artillery, Capt. Relly Madison; F, 2d Ill. Artillery, Capt. John W. Powell (w); 8th Ohio Battery, Capt. Louis Markgraf. Loss unassigned troops: k, 39; w, 159; m, 17 = 215. The total loss of the Army of the Tennessee was 1513 killed, 6601 wounded, and 2830 captured or missing = 10,944. Union gun-boats. Tyler, Lieut.-Com. William Gwin; Lexington, Lieut.-Com. James W. Shirk. Army of the Ohio. Major-General Don Carlos Buell. Second division. Brig.-Gen. Alexander McD. McCook. Fourth Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Lovell H. Rousseau: 6th Ind., Col. Thomas T. Crittenden; 5th Ky., Col. H. M. Buckley; 1st Ohio, Col. B. F. Smith; 1st Battalion, 15th U. S. (Capt. Peter T. Swaine), and 1st Battalion, 16th U. S. (Capt. Edwin F. Townsend), Major John H. King; 1st Battalion, 19th U. S., Maj. S. D. Carpenter. Brigade loss: k, 28; w, 280; m, 3= 311. Fifth Brigade, Col.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Naval operations in the Vicksburg campaign. (search)
ant-Commander John G. Walker, Louisville, Lieutenant-Commander Elias K. Owen, and Cincinnati, Lieutenant George M. Bache; the ram Monarch, Colonel C. R. Ellet; the gun-boats Black Hawk, Lieutenant-Commander K. R. Breese, and Tyler, Lieutenant-Commander James W. Shirk; and the tin-clads, Rattler, Lieutenant-Commander Watson Smith, and Glide, Lieutenant S. E. Woodworth. McClernand's force, comprising Sherman's and Morgan's corps, accompanied the fleet in transports. As a feint the vessels ascennant-Commander E. K. Owen; Carondelet, Lieutenant J. M. Murphy; Mound City, Lieutenant-Commander Byron Wilson (attacking the lower batteries); Lafayette, Captain Henry Walke; Benton (flag-ship), Lieutenant J. A. Greer, and Tuscumbia, Lieutenant-Commander J. W. Shirk; steaming slowly with a current of five or six knots, 150 yards apart and 100 yards from the shore, except the Lafayette, which rounded to above the fort on the Point of Rocks, ran into the shoal water, and took a flanking position 6
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Union vessels in the Vicksburg operations. (search)
owitzers; June 8th, 1863, 6 guns, 2 howitzers; Lafayette, Capt. H. Walke (Vicksburg and Grand Gulf), 6 guns, 4 howitzers; Chillicothe, Lieut.-Com. J. P. Foster (Yazoo Pass), 2 guns; Indianola, Lieut.-Com. George Brown, 4 guns; Tuscumbia, Lieut.-Com. J. W. Shirk (Vicksburg and Grand Gulf), 5 guns. Rodgers gun-boats.--Conestoga, Lieut. G. W. Blodgett (St. Charles), Lieut.-Com. T. O. Selfridge, 4 guns, 1 howitzer; Lexington, Lieut. James W. Shirk (St. Charles, Yazoo River, Dec., ‘62, Arkansas PLieut. James W. Shirk (St. Charles, Yazoo River, Dec., ‘62, Arkansas Post); Lieut.-Com. S. L. Phelps (Cumberland River, Jan.,‘63); Lieut.-Com. Le Roy Fitch (Tennessee and Cumberland rivers); Lieut. G. M. Bache (White River), 6 guns; Sept., ‘62, 7 guns, 1 howitzer; Tyler, Lieut. William Gwin (action with Arkansas, July 15, ‘62); Lieut.-Com. J. M. Prichett (Yazoo River, Dec., ‘62, Helena), 7 guns; Sept., ‘62, 9 guns, 1 howitzer. Ellet rams.--Lieut.-Col. A. W. Ellet, Col. C. R. Ellet. (Originally employed without armament; subsequently howitzers or other
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 14: battle and capture of Fort Henry by the Navy. (search)
; Carondelet, 13 gulls Com. Walke, on the left of the Cincinnati; and the St. Louis, 13 guns, Lieut. Paulding, on the left of all. The Conestoga (wooden), 3 guns, Lieut. Phelps; Taylor (wooden). 9 guns, Lieut. Gwin; Lexington (wooden), 9 guns, Lieut. Shirk. These vessels all told mounted 76 guns; but as they were obliged to fight bow on and could therefore only use their bow guns, there were only twelve guns brought into action by the iron-clads and five or six by the wooden vessels, which weret Assistant Engineer; George D. Simms, Second Assistant Engineer; Jeremiah Wetzel, Third Assistant Engineer; S. B. Brittan, Master's Mate; Matthias B. Snyder, Gunner; Thomas Steel, Carpenter;---Fletcher, Armorer. Gun-boat Lexington. James W. Shirk, U. S. N., Lieutenant Commanding; Jacob S. Hurd, First Master; Martin Dunn, Second Master; James Fitzpatrick, Third Master; Sylvester Poole, Fourth Master; James McCamant, Pilot; William Ford, Pilot; George W. Garver, Assistant Surgeon; Augus
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 15: capture of Fort Donelson and battle of Shiloh. (search)
eut. Phelps, had pushed on up the Tennessee as far as Florence, Alabama, greatly alarming the inhabitants, but carrying comfort to the loyal citizens, who were glad to see the old flag floating over their waters. When about twenty-five miles above the fort, Phelps found the draw at the railroadcrossing closed, and the machinery for working it disabled, but men were landed, in an hour the draw was opened, and the following gun-boats passed through: Taylor, Lieut.-Com.Gwin; Lexington, Lieut.-Com. Shirk, and the Conestoga, Lieut.-Com. Phelps. In a short time this flotilla caused the enemy to abandon and burn three steam transports, filled with military stores, submarine batteries, powder, cannon and projectiles. These vessels exploded with such force as to endanger the Union gun-boats. Skylights were broken, doors forced open and the light upper decks raised bodily. This did not stop the progress of the latter, however, and they proceeded up the river, doing good work in breakin
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 16: operations on the Mississippi. (search)
of March Lieut.-Com. Gwin learned that the enemy were fortifying Pittsburg Landing, and proceeded up the river in the Taylor, followed by the Lexington, Lieut.-Com. James W. Shirk. When within 1,200 yards of the landing the gun-boats were fired on by the Confederate batteries, consisting of six or eight fieldpieces, some of them orth Carolina and Virginia. With the Cumberland and the Tennessee Rivers, and all the railroads in the Union possession, the rebellion would have been Commander James W. Shirk. confined to the other States, and the resources of Tennessee would have been lost to the Confederate cause. It would have been better to have thrown thH. Walke; Cincinnati, Commander R. N. Stembel; St. Louis, Lieut.-Commanding L. Paulding; Pittsburgh, Lieut.-Commanding E. Thompson; Lexington, Lieut.-Commanding J. W. Shirk, with four transports, each having five mortar-boats in tow; also a magazine boat and a provision boat. The squadron was accompanied by troops under General Bu
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 24: Second attack on Vicksburg, etc. (search)
In the meantime the transports steamed down the river in good order leaving nothing behind that could be of any use to the enemy. The following named vessels took part in the Yazoo expedition: Black Hawk, (flagship) Lieutenant-Commander K. R. Breese, Benton, Lieutenant-Commander Wm. Gwinn, Baron DeKalb, Lieutenant-Commander Jno. G. Walker, Carondelet, Commander Henry Walke, Louisville, Lieutenant-Commander E. K. Owen, Cincinnati, Lieutenant-Commander G. M. Bache, Lexington, Lieutenant-Commander James W. Shirk, Signal, Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant John Scott, Romeo, Acting-Ensign R. B. Smith, Juliet, Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant Edward Shaw, Forest Rose, Acting-Master Geo. W. Brown, Rattler. Lieutenant-Commander Watson Smith, Marmora, Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant Robert Getty, Monarch, (ram) Queen of the West, (ram) Colonel Chas. Ellet, Jr. The second attack on Vicksburg terminated quite as unsatisfactorily as the first, and every one came to the conclusion that Vicksburg could only
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