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join McCulloch. In the mean time, however, Gen. Sigel, with a column of Federals three thousand inder the constant fire of Sigel's batteries. Gen. Sigel had assured his men that there would be no sve of which he had been pursued by men, whom Gen. Sigel had expected to capture, almost without a fi Federal commanders, Lee, Sturgis, Sweeny, and Sigel, were about to form a junction at Springfield,uis, and the troops heretofore acting under Gens. Sigel and Sturgis and Col. Sweeny. About two thoined both sides of his camp. On the right Gen. Sigel had already opened a heavy fire. By mufflinments were rapidly hurried in the direction of Sigel's attack. Gen. McCulloch sent forward Col. Heefore them back upon his main body. But still Sigel's artillery continued to play with damaging ef now arrest the tide of success on the right. Sigel fell back in confusion, and lost his last gulllt was threatened; but Fremont's subordinates, Sigel and Asboth, positively refused to sustain him,[1 more...]
k them, and sending word to Albert Pike to hurry forward with his brigade of Indians, moved out of camp on the 4th of March, with Price and McCulloch's forces, his intention being to surround the enemy's advance, some eight thousand strong, under Sigel, at Bentonville. Sigel, however, made a skilful retreat, and effected a junction with Sturgis and Curtis. On the 7th of March, both armies were in full view of each other. Early in the morning, Van Dorn had made every disposition for attack,Sigel, however, made a skilful retreat, and effected a junction with Sturgis and Curtis. On the 7th of March, both armies were in full view of each other. Early in the morning, Van Dorn had made every disposition for attack, and the advance began. The enemy were strongly posted on high ground, as usual, their front being covered with a heavy body of skirmishers and artillery, but they gave way as the Confederates advanced in like order upon them, and fell back upon the main body. Price's forces constituted our left and centre, while McCulloch was on the right. To prevent the junction of reinforcements, known to be on the way, Van Dorn's attack was made from the north and west, his columns almost surrounding t
en. Jackson, reinforced by A. P. Hill, determined to assume the offensive against Pope, whose army, still superiour in numbers, lay north of the Rapidan. Only a portion of Gen. Pope's army was at Culpepper Court-House. The forces of Banks and Sigel, and one of the divisions of McDowell's corps, had been concentrated there; Banks' corps being pushed forward five miles south of the town. Gen. Jackson, who was anxious to meet his old acquaintance of the Shenandoah Valley, resolved to attack t Warrenton road, and thence in an oblique direction towards the southwest. The disposition of the enemy's forces was, Gen. Heintzelman on the extreme right, and Gen. McDowell on the extreme left, while the army corps of Gen. Fitz-John Porter and Sigel, and Reno's division of Gen. Burnside's army, were placed in the centre. For a good part of the day, the action was fought principally with artillery. But about three o'clock in the afternoon, the enemy having massed his troops in front of Ge
side of Richmond. Grant's instructions to Butler. Sigel's column in Western Virginia, another part of the cohe Kanawha and Shenandoah Valleys. signal defeat of Sigel. Grant's combination broken down. he moves to the rs of the Army of the Shenandoah, commanded by Major-Gen. Sigel, were at Winchester. The available strengthchmond, and destroy its railroad communications. Gen. Sigel was therefore directed to organize all his availaen. Ord, having been relieved at his own request, Gen. Sigel was instructed at his own suggestion, to give up ovement in the Kanawha and Shenandoah Valleys, under Sigel, was to end in disaster. Gen. Crook, who had the im Bridge, forming a junction with Crook at Union. Gen. Sigel moved up the Shenandoah Valley, and on the 15th w of small arms, and inflicted upon him a heavy loss; Sigel abandoning his hospitals and destroying the larger portion of his train. This signal defeat of Sigel was the occasion of his removal, and the appointment of Hunte
was added the Nineteenth, which was under orders to proceed from the Gulf Department to the lines of Virginia, and which was already debarking in Hampton Roads. The garrisons of Baltimore and Washington were at this time made up of heavy artillery regiments, hundred-days' men, and detachments from the invalid corps; and the rapidity of reinforcements was the important and critical concern. On the 3d July, Gen. Early approached Martinsburg, accompanied by a cavalry force under Ransom. Gen. Sigel, who was in command of the Federal forces there, retreated across the Potomac at Shephardstown; and Gen. Weber, commanding at Harper's Ferry, crossed the river, and occupied Hagerstown, moving a strong column towards Frederick City. Meanwhile Gen. Lew. Wallace, a commander much akin in character to Beast Butler, and who had distinguished himself in Baltimore by a cowardly ferocity and an easy prowess in the arrest and persecution of citizens, pushed out from that city with Ricketts' divi