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were none but the private arms of Capt. T., which they did not disturb. While the detachment was drawn up on the boat, one of the soldiers placed the muzzle of his musket under his chin for a rest for his head, when the weapon accidentally discharged. The ball passed out through the top of his head, killing him instantly, and then passed through the hurricane deck in close proximity to two soldiers who were there. The detachment consisted of 250 men of the N. Y. 13th Regiment, under Col. Abel Smith.--Baltimore Sun, June 11. General T. A. Morris, commanding the United States troops at Phillippi, issued a proclamation announcing that Western Virginia is now free from the enemies to her peace, the United States forces having routed the secessionists at Philippi, causing them to flee for refuge to the passes of the mountains; and he therefore calls upon all loyal Virginians to come to the support of the United States Government, and serve in defence of their own soil.--(Doc. 241.
been received by him as commander of the Federal forces, and also sent to Washington with appeals for relief from Union men who, in many instances, had been driven from the State. He gave his orders received from the President, stating that it devolved upon him to stop them summarily by the forces under his command, with such aid as might be required from Kansas, Iowa, and Illinois.--(Doc. 257.) An expedition of 300 Zouaves, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Warren, and accompanied by Capt. Smith, of the United States Topographical Corps, left Fortress Monroe to make a reconnoissance in the vicinity of Big Bethel and up the route to Yorktown.--N. Y. Times, June 19. At 4 P. M., as a train with telegraph constructors and 660 of the First Ohio Regiment went up the Loudon and Hampshire Railroad, Va., they were fired upon by a rebel battery stationed on a hill at a curve in the road, near Vienna, a small station about 15 miles from Alexandria. The battery consisted of three 6-pou
s released by the rebel authorities are disabled by wounds and disease, more than half of them having had a limb amputated, Col. Burke made a selection in the same manner from among the common soldiers, and those were taken who appeared to be most disabled and weakened by disease. Their names are not given. This action of the Government was an agreeable surprise to the prisoners, and the fortunate ones hailed their deliverance with unfeigned delight.--Baltimore American, October 21. Abel Smith, colonel of the Thirteenth regiment of New York Volunteers, died this morning, at Mechanicsville, N. Y., from injuries sustained on the railroad, at that place.-Gen. Heintzelman made a reconnaissance in considerable force along the telegraph road as far as Pohick Church and Acotink Creek, in Virginia, when some of the rebel pickets were met and driven back. It was ascertained that the rebel forces were posted between the telegraph road and Occoquan.--Washington Star, October 21. Gene
e of the Journal and Democrat, and in a short time demolished every thing it contained. They then proceeded to several private houses, and served them in the same manner.--New York Times, October 22. This morning a heavy detachment from General Smith's division made a reconnoissance to Flint Hill, Va., which is about two miles and a half from Fairfax Court House, and from which there is a good view of the village. A strong picket was observed there, and indications that a large or reserve force was in the vicinity. The reconnoitring party consisted of portions of Mott's and Ayres' batteries, and companies from the Fifth (regular) and from Col. Friedman's regiment of cavalry. Generals McClellan, Porter, Smith, and Hancock accompanied the expedition.--National Intelligencer, October 21. The Sixth regiment of Vermont Volunteers, under the command of Colonel Nathaniel Lord, Jr., passed through Jersey City, N. J., en route for Washington. The regiment numbered one thousand
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces at Port Hudson, La.: May 23d-July 8th, 1863. (search)
26th Conn., Lieut.-Col. Joseph Selden; 6th Mich., Col. Thomas S. Clark, Lieut.-Col. Edward Bacon; 15th N. H., Col. John W. Kingman; 128th N. Y., Col. David S. Cowles, Capt. Francis S. Keese, Lieut.-Col. James Smith; 162d N. Y., Col. Lewis Benedict, Lieut.-Col. Justin W. Blanchard. Brigade loss: k, 81; w, 498; m, 12 = 591. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Frank S. Nickerson: 14th Me., Col. Thomas W. Porter; 24th Me., Col. George M. Atwood; 28th Me., Col. Ephraim W. Woodman; 165th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Abel Smith, Jr. (m w), Maj. Gouverneur Carr (w), Capt. Felix Agnus; 175th N. Y., Col. Michael K. Bryan (k), Maj. John Gray; 177th N. Y., Col. Ira W. Ainsworth. Brigade loss: k, 34; w, 199; m, 5=238. Artillery: 21st N. Y., Capt. James Barnes; 1st Vt., Capt. George T. Hebard. Artillery loss: k, 1; w, 6 = 7. Third division, Brig.-Gen. Halbert E. Paine (w), Col. Hawkes Fearing, Jr. Staff loss: w, 1. First Brigade, Col. Timothy Ingraham, Col. Samuel P. Ferris: 28th Conn., Col. Samuel P. Ferris
of, Int. 45; strengthened by the action of the North, Int. 46; the corner-Stone of the Southern Confederacy, Doc. 45; the increase of, Doc. 45; the conservatism of, P. 130 Sleeper, J. S., D. 50 Slemmer, Lieut., D. 100 Slocum, J. S., Major, R. I. Regiment, Doc. 124 Smalley, —, Judge, charge to the Grand Jury of New York, D. 14 Smead, Abner, Lieut., expelled from the U. S. Army, D. 24 Smidt, John C. T., Doc. 135 Smith — a regiment of the name P. 57 Smith, Abel, Col. 13th Regiment N. Y. S. M., Doc. 143; expedition of, Easton, Md., D. 96 Smith, Albert N., Lieut., Doc. 162 Smith, C. H., speech at Union meeting, New York, Doc. 117 Smith, Caleb M., D. 76 Smith, Edwin M., D. 52 Smith, Emeline S., P. 51 Smith, Marshall B., D. 75; P. 133 Smith, —, Rev., of Wheeling, D. 62 Smith, Samuel, captures a secession flag, D. 77 Smythe, Henry A., D. 77 Snyder, Lieut., U. S. A., narrow escape of, at Fort Monroe. P. 56<
ssible, till the return of high-water forced me to abandon the work. At five P. M. I returned to Suffolk, and embarked companies K, Capt. J. E. Mulford, and F, Capt. W. A. S. Sanders, of the Third New-York volunteers, all under command of Major Abel Smith; for I wished to make a reconnaissance up the west bank of the river. I left at nine o'clock P. M. At Halloway's Point, about half-way between Suffolk and Pig Point, a large, substantially-built pier afforded accommodation for landing to a march during the greater part of the night. The detachment of the Third New-York volunteers behaved likewise splendidly, showing the highest state of discipline and the most soldier-like conduct during the whole time they were with me. Major Abel Smith made all the disposition of his command on the march in the ablest and most thorough manner, showing all the skill and discretion which are absolutely necessary for the success of secret reconnoissances. Capt. Fuller, of the steam-tug C.
he parapet. There its commandant, Lieut.-Colonel Abel Smith, Jr., by dint of constant drilling and barking take the enemy in flank and rear. Colonel Smith was ordered to proceed to a point three miof the track. This was the point at which Colonel Smith had been directed to wait Colonel Clark's ime, sent out a flag of truce, which invited Col. Smith to a conference with the rebel commander, Li This ended, hostilities were resumed, and Colonel Smith soon after hearing the signal of Col. Clarhich delayed us very much. I now directed Colonel Smith to proceed up the railroad, to within threod shape. I feel very much obliged to Lieut.-Col. Smith, for his hearty and effective cooperatioe in the erection of breastworks. I inclose Col. Smith's report; also a communication from the enemant Adjutant-General, New-Orleans, La. Colonel Smith's report. headquarters one hundred anegiment: Lieut.-Colonel Commanding — Abel Smith, Jr. Major-Gouverneur Carr. Surgeon-Jame[5 more...]
board, the band struck up The Girl I left behind me ; and when the boat had moved out of the slip, they played Auld Lang Syne. The Napper Tandy Light Artillery, Capt. Smith, was stationed on the city wharf, and fired a salute of 34 guns. A vast concourse had assembled at the foot of the street, and as the boat came in view the most tremendous cheers rent the air. The troops were taken on board the Marion, lying in the North River. The following is a list of the officers: Colonel, Abel Smith; Lieutenant-Colonel, R. B. Clarke; Major, (vacant); Quartermaster, A Garrison; Paymaster, Boyd; Surgeon, Chase; Chaplain, The Rev. Mr. Lee; Commissary, Street; Sergeant-Major, J. H. Rosenquest; Quartermaster's Sergeant, Vail; Sergeant-of-the-Guard, Cheshire; Commissary Sergeant, Wetmore; Ordinance Sergeant, Carpenter; Right General Guide, Sherman; Left General Guide, Nash; Assistant Surgeon, Allingham; Colonel's Secretary, Brockway. Company Officers — A, Capt. Sullivan, Lieut. Mead;
following is a list of the officers: Frederick Townsend, Colonel, Albany; S. M. Alford, Lieut.-Col., Albany; George D. Bayard, Major, West Point; J. Owen Moore, Adjutant, Albany; J. H. Chase, Quartermaster, Albany; A. H. Haff, M. D., Surgeon, Albany; J. J. Van Rensselaer, Assistant-Surgeon, Albany; A. G. White, Quartermaster Sergeant, Albany; Aug. Limburger, Sergeant Major, Brooklyn; Francis Schoppelrei, Drum Major, Albany; Charles Gates, Fife Major, Albany. Company 1 (Brooklyn)--Capt., A. Smith;. Lieut., J. J. Fay; Ensign, M. A. Stearns. Company 2 (Albany)--Capt., H. S. Hurlbert; Lieut., W. N. S. Saunders; Ensign, T. E. Lord. Company 3 (Syracuse)--Capt., J. G. Butler; Lieut., Chas. Burdick; Ensign, Jay Wicks. Company 4 (Oneida)--Capt., E. S. Jenny; Lieut., Wm. E. Blake; Ensign, Leon H. Ballard. Company 5 (Albany)--Capt., E. G. Floyd; Lieut., George Van Vechten; Ensign, G. E. Mink. Company 6 (Oswego)--Capt., J. S. Catlin; Lieut., Wm. S. Couch; Ensign, T. M. Stone
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